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This con artist is using indeed.com to advertise for MTs. They use various cities, state the job is for a F/T MT to be paid $13 to $15 per hour. They do not list a phone number or address, but list a legitimate business Web site. This one used nestrealty.com (legit and has nothing to do with the scammer) and a legit realtor's name Marjorie Adam who is in VA. After sending your resume, they reveal this info, stating she is "also a realtor" hmm, doctor and realtor on the side?? and is currently in Dubai (Saudi Arabia) doing a home inspection, she filled the MT position but needs an office assistant and pays $300. per week. After seeing that this name and Web site appeared legit, I called Marjorie and these scammers have been using her ID. She has gotten multiple calls from MTs. I advised her she should report this to the FBI Internet Fraud department as they are doing this in many different states. I will also advise Indeed.com of this scam using their site to advertise.
My advice: Do a little checking before sending a resume. I selected "reply" on the ad, thus got the email address, ran that on Spokeo which came back to a noahmichael18@ _____ email address, there were no doctors by that name in the town advertised. The sammer listed it was in the "Essen St" area, and there is no such street in the town advertised.