A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Older (age) MTs leaving questions - anon

Posted: Sep 20, 2012

Okay, I have a question for those of you 55+ that have or are considering leaving the MT world.  I have been considering it myself but I'm afraid at this age to go back to school for anything else.  Already did that for MT and well everyone knows how that is going these days for most, so very scared to jump on that again along with the cost versus expectations of working, getting hired, and length of employment, etc.  (Not to mention at this point my memory is terrible as well, thank you menopause!)  I've considered going out into the workforce but things look so bleak at this point for anyone.  Even my kids graduating from college with BAs and MAs are having a tough time.   Yet, still again feeling the pressure of needing a job to help pay the bills which just never seem to go away these days.

I'm 57 - Looking to Leave MT

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Well, I want to get out of this field as well. I'm 57 years old.

I have nothing brilliant to offer, but I, too, have no intentions of going back to school for anything, because I already "went back to school" for MT when I was in my early 40s. I put a lot time/money and effort into the school training and subsequently into the MT career, so at this point, I don't have the energy or desire to go through anything intensive.

Problem is, I have no experience on software programs for anything in an office environment. I left an office environment in 1978 (before computers were commonplace), did waitressing for umpteen years, then decided to get trained for MT.

It is a problem for those of us in this age bracket. We aren't wanting to spend money YET AGAIN to train for something when retirement isn't too far down the pike, yet we need to get the heck out of this, if not just for sanity sake.

I really would not mind doing something brainless for the next 7 years, like just answering phones or something, or data-entry type of work. I have my ears and eyes open and everybody I know, knows I'm looking!

Anyway, you're not alone. We're in a weird age bracket at this point. The "younger" ones can go back to school for nursing or something like that.

I am 57 - cc

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I left a company in June of 2011 after six years working for them because the last year was hell, before that they were great. Once they merged it was not that same. (Not a Company that Mmodal bought). I started working for another company and that was a nightmare (talking about outdated equipment)and they laid me off. I called it the job from H____. Being IC I could not collect. A year later I am still looking for employment. I live in CT and I cannot find anything. I would love to go to work out of my home again. I think when companies see MT and working at home for 20 years they pass over resumes (just my opinion). They consider us never working in an office. I can relate to not wanting to go back to school. I considered coding but by time I get done I will be close to 60. I am going to take a couse in Excel through Adult Education next month. I really don't know what to say just want to tell you your not alone.

I'm older than the OP - and I went back to school

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to become a physician assistant. I completed the program (which included a Master's Degree) this summer and start my new job with the VA next month.

I've posted about the before, and the main point I have been making to the folks wondering if age is a barrier was that my experience so far is that it is not. I was astounded to learn that all the science credits from my BA degree from over 40 years ago were accepted, so I didn't have to take any prerequisite courses, and decades of life experience with time management and analyzing information and tasks trumped the youth and energy of my younger classmates. When I was interviewing for jobs, my age was never an issue, and several employers commented favorably on the value of life experience.

If there is a career that really appeals to you and you have access to an appropriate training program, take your age out of the equation and make your decision based on your strengths and interests and factors you can control.

Best of luck to you.

Good for you!!! - Congrats on the new job. nm

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With regard to your being close to 60 by the time - you completed a coding program

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How old would you be by then if you didn't take the coding program?

but the problem there is - downtime

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you've put in all this time and then it's getting close to time to think about retirement.
I'm almost 63, and also not getting much interest when - I apply for anything in MT. (s/m)
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So far I've only looked for inhouse MT positions. I think age discrimination is there (all were benefitted positions, and I think the ins. companies really push them not to hire anyone they *think* might be old enough to be using their insurance a lot. There's also little to nothing in my area, and I've been looking at jobs with 50-70 mile commutes. I think that scares them, too. They figure you'll be late half the time. And of course, there's that work-at-home stigma. I've only worked at home for 5 years, the rest were inhouse. But still....

And then there are the outside jobs I've tried to land. Although I've had plenty of general office and secretarial experience, it was mostly before 1980, so the equipment has changed a little since then!

In my career as an MT, I've learned countless different software programs, run countless different PCs, printers, etc. I've taught myself a little bit of Excel and Powerpoint, but I frankly don't have the time to do more than just play with it once in a while.

Yet all these plain ol' secretarial and clerk jobs want you to be a veritable virtuoso on these programs! I don't understand why not a single one of them is interested in a little on-the-job training.

Even if you go to school, if what you're learning is computer-related, it's almost guaranteed it'll be obsolete before you're able to land a job that uses it. I had this happen when I took Word Processing in college. Back then, the big thing was the Wang computer. All the businesses were getting them, and I was steered towards that particular course. So I took the course, and not only did my employer decide NOT to get a computer for transcription for 2 more years, but when they did, they got an IBM!

I've taken other courses where they just cram all this information into your head in one short day, or week, or semester, and whatever skills you don't use IMMEDIATELY, you promptly forget.

So, I'm just not going to waste precious time and money taking classes in something I can learn more thoroughly while actually USING it.

You would think someone with half a brain doing the hiring would know enough about the economy, to know that an older worker most likely will NOT be retiring at 65, and many not even at 70. Some of us (like me), NEVER. And you would think they would be aware that by hiring an ex-employee of n MTSO, they'd be getting a person who has been through a lot, and still survived, and in exchange for a fair wage, would be willing to work their butts off for them. (Plus, older workers don't have the problem of small children always getting sick and having to stay home from school).

I don't want a high-powered, Executive Assistant type of job, but I also don't want to mop floors and clean toilets on the graveyard shift. I just want a job where the skills I already have would be appreciated enough to pay me for them, and where I would be considered worth investing a little time training.

my $0.02. - L&L

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I really feel for you. I am only breathing a sigh of relief for myself because I can retire in a year.

A college education is way over rated these days. If I had to do it again, I'd look into vo-tech schools and certification programs. We have a local small college that trains x-ray techs and similar professions in 12 to 18 months. I'd even go to truck driving school if I were 20 years younger (they certainly can't offshore that!!).

Yahoo periodically lists jobs which are in demand, jobs which don't require a degree, etc. I'd do a little research. A lot will depend on your local area. I'd never consider college again, but something with 12 to 18 months of training is not inconceivable.

I agree with $0.2 good ideas - sunflower

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I am 64 now, have been in MT since 1977. My office just went EHR and now i'm out soon. Thinking of taking a job watering plants. I was just lucky enough to keep this job until 64. I feel for all you in this predicament with EHR or whatever your status. 1 to 2 year degrees are good. Ultraound, anything hands on (echos, LPN,) go back to school.

this is working for me, - sm

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I suggested this before in other posts, but why not apply for the post office? I just recently was hired. In a PMR (or relief)position, once trained, you can fill in at offices all around you that need someone, or just work in your own. There are route drivers, plant workers, all kinds of positions, some union, some not. I am almost 60 and just did not have the desire to go back to school. In our little office, I can still work alone but have public contact, which ought to be good for me! The zillions of rules, constant changes, etc in the post office, MT has already prepared us for. It's a fit for me.

Four years ago - 56 year old here

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I started branching out into general transcription. It's not as bad as the Negative Nellies that frequent this board make it sound. I never do multi-speaker focus panels (although there is that work if you want it). I mainly do interview transcription working with graduate students and writers. I now do a 50/50 mix of MT and GT (on my own, no company contracts) and have no trouble filling my schedule. I have about 10 years left to work and I'm not worried. You should think about it. It is possible (and lucrative) to do both. Do a google search on "transcription forums" to find more information. And good luck!

you have peaked my interest.... - anon3

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do you mean that "on my own, no company contracts" you have sought out individuals yourself to transcribe for? or do you work with a specific company? If I could do just the "interview transcription" and not the focus panel thing, I would definitely be interested. How do you go about finding these on your own? please help. I am out of a job in two weeks due to emr. you may email me if you wish. I tried "transcription forums" but did not know what to look for. TIA

Transcription forums - 56 year old here

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Look specifically for a forum called Transcription Essentials. (I don't think we're allowed to post links here, but it's easily found.) You need to apply for membership and it may take a few days to be approved, only because the board owner is busy and thorough. It's well worth the wait. You'll find a wealth of information on general transcription, either to do on your own or by contracting with companies that specialize in GT. (I do it on my own and find business through my website and other advertising.)

i saw a job the other day - anyone know flight terminology?

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they wanted some stuff transcribed, I guess it was tower transmissions. They said you'd probably have to know flight terminology. email me if you wish.

Hmm 57 year old here with an idea - nn

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I will be 57 in October. I love FoodNetwork and while I am not DDD or Restaunt Impossible caiber, I love to cook. I am in a major metro area, dont want to shop with "bratty kids." I had groceries delivered, walking down a virtual aisle with Albertsons. Here, everyone has quit that concept but I see it with aging population, fuel, etc. I had a delivery charge of $10 and tipped the driver. It's my dream but talking to the Chamber here and proposing (Wal-Mart supercenter down the road -- ugh)

I'm just trying to find a job - downtime

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I really do not want to go back to school if I can help it. I'm all for on the job training.

Me, too! (all for on-the-job training), but... - (see message)

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....this seems to be a thing of the past!

It's so frustrating because I see many, MANY jobs that I know for sure that I could do every aspect of the job description, but I don't have the "X" number of years of experience doing one particular part of the job (occasionally more than one but not always), but I know, because of my past job performance and intelligence, that I could learn that part pretty easily and quickly.

I do "get it" that why should an employer have to pay to train you at something when they could hire another who doesn't need the same training; but I have so many other good qualities to offer, as I know a lot of us 55+ folks do, and it's just very hard to keep running into a brick wall.

Most of us in this age bracket probably came of age in a time where you could get a job and be trained for the specifics....jobs which now require you to already know the job or have a certain college degree in that field. I know women who got great jobs with major corporations without a college degree back in the 1970s, worked their way up, and were able to keep doing the job while they were reimbursed for getting the required degree after the company started requiring one. Those were the days, but they are no more!

It's a shame....I think they're losing a lot of good, dependable employees this way in favor of some younger worker who spends half their time on their smartphone.

General transcription anyone? - anon

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I tried a general transcription job and it was very very hard to understand, 10 minutes of frustration and a lot of blanks. Do I think, I will keep this job? No!!! I can't for the life of me know why they would give me such terrible stuff on my first day and the pay isn't that great either. I have given up.

I also think one of the problems with lots of the job ads - is that theyre generted online - (s/m)

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on point-n-click-type formats, for sites such as Indeed, Monster, Simply Hired, etc. I have the feeling that when they get to the "required experience" box, they don't have a lot of choices, and they don't want to click on "none", so they go with whatever the next-best choice is.

Once in a blue moon I'll see an ad that says "willing to train the right person", but there's usually some other requirement listed that I don't meet, such as being bilingual, or having a B.A. Degree.

But you're right - day after day, I see so many jobs that I know I could do, with just a little time to be shown the ropes. But now they all seem to want people who can walk in the door, sit down, and start doing the job as if they've been there for years, with no training or hand-holding whatsoever.

Not long ago I applied for an MT job not far from me where I could have done a great job for them. But, I could just tell they were wary about my last 5 years of at-home MTSO transcription experience. They didn't think I'd be able to greet a patient or pick up a phone. So, I got the rejection letter, saying they'd found someone else.

A month later, their ad was back up again, only they had removed the pay range and put "depends on experience", and had added more qualifications that will certainly discourage anyone with years of MT experience from applying. Yet this job is mostly MT. So all they're going to get applying for it, since they're so anal about the secretarial duties part of it, is people who think the MT part is just something on the side, and it's not.

LOL - I think the only way they're going to be able to fill that position is to hire 2 people - one for MT, and one for the reception-area work. Which is what I think they should've done all along. Idiots.

I left last year and went on disability - Cindy

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because I have a muscular dystrophy. I don't like it, but I didn't have a choice. My ankles stopped cooperating with the foot pedal and legs started twitching. So I really don't have anything of value to offer you in the way of sage advice, but will offer you a prayer to get what you need.

Medical Scribes - whether you like it or not.. - MT2

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After 30 yrs of transcribing I am going to be a "Medical Scribe." I've done a lot of reading on this and us transcriptionists fall under the "umbrella" that says we qualify. I'm not going to argue, I'm just passing along some advice. I interviewed yesterday for this position and the docs and administration were SO appreciative to have someone with my background, I've got the job. And, I will be making a considerable amount more than I was as a MT. Also, AHDI has opened up a blog about scribes and you don't have to go back to school for this position. If you have the background in transcribing and work 100 hrs as a scribe you can get certified. I was hired without certification, but I plan on applying for that 100 hr plan. It reminds me when transcriptionists were given certifications back in the day. Good luck to everyone!

good for you! - downtime

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I'd take that job too! Congratulations!

Congratulations! I hope you'll come back from time to time - and let us know how it turns out.

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I've seen the hee-haws about this new position, just like I've seen the endless complaints about EVERY transcription company on the face of the planet.

We should ALL be hoping that this turns out well for you. After all, it's a new potential avenue of employment for people and we should be grateful that some of us are showing the way.

Congratulations! (sm) - Bindi

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That's good to know. It must feel good to really feel appreciated again. Good luck to you.

Just pray that AHDI doesn't get its slimy hands on - the Scribe profession (or any other). nm

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Amen - HowTiresome

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My thoughts exactly. Wow, AHDI couldn't wait to get their hands in this new money pot. Certifying already, and they've appointed themselves Kings and set the standards for 100 hours of working until you qualify for the certification. I wonder how much it costs. Watch out for this one. Call me a Negative Nelly, but I've been down these roads too many times. A word to the wise is sufficient!!

possible option for leaving MTs - anon

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Several of my family members just got hired at a call center for Frontier, helping customers troubleshoot their computer/phone/internet problems over the phone. They passed on job info in case I was interested. They said the job was pretty easy. They made 10 bucks an hour for 4 weeks of training, then 11 an hour afterwards. Lots of shifts to choose from, extra hourly pay if you work past 4 p.m. Holidays, PTO, full benefits. We've had several companies recently build new call centers in my area, Amazon and other companies. Just thought I'd pass this along to anyone who might be looking for some ideas. I may consider it if my job gets much worse. Only downfall for me is that it's 45 minutes away.

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