A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

testing for older MTs - oldie

Posted: Mar 26, 2013

Okay. I've been out of MT school for 40 years (seriously). That was when it was Secretarial School. Now the new testing on some sites SUCKS.. Instead of just having us transcribe in the objective - they have those idiot grammar questions. Well after all these years I find some of the things on that stupid. I have passed two and failed two. How can I have different results for different companies. Run on sentence, fragmented sentence - really - we type and edit (if allowed) as they dictate. Does anyone else have this problem or have I lost my mind!!!???? I think it is the companies way to weed out we "seasoned transcriptionists" as apparently that is what they teach now in the MT classes. JUST VENTING FOLKS DON'T CRUCIFY ME!!!!

MT's been dumed down so we won't outshine - our offshore "co-workers". -Meerkat

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And so they can charge ridiculously low prices for what used to be considered a crucial line of defense against malpractice.

They change their grammar/spelling rules almost daily. They get their britches all in a wad if we type "M.D." instead of "MD", yet if VR or India does something drastically wrong, like the wrong drugs, doses, diagnoses, etc., well heck... that's okay!

This "field" has become a joke, and for the most part, the joke has been on those of us who do the work. That's why MTs are now leaving in droves. Soon they'll have nobody left to do their work except VR programs and ESL foreigners.

:( - see how bad it's gotten? I misspelled "dumb"! - another demerit for Meerkat

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testing for the elderly - Me

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I was just thinking that myself, but could not put it into words like you did.
The ads want experience with all these different things I never heard of or had to use and it looks like I have no experience. I have to lie on the exams, cause eventually they usually train you anyway. I just got fired and now I have a little over a year before I'm 62 and I just find out after 3 weeks that I do not qualify for unemployment because I was fired and she said it like I committed a crime. I can't go to jail though I will be thrown out of my apartment.

appeal the unemployment decision - nm

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I agree. Definitely try appealing! nm - Good luck

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Appeal definitely - oldie

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Somehow if you are 59+ you are screwed and the government does it to us too. Appeal, Appeal, Appeal...

You can get your unemployment...more - Babs

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You might be penalized for a week or 2 because you were fired though but you can get it.

glad to see so many posters encouraging appeal - sm

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"fired" is a word - not a legal parameter for unemployment. In other words, the term "fired" or "terminated" means nothing more than losing your job to something other than a seasonal lay-off.

You have to have done something very bad to be denied unemployment (provided you have earned the requisite amount of wages in the base period to qualify).

Yes, yes, yes. Finding reason to fire to AVOID paying - employee benefits is common. nm

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you can apply/draw unemployment for - IMANMT2

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being fired. It's if you quit that you can't draw it. The employer will challenge it and you do an appeal, in Oklahoma/Kansas it's over the phone. JUST KEEP FILLING OUT YOUR FORMS WEEKLY like you are drawing or you'll lose that money. :D Don't wait until after the appeal,er you win your appeal... like I did. ;) and when you do win, you'll get all of those checks at once if you filled out the little blue card or the online stuff they probably do now.

You can also draw unemployment and be a student if you are already enrolled in school when you make you application. You just can't enroll in school after umeployment starts. :D

Things they should teach us in high school, like a minimum of 8 years of marrige for alimony and 10 for his social security. :D

The questions they should be asking - are

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Can you make $100/week stretch to feed your family of four?

Are you willing to sit at your computer 24/7 checking every 3 minutes for a job?

Totally agree! - oldie

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Plus be ready to be QA'ed to death!!!!! Miss the good ole days......So sad where we are today.

That seems excessive - whoa

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Just wondering what kind of food you're buying...

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