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No wonder medical costs so much now days - Noyb

Posted: Sep 14, 2013

Self referred to a vascular physician last month. He saw me about 10 minutes, said he "did not have a clue" what my issue was. I have straight forward aching at night waking me from sleep pain in the legs plus very tired feelings, sometimes worse with ambulating during the day. As a lay person I could myself have a clue. Got bill the other day with my copay and his cost to my insurance was $325.00. I called office manager, explained the short time seen, also "not having a clue" thought the bill was excessive. She said would talk with him, getting back in touch with me. She left me a message telling me he had sent a letter off to my PCP telling her what he thought it was. This was over a month ago, wonder when letter sent, maybe this past week after I called and by the way I don't even have a followup appointment with my PCP who did not even refer me in the first place and did not know that I was planning to go. Monday I will once again call and let them know that now I am going to contest their charges with my insurance company. I think this falls under the category of "ripoff." No wonder the costs are sky hill because you have things like this going on.

self refer - poster

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Can you refer yourself to a specialist without going through your PCP, cause I can't do that. But you are entitled to see your medical records according to HIPAA law 1996. But you have to pay for them. I have this thing called MyChart that usually has a test result. But that doctor should have taken blood work to test for something!! Maybe you can get some support stockings for yourself to start, God knows the doctors aren't going to give them to you. Please let me know how you're doing. :)

Can always self refer with PPO insurance - Noyb

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which I have. I usually know which specialty to go to. I don't need to see the record, might just be a blank piece of paper anyway. I am never charged to look at my chart either. If I wanted copies myself I would have to pay, if being sent from 1 physician to another, no charge there. I am checking first to see when their letter went out. It has been over a month since the visit there, no followup with PCP scheduled at all. He would have done just as good to send the letter to the moon for all that has done. Like I said, PCP not even aware of my going to vascular physician.

Just curious why you did not start with - your PCP

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Or just treat yourself, since you seem to feel you knew what the problem was.

Why didn't you start with your PCP?

Also wondering if you happen to be on statins or taking red rice yeast supplements, or a diuretic antihypertensive like HCTZ.

Where did you read I said I knew what it was - Noyb

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I said as a lay person I might have a clue, never said I knew. That is why I go to a person who has specialized training and that is not me.

Answer to #2 is I did run it past my PCP and she apparently did not think enough to say she thought I should have followup. From just what I am able to read after this started could cause clots, etc. so should be looked after.

No statins, no red rice supplements and yes to the HCTZ.

there are many possible reasons for your symptoms - sm

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"straight forward aching at night waking me from sleep pain in the legs plus very tired feelings" could be a neurologic problem; you should not jump to the conclusion that this could cause clots. It could be an electrolyte imbalance.

Did the vascular doc assess your pulses? If he did not set you up for vascular ultrasound or PVR studies, that means your pulses are full and there is no indication for further studies.

You can't claim it's a rip-off just because the doctor you decided you needed to see couldn't come up with a diagnosis. ALL initial MD visits are more costly - and initial visits with specialists are the costliest of all.
Have no clue where you live but all initial consults - Noyb
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here are not costly, in fact some are done without a charge and he is not the first specialist I have ever been. Having said that, he is probably the most costly for not having really done anything at all. Had full PE last month, no electrolyte issues, other lab issues, no EKG problems. The leg issue has been ongoing for about 2 months or so now so I would not say jumping to any conclusion. Vascular checked the pulses, said fine but after his don't have a clue wanted to set up ultrasound so again the pulses being full and there being no indication for further studies did not go hand in hand here. I plan on contacting insurance company tomorrow and also have decided to write a review, which are 2 things I have never done before. Have set up another vascular visit in the next week or so, hopefully more information might be forthcoming.
I can hardly understand your post - sm
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So, did he want you to have an ultrasound? If so, you should have it.
Checked pulses, said fine and then said would - Noyb
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set up for ultrasound. I cancelled followup with him and also the ultrasound as I want a physician who is decisive. I don't think this is uncommon problem and unless he is the new kid on the block should run into this quite often in his practice. I heard letter from him sent to my PCP and idea was arterial insufficiency. It has been over a month now since I saw him and not 1 word from the PCP. I live close to a really big medical center and know some other doctors moving in that I have knowledge of. Am just biding my time until they're here so I can choose a new PCP.
so...you suspect vascular problems, fear clots - yet you turned down ultrasound?
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That's just ridiculous. Not for nothing, but it's not your PCP's job to call you. I think you need to see a few doctors.
I never said vascular problems, this is from you - Noyb
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I said as a lay person I might have a clue, never said I knew. As far as PCP's office calling, I never expected them to call as I will say once again, the PCP did not know I had seen a vascular person. I was self referred, not sent by anyone. I would have been totally surprised had the PCP's office called being as was not sent there by them in the first place.
are you pulling our leg? - sm
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If you didn't think it was a vascular problem, why on earth did you go to a vascular specialist?

Here's where you talk about clots: "From just what I am able to read after this started could cause clots, etc. so should be looked after."

Here's where you talk about the PCP: "It has been over a month now since I saw him and not 1 word from the PCP."
The post above stated should have just - Noyb
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sent letter to the moon instead of the PCP because not referred from there. I am saying it did NO good to send letter to PCP. Did not expect a call from them. Waste of paper to even send to my PCP.

Legs aching, waking at night, tired- looked it up and thought perhaps vascular. I am not the specialist though.

This would be the same if you had nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain. Would you not think perhaps GI? Same with me.

Bottom lining this because going out to lunch. I have an appointment with a vascular person coming up. Hopefully this one might have further information than don't have a clue. Later.
And round and round it goes - nm
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yep.. - squirly...
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noyb, NO ONE is going to have a clue without testing - sm
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You have normal pulses and no CLINICAL signs of vascular pathology. He doesn't have x-ray vision, you know. He needed to obtain noninvasive testing in order to try to shed some light on your symptoms. Sounds like maybe you are the new kid on the block, not the doc.
Please - oh please
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I'd like to try to help you, but you are really, really hard to understand.

It would be really nice if you at least tried to write complete sentences.
Did not come here for help, came here because - Noyb
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of whatI consider ripoff charges from a physician and stating that.
Are you an MT? - Just wondering
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sure she is - sm
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she has "straight forward aching at night waking me from sleep pain in the legs plus very tired feelings"
Ah, you must be right! - sm
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LOL! I hadn't considered that! Now that you point it out, I can see it more clearly. I should have guessed from the "very tired feelings," at the very least!

Thanks for the laugh!
Thanks, then, for wasting all our time. - You should take a writing class anyway.
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Really? You paid for his office space, - Alice
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furnishings, staff, supplies and expertise. He examined pulses, listened to you, and made recommendations. Do you understand the vascular system? Do you complain about the cost of a meal in a restaurant based on how long it took you to eat it?
Uhm, why not a family doc to start with? - Makes no sense
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I've found most family docs know more than you think and I personally trust mine more than most specialists. Self-diagnosing is the worst. I've had leg issues forever, tingling, pain, etc. and it's from my posture. Also found certain shoes make it worse.
Are you the same person who - Agree it is hard to understand
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I agree that these posts are hard to understand. They are written in a kind of telegraphic, minimal-punctuation, tangential fashion, in which the content morphs around in reaction to other posts. Starts out one thing and turns into something else, so you can't figure out what the problem is.

This reminds me of someone else who posts about bizarre situations involving physicians--the woman who got charged for surgery that she felt wasn't performed.

And you remind me of a troll who always - Noyb
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has something useless to say. Do you ever use the initials xx?
Yeah, I do believe it is the same person... - and the 2 girls for the summer person too
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here we go again....
That is what I thought - sm
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I was just afraid to say it.

yes, you are paying to subsidize others. n/m - MT55

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it has nothing to do with subsidizing others - nm

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that is so untrue - sm

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My doctor used to charge me $40 for an office visit when I had no insurance. He told me he charges those with insurance more. Now that I have insurance, I pay $135 for an office visit. Yes... I am now subsidizing others and others used to subsidize me!
do you mean your insurance is billed $135? - nm
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yes, insurance is billed but I have a high deductible - so I have to pay that
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That is not an excessive charge - sm
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I suggest you look up the Medicare fee schedule for that service.

Here is what happened ... you had symptoms you found alarming, your PCP found nothing wrong with you. You read around until you came up with an equally alarming condition and decided you had it. You made an appointment on your own with an expensive specialist, knowing your insurance would not pay it. When the specialist examined you in what seems to me to be an appropriate fashion, but also found nothing obviously wrong and ordered (also appropriately) an ultrasound, you became angry. You left his office. After you got the bill, you refused the ultrasound and the followup appointment.

You then came here to complain about the excessive cost, that the doctor did nothing for you, about letters that were or were not sent, about your PCP who did or did not inform you of the letter, and you are now threatening to report him to the medical board and your insurer, and to get a new PCP, and you are now waiting for a big clinic to be built so you can fire all your "indecisive" doctors and find someone who will ... agree with you that you are sick.

The charge was appropriate and you need to pay it. It is now wasted money because you refused the ultrasound.

Your behavior was inappropriate. You had no need to send yourself to a vascular surgeon. You should have listened to your PCP.

You have your postings mixed up, this is not OP - Noyb
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I did not have to read up on anything to alarm myself, really? I have heard about issues like this for years, not just mine. Anyone who has done this work for 20 or more years and working in a variety of specialities comes away knowing something. Where in the world do you get my insurance would not pay for it? Oh, forgot you are answering another poster's message with an answer to me. You are one confused person it seems. The physician did not examine me in an appropriate manner at all, if you call 10 minutes of him speaking appropriate? I got a bill for $20.00, not $325.00 like my insurance got. I just received the bill this week. Saw him last month so angry when I got bill, saw him? Can you point out the place where I said reporting to medical board? Why make up this stuff? The new doctor building is 5 minutes from my home and I already know most of the doctors that will be there. Wasted money? Where did that come from? Just to let you know I can refer myself to anyone I like and my cost is relatively extremely low, like free to me. Pay zilch for it so take full advantage of going to which ever speciality, PCP or what have you I want to. Get your facts straight before posting.
Doctor issues - s
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I think you need to see a psychiatrist.
The OP is talking about subsidizing Medicaid, etc. insurance, not private, people on the dole. nm - mtwith6yearstogo
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this is 1 of the reasons i diagnose myself - curly

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seriously, i have diagnosed my own kidney stones - AND cured them myself. i've diagnosed my own heart arryth, and cured it myself. why would i want to pay an arm and a leg - for what - to be on some kind of medication that will cause me a ton of other problems - or get a nondiagnosis unknown etiology - and of course i had to wait at least a week for an appointment to begin with, which meant i had at least another week to suffer with whatever symptoms. going online and figuring out what my symptoms are from and then going back online to find natural cures has done me a world of good, whereas the last few times i went to a doc, i ended up on augmentin, which caused me another horrible problem and another time the doc had no idea what to do for me, and yet another time what he did made it worse!

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