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Mommy jobs online, anyone know sm - anon

Posted: Mar 05, 2013

anything about this search company?  I got an email from them about a job fair for MTs but it was 35 dollars to sign up for the fair.  It's an employment service but just wondeing if anyone has heard anything about them?

Ridiculous - sm

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There are plenty of MT jobs out there. I wouldn't dream of paying someone money to find one for me. Are you out of work?

Mommy jobs - Old Pro

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Sounds like a SCAM to me.

I got an email too, so - LongtimeMT

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so they must have an MT email database they are pulling from. It also says on the website that you have to be a member for $150.00 and I think that is in addition to the $35.00 for the "fair." I agree with the other poster, I wouldn't pay ANYONE to find me a job in this business, too risky. Go with the job boards if you can.

Interesting - sm

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I wonder what database they're pulling e-mail addresses from? I've only taken 1 test lately and that was for Accentus.
It could be from job boards, like Monster, Careerbuilder, etc. - nm
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Never had anything to do with those places. - nm
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[sigh...] - Never, EVER, pay for a job, or to sign - on with an employment agency. (sm)

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THEY are supposed to pay YOU. And the hiring company is supposed to pay the AGENCY, not you. If anyone wants money for you to get a job, it's one thing, and one thing only - a SCAM.

I made that mistake in the past. Signed on with an employment agency that, once I was hired for the job, I had to pay $75/month for 3 months. I didn't realize this wasn't on the up and up until it was too late -- AFTER I'd made my last payment for the job.

There were a few red flags along the way, the first and foremost being that the agency was charging ME, and not the employer!

Later, while on the job, it turned out 2 of us were hired (from the same agency) for a "job" that didn't even have enough work for one of us, let alone two!

The work was dummy-work: Stuffing envelopes. Making coffee. Reading computer sales and inventory print-outs to each other. Sharpening pencils. On an exceptionally GOOD day, we sometimes got maybe 10-15 minutes of data entry on the computer. (This had been touted as a "computer job". Pffft!)

The other red flag was that our direct supervisor, the office manager, JUST HAPPENED to be best buddies with the woman who owed the employment agency.

We were both told what a great job we were doing (at a totally BORING job), up until the week we both made our final payment to the employment agency. Then, like magic, suddenly they started finding fault with absolutely everything each of us did. The office manager started threatening us with termination if we "didn't shape up."

In casual conversation with another co-worker, one of the computer people, not long after that, she mentioned (probably wasn't supposed to tell us!) how strange it was that it seemed like they kept hiring 2 people for our job, and "they never seemed to last longer than 3 months."

Major suspicion. Even more major anger. A week later, the office manager went home early not feeling well, and made the stupid mistake of leaving her normally-locked file cabinet unlocked. I took advantage of the opportunity, opened her employee folder, and surprise, surprise! I discovered that not only had something like 8 or 10 other pairs of workers been hired before the two of us, for several years preceding our term of employment, but ALSO, this office manager was getting cash kickbacks every time she hired 2 employees from this scam agency!

Unfortunately, I was too young and dumb to know what to do with that information. I'd never even heard of the Labor Board or the Better Business Bureau! I was too dumb (and scared) to make Xerox copies of her files. And of course, she was back at work the next day, and never left her file unlocked again.

I quit shortly after that. Never gave them a reason, just got up one day, went out to my car, and drove away for good. The only thing I got out of all that was the satisfaction of calling the agency and telling them I had seen the employee files, and knew exactly what they were up to. And I learned a very valuable lesson the hard way - NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, pay for a job.


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