A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Joint Commission Petition for MT - PT MOM

Posted: Nov 26, 2013

Hi! I just signed the petition "Joint Commission: Petition the Joint Commission to develop medical transcription and documentation standards." on Change.org. It's important. Will you sign it too? Here's the link: http://www.change.org/petitions/joint-commission-petition-the-joint-commission-to-develop-medical-transcription-and-documentation-standards?share_id=mbSfJURsfk&utm_campaign=signature_receipt&utm_medium=email&utm_source=share_petition Thanks! Wendy

I don't think they care about us either - Old School

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I don't think anyone does. Joint Commission sets the standards, but they don't care if it's a human being who produces the report or a machine.

it's nicely written - sm

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However, the Joint Commission does, in fact, have documentation standards in place. (I'm surprised you don't know that.)

Documentation Standards - Writer

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They do not have standards in place that address the mechanics of documentation. They do have standards in place regarding the content to be documented by healthcare providers. They are quite unclear, by my own discussion with them, about the transcription process.

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