A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Commission? - ManagerToBe

Posted: Sep 28, 2011

Has anyone heard of being paid a percentage (aka commission) only on the lines their "team" produces for the client? 

As a former mgr for one of the bigger MTSOs, I would not do that.. - Watch before you Leap

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You should be on salary as a mgr / team leader, because you'll end up being on-call 24/7 (probably), holidays, nights, available all the time. Don't work for just commission!

Transportal was doing that - not sure if they still do

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We finally figured out why our team lead was such a biach, treating us like children. She was paid according to how many lines her team produced. She was a cow, though, and I know a lot of us left preferring to go somewhere we could be treated like adults.

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