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"There Was a Time When Doctors Were Doctors" by James Ong - Valley Girl

Posted: May 06, 2014

From the KevinPho MD site:


There was a time when doctors were doctors. There was a time when young men and women sacrificed the best years of their youth, learning to treat patients and conquer diseases, not to become typists, paper pushers, data-entry clerks, or to have hospitals, insurance companies, and the federal government dictate to us how to practice medicine.


There was a time when doctors were trusted. There was a time when we were not guilty until proven otherwise, as viewed by blood-thirsty bounty hunters like the wild dogs of the recovery audit contractor (RAC) unleashed by our ruthless federal government.

There was a time when doctor’s orders were meant to be orders. There was a time when our orders were not subject to endless scrutiny and nonsensical denials by HMOs, pharmacists, hospital formularies, insurance companies, and the federal government.

There was a time when doctor’s opinions were valued and recommendations were followed. There was a time when we were not routinely challenged by our patients, their families, their neighbors, hospital case managers, hospital administrators, medical officers of HMOs, or some random doctors on the other end of the phone 3,000 miles away.

There was a time when doctor’s progress note held useful information. There was a time when our writing contained constructive and consequential discussions on patient’s medical conditions, not a mere memo to be attached to the chart and artificially beefed up with worthless numbers, reports, graphs, and other meaningless rubbish created in anticipation of Medicare audit.

There was a time when doctor’s consultation note was a work of literary art — succinctly crafted and beautifully articulated to efficiently describe the patients and their diseases, and to effectively convey to the reader the well thought-through recommendations of its author.

There was a time when the reader of a medical chart did not have to scroll through 10 pages of repetitious, auto-filled, and computer-generated garbage mandated by the feds, the hospitals, and Joint Commission (JCAHO), only to get to an anemic, malnourished, and anticlimactic — albeit the most important — final section of “discussion and recommendation.”

There was a time when doctors actually wrote orders. There was a time when we did not have to go through 10 steps and 22 keystrokes on a hospital computer just to place a simple order like NPO, which would have otherwise taken 2 seconds with a pen.

There was a time when doctors actually saw patients. There was a time when we spent more time with our patients than with our computers — more time on listening to them than on training Dragon Dictation, typing notes, keeping up with meaningful use, writing rebuttals to RAC, drafting appeals to PPOs, filling out forms, updating problem lists, and reconciling medications on hospital EHR.

There was a time when doctors were welcomed by the hospitals and the communities they served. There was a time when hospitals assigned more parking spaces to doctors than to their own administrators. There was a time when there were no padlocks on the refrigerator in the doctor’s lounge.

There was a time when doctors actually utilized their brains at work. There was a time when practicing medicine was not just about completing forms, checking boxes, navigating pathways, meeting core measures, and predicting — before patients actually arrive at the hospital — whether they would be inpatient or outpatient according to Medicare rules.

There was a time when doctors spent more time thinking about patient care than pushing papers. There was a time when we did not have to sign more documents for a simple outpatient procedure than what is required on a home mortgage application.

There was a time when HMO was still a three-letter word. There was a time when JCAHO was still a five-letter word. There was a time when Obamacare was not a four-letter word.

There was a time when private health insurance was considered good insurance. There was a time when the acronym PPO was not used for blasphemy.

There was a time when patients actually paid their bills. There was a time when the words co-pay, deductible, and coinsurance meant what they truly meant, not some random numbers subject to inventive negotiation and crafty blackmail tactics by some patients.

There was a time when doctors were judged by their credentials and by their professional peers. There was a time when our medical school diploma meant more than the reviews on certain online social media intended for rating restaurants, plumbers, and prostitutes.

There was a time when young men and women went to medical school because having “M.D.” behind our names was the most honorable and respectable thing to do. There was a time when professional gratification for physicians was not an oxymoron.

There was a time when doctors were doctors, physicians, and surgeons. There was a time when we were not referred to as contractors, providers, or whatever other denigrating and demoralizing monikers insurance and government bodies choose to confer on all of us who have dedicated our lives to this once prestigious and highly respected profession.

There was a time when doctors were real doctors.

James Ong is a cardiologist.


[And transcriptionists were respected for helping to create that literary art....]

There was a time - mtinmi

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Wow..pretty powerful. Going to the website and reading some of the articles really opened up my eyes. It is hard to think that MDs, whom have always had my upmost respect, are going through the same browbeating as us. It is heartbreaking to see what the medical field has turned into. No wonder no one wants to listen to us, there are bigger problems. To me it seems as if the non-medical administrators have control of patient care and all that matters is the profit made by insurance companies and corporations. Many years ago the patient mattered, that is no longer the case, now the $$ is all that matters. As a human being, this scares the crap out of me, where will it end? Is there even an answer?

There was a time when insurance was real coverage - before "managed care" took over

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I know. Prior to transferring my skills to MT 20 years ago, I was a medical claims adjuster for 18 years for many large insurance companies.

That was back in the good old 80/20 days when nothing needed preauthorization, almost everything truly medically necessary was covered, and the relationship was between the patient and the doctor, and hospitals did what the doc ordered.

But in the mid 1980s, managed care creeped onto the scene and suddenly we, too, had lost our skills and all decisions were being made by unknowns (managed care/case mgmt) in offices far far away in large cities telling us how to handle the claims.

I left that profession since I could no longer use my brain in a profession I excelled at.

18 years later I am back in the frying pan.

I still believe it is all related to GREED.

There was also a time when MTs were very important - an MT

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All doctors are not as you describe regarding their medical reports and various other documentation. Just like with any profession, there are going to be bad apples.

There was a time when MTs were respected for their work. There was a time when we actually cared enough to try to make the doctor look good. Now, it is our job to protect the patient from doctors who feel that patient documentation is so far beneath them, they will not even document to us correctly. There was a time when we were worth something. Now, these doctors were so concerned about bottom line, THEY were the ones who started the off-shoring, and replacing skilled and experienced American MTs for the rock bottom price, no matter where the work went.

There was a time when our work was not picked apart by QA people just trying to justify their job by putting ours at risk over silly scoring, hyphens, commas, semicolons, and basically trying to make sense out the garbage that comes out of a doctor, PA, or nurse practitioner, putting our own jobs at risk.

What's good for the goose is good for the gander. Kinda sux, huh?

MTs were over paid as well - Glorified typist

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and YES I am an MT!!! Been one for over 13 years. I came over from a local hospital making under $10/hour. I attained a position with a major MTSO and when I started reading these boards i was utterly shocked ladies on here reporting past salaries of 60k a year. for what? typing? and you wonder why healthcare is so expensive!!

you're not a true MT - outraged

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If you don't believe that quality MTs can make $60,000 a year, then you are not a true MT. I have been one for 25 years and have had years where I have made that and more because of hard work, overtime, extra days, and dedication to my job. I am not overpaid. An MT is not a glorified typist! For you to suggest that lets me know that you don't even have a clue about this job and the true skill it takes.

13 years - pfffft

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Your local hospital was screwing you bigtime. And now the MTSO is.
Some MTs salaries,,some the operative word - sm
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That was the most stupid statement I think I have ever heard...IF you were a real MT you would know we are paid by the line not the hour..So SOME MTs work their tails off and make good money..Some of us don't. All depends on what you want or need out of the job. Regardless, we are no longer have the opportunity to make that kind of money because people like you accept less.

And you are the reason we are - now making minimum wage

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Please, do me a favor. Read out a sentence from a typical report and see if anyone you know (except medical people) can type it. Whether it's worth $60,000 or not (and I agree I have made that much, but that was a year with much overtime and many hours, also a good company, which there do not seem to be any of anymore), it is certainly worth more than $10/hr.

How on earth can you call yourself a Glorified Typist?

Do you understand that the MTSOs are still charging the same amount as they were when we were making good money, possibly more, but that our lovely CEO and others at the top are pocketing the difference? So how is that impacting the cost of health care, do you think? You must believe they deserve all the money and we deserve minimum wage.

Please educate yourself and do NOT refer to us as glorified typists, you are demeaning yourself and the rest of us as well.
I'm glad you think so little of us! - CuriousMT
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I'm glad you think so little of us that you think we are overpaid. Yes, we type all day long and most of what we type could be typed by someone with little medical knowledge, but we have to have perfect English grammar and spelling, we also have to know the difference between ilium, ileum, a ischium. We have to know what drugs are name brand and what are generic, and the common dosages of those drugs.
Should we get any of that wrong, we get dinged with MAJOR and CRITICAL errors.

I can go down to McDonalds in most cities and make $10 an hour, and this is for a company with a "dollar menu." I can work at a call center for a collection agency and make $14 an hour, or for an insurance company doing their customer service, no prior training needed, and make the same. But after years and years of experience, credentials, and even going to school (in person, not the online, at your own pace stuff they do now [which I'm not speaking ill of]) to learn anatomy, physiology, etc. Yeah. I should make more than the minimum wage I tend to make.

Wage disparity runs RAMPANT in the medical field. Sure, I know that healthcare is expensive, but when a CEO of a small clinic can bank close to a million, with the physicians making $300K and $400K a year, and even the front desk staff making $50K a year, but we barely make minimum wage, there's a huge problem there.

I can't even begin to think of what kind of person who works in this field would say something like that!
the kind of person that is smart enough to get out - and you should too
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writing is on the wall, my friend.

you are nuts, glorified. we have skill that deserve proper compensation. - get a life

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Pfft! If you are an MT, then I am - Princess Diana. nm-SayItGirl

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you are right im no longer an MT - i got out
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hindsight is 20/20. this was the easiest area to cut pay so that is what they did. I saw it coming a mile away and retrained. you should do the same.

Glorified typist - Obviously you sucked as a MT or you'd been paid a real MT wage. nm - mt2

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well im a coder now so... - Glorified typist
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that's where the real skill is. anybody can correct dictation. it takes hard work to code.

I am also speaking to level of education versus pay. MTs have 1 year of education, at best. Most bachelors degree holders don't make 60K a year.
All hail the Mighty Coder! - Such a know-it-all
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no wonder there is such bad blood between coders & MTs.
I wonder.... - curious about your motives
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At first glance, I was inclined to be upset, again, at your post. But then I thought, why is someone who is not an MT and as happy in her current position as you claim to be, where you feel you are smarter more skilled than the MTs on this board, feel so inclined to troll an MT board and post negative comments that seem inclined towards inflaming everyone who reads it? I can only assume that perhaps you tried your hand at transcription and did not have the necessary skills, and these are perhaps sour grapes? In either case, I have done both as well, and I find the greater skill set is required to transcribe countless specialties, work types, and ESLs. Either way, to each his own as far as which you prefer. Of course, you might check your facts more thoroughly when it comes to education and pay scales, if you at least want to be accurate, just saying...
Hard work? Please, I have coded in the past. Not that fricken hard. - mt2
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You have guidelines, diagnoses, procedures, etc to pick from going by - omg - the MT's transcription !!

So now you're a glorified coder right?

the lion never loses sleep over the opinions of sheep - Glorified typist
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hate all you want, that's fine. I still maintain given current technology MTs are overpaid.
ya mean the lyin' - come on, dontcha - Totes Magotes
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I see at least 2 FIESA errors here!

Yep, she was not a good MT, that's why she thinks we were overpaid.

Given the current technology, we should be paid twice what we were before since we have so much more to correct and it never learns.
sure thats what I mean. Keep over inflating that ego - you are going to be out on the street
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instead of building up your resume. Don't say you weren't warned.
I only see 1 inflated ego on this board - a troll who means to demean us
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go pick on the coders since you're on your way up and out of that too. Geez, you sound absolutely AMAZING to have so much insight, foresight and hindsight!
so...you've retrained to another medical niche - that will likely be obsolete in 10 yrs
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just like ours may be on its way out. some of us choose to fight for what we are worth. VR will never win in the long run.
No im also 2 years in to my bachelors where I can - go into administration
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so with MT, coding and a bachelors doors will be wide open in 2 years for me. I can continue to work from home or pursue a more lucrative career in admin. Can't decide if it will be worth the money to start working out in the field again though.

I suggest you all get as much education as possible. Even if you are training to be coders. You can never have too many credentials!!
see - lying! earlier "and YES I am an MT!!!" - now "well im a coder now so"
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I do both until I am done with college. - Mainly coding though
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My MTSO has coders and MTs and the coders get paid hourly plus a line bonus when they MT, which is not very often.

Blaming MTs for making - healthcare expensive

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Is the telling line (lie?) here. That is just the ultimate betrayal and simply ridiculous if you are or ever were an MT.

I get it, you think that by talking like management you might get there one day.

The reason healthcare (and everything else) is so expensive is CEOs and management with their sky high salaries trying to squeeze every last dollar out of everyone else's work without any morality or sense of fairness at all.

Maybe you know - because the MTSOs now pay us probably half what they used to, where'd all THAT money go? Healthcare has certainly not gotten any cheaper, has it?

Nope, it all went into the middle man's pocket and they have continued to extort us all into bankruptcy.

Disrespect our work if you feel you must, but you can NOT blame US for increasing health care costs, just not one bit of truth to that one.

"Literary Art" Pleeease! It has been proven time and again, - sm

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The physicians, PAs and NPs, as far as medical documentation goes, are the biggest danger to patient care. There was a time when we were paid enough and respected enough to cover your butts.

With all your fancy accomplishments and degrees, so much of the medical documentation was garbage. Now you are being held accountable for it. We have been reduced to minimum wage, and now you actually have to think and work for the money you earn on each patient. I have been an MT for 30 years. I can truly say I have never seen "literary art" from any medical professional. Yes, quite a few were good, but that was not the norm.

amen!! - all they care about are their beemers

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vacation houses and trophy wives. If we didn't pay them so much things would be different. Doctors used to barter and make house calls. now they demand 6 figures. why? because they have a degree? Most of them don't help you much anyway. I want a pay system where I can pay what they are worth and if they help me or not.

The biggest danger to health care is "Health - Maintenance Organizations". NM

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Sorry, but I also do not have a lot of - respect

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for doctors who have abandoned their own needy countries who come here to rake in the big bucks like kids let loose in a candy store with a credit card with no limits.

Because WE pay for their medical school - sm

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Why would you not come here..Win win..My son's white female friend..All honors, perfect GPA, smart, good girl..Tons of outside volunteer work during school and on and on, could not get accepted into a decent med school. Now,,,they are pushing for people to be PAs, why? cause they are cheaper. Docs will specialize and GP type stuff will go to strictly PAs with 1 doc overseeing a large group..Just my prediction, will see.

I agree with you, there are more and more PA/NP - than ever

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that is what they want, cheaper and they can't RX narcotics so there's a deterrent for doctor shopping.

Thank you, Mr. President. - nm

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I agree with the writer - and do not

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understand all the negative posts. I did not see any statements denigrating MTs. I think it is informative as to the MDs being dehumanized (as we are) by the electronic age.

I respect doctors - put in a lot of

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time and effort to earn their degree. Seems the country much more admires singers who writhe around on the floor and pout (Beyoncé) than extremely smart dedicated physicians. The ones on the golf courses have earned that by their 36 hour shifts as interns. We say work hard and have a prosperous future. Cannot condemn them for doing that.

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