A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Fingers crossed, eyes crossed, knocked on wood - HopefulMT

Posted: Dec 02, 2011

Well, just as I landed my "dream" job with a very small MTSO and began making good money (albeit with no insurance benefits), lo and behold if I didn't get a call for a local "headhunter" today to open negotiations with a local group of specialty physicians who are apparently bringing their transcription back in house and want someone ready to hit the ground running.  Full-time, Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m., hourly pay, paid vacation, paid sick leave, a one-MT-show so private office, permanent position.  The liaison is negotiating salary right now so I should know by the end of next week if we can agree on a salary. 

This particular headhunter got me a very nicely compensated (although only temporary) position about 3 years ago and said this is the first request for a transcriptionist she's had since. 

I'm so torn...I do love my current MTSO and am paid well; however, there are no medical benefits which makes me a bit anxious.  I also love the luxury of working from home. 

On the other hand, at times I really miss being in the "hub" of the office, seeing other people every day, getting to know people over lunch or breaks, and just the one-to-one camaraderie of actually physically seeing and talking to the staff for whom I will be working.  I also miss having a REAL reason to get dressed up and go into the office every day.  Most of all, I miss having a reliable paycheck every two weeks, without stressing every day about having enough work to yield a paycheck sufficient to pay the bills.  While this has not been a problem with my new MTSO, I know it could happen again at any time.  I also miss being able to punch out at the end of a hard day's, honest work and forget about my job until the next morning. 

I'm thinking of taking the full-time office position and yet perhaps staying on a few hours a week with the MTSO by whom I'm currently employed, just to have a little extra "mad" money for life's little splurges and in case the office position doesn't turn out to be all that I'm hoping it is; if it doesn't work out for whatever reason, at least I'll be welcome back full-time at the MTSO.

Advice? Suggestions? Things I haven't thought of but should consider?  I'd love to get a consensus of opinions from my fellow MTs.  I'm afraid that I'm so delighted with the offer and being able to work in a private office again that I might be overlooking some glaring drawback, LOL!

Sounds like an amazing opportunity...sm - Old Woman

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And it sounds as if the office setting along with all its snares is something you would enjoy. Personally, I'm just not up for the office politics, watercooler gossip, and backstabbing that goes on in most (not all) offices.

Be sure to factor in some expenses that you currently do not have while working at home, like the cost of transportation and added upkeep on your vehicle, the expense of an office wardrobe (can't go in our jammies), lunches out (unless you are frugal and take your own), office gifts, and child care expenses (if you have children that are not old enough to be home alone).

If you factor all these expenses in and still come out ahead, then I think the wise thing to do would be just exactly as you have outlined.


Yes, it sounds wonderful! - Good For You

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If you are the type of person who can handle the office politics okay, then I say go for it! Some people can deal with women and their hateful nature better than others, LOL. I would definitely go for it with the benefits! The in-house position has more security and by the time you add in the bennies, you are making a lot more money. Again, Good Luck on whatever you decide to do.

Thank you (sm) - HopefulMT

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I'm not sure how large the office will be, but I do know that I'll be "the lone ranger" for the transcription, with my own office, so hopefully I can avoid a lot of the "watercooler escapades" by being cordial to all...and keeping my door shut at all times, LOL!

I've been doing the at-home haul for about 5 years now and, although I adore having all of that time with my wonderful husband and our little dogs and cat, I honestly find myself getting a bit depressed these days, and I strongly suspect it's from being "housebound." Another option I hope to pursue is, *if* I begin to miss working at home, I'll be so well trained by that time that perhaps the doctors would have other use for my office and let me transition back to an at-home gig.

But...gosh, this sounds so sickeningly paranoid of me, did you ever get the feeling that something sound too good to be true? I had even just been awarded a Pell Grant of $2300 because I feared MT would be all but a relic within the next 5 years and I didn't want to be caught with my pants down. I fully intended to take an online combo legal transcription/paralegal course to get my certification. I got notification today that I indeed qualified for the Pell Grant...about one hour before I got the call from headhunter.

I guess it really never does rain unless it pours, LOL!

Thank you all for your kind input!

Congrats! - Old MT

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Happy for you. At this point, if something like fell in my lap, I'd probably grab at it since the big MTSOs are going to you-know-where in a handbasket. But I'm not pursuing it, here's why.

The small MTSOs tend to get bought out by the big ones. In fact, when I first started out 13 years ago, I went with a small one and that's exactly what happened and it was horrible.

My concern also is that the clinic stuff is going really electronic, to the point that my family physician and my specialist I see, are just entering things into the computer as we sit there. Neither uses a transcriptionist or transcription service, at least not for their clinic work. I'm sure the hospital they're affilated with use one of the big MTSOs, though.

So, I say go for whatever you want. It sounds like you've weighed it all out.

Good luck!

PRECISELY, Old MT! - ThankfulMT

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I meant to cover that in my last verbose post, LOL! As much as I dearly love my small MTSO and my account, the fact that MQ and Transcend seem to be buying the small MTSOs, I'm afraid that it could all change if a few million were waved in front of them. After the sell-out of MDI and, more recent, apparently ExecScribe (?), both of which were so vocally patriotic, I don't think it's safe at all to say "My MTSO would NEVER sell!," because if MDI did it, ANY of them could/would do it. That's another reason ideally I'd like to grab the full-time position if it's offered, yet keep on part-time at the MTSO. At least if they announced one day they had sold out to MQ or another piranha, I could just make a graceful exit and not have all of my eggs in that particular basket.

I dearly hope I land this job...and I, in all sincerity, hope all of us only the best.

Bless you for your kind words :-)
This Stuff - Old MT
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That first company I'm talking about had only 6 transcriptionists and it was wonderful. "Mom and Pop" type place.

Then, some filipino came along and promised the owner the sky. The "bigger guy" (not a huge MTSO) promised benefits and higher pay (something she couldn't do for us), and it all turned out to be a big mess. She was in tears, she truly wanted this for us, and she would still be the manager with a salary, then they brought their own manager-types in.

They started recruiting huge hospital accounts that the 6 of us couldn't possibly have handled, and it just went down the tubes really fast.

I did end up working for a "giant," because I was fairly new and the giant gave me a chance.

SO, the mom and pop places can be bought up, too, and it doesn't have to be by a giant.

I agree with you. This so called working at home benefit, has become a - ball and chain to my desk gig, sm

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Getting to be done with work and being compensated for your time at the office would be a welcome relief. When considering your options, remember those of us chained to our desks for 8 hours or more, flexing to get work, waiting to type some lines for our pay, and the unresponsive MTSOs we are working for. Hey, if your office job includes the benefits plus some sort of retirement, that alone would be worth the position. I'm jealous!!!! Good luck with whatever you do. Don't keep the MTSO job and wear yourself out to the point it affects the great job you have accepted. MT jobs are really a dime a dozen (maybe) and the dimes are now becoming nickels!

Thank you (sm) - HopefulMT

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We're still in negotiation for salary right now. I intentionally went in higher than what I expect to get, as I know there will be a counteroffer and I didn't want to sell myself short. Having worked awhile back at the local hospitals, I know what their hourly pay is, so I kept it up in that area. I also told them my quoted rate was negotiable dependent upon available insurance and other (retirement, paid vacation) benefits; the headhunter called back and said, yes, it was full-time, permanent, benefits after 60 days, 401K, paid vacay, the whole enchilada. I confidentally advised her the VERY lowest I would go but encouraged her to get me a "halfway point," that way the hiring physician feels he got a bargain and, in the end, I actually get the salary I wanted...geez, the games we have to play to avoid being ripped off, LOL!

Do I sound absolutely ridiculous by saying that I miss the most absurb things.."Secret Santa", chipping in for co-workers birthday gifts and cakes, baby showers for co-workers, having a quick sandwich with a co-worker for lunch...I dunno. As much as I adore my husband and his company, sometimes I just crave some "girl talk," especially other working women, for the stimulation.

I am 90% sure if the headhunter can get the hiring physician(s) to meet my salary, I'm going to jump on it and give it a shot.

Thank you so much, all of you, who took the time to respond. May each of us soon be able to have a variety of options so we will all be able to do precisely what it is we want to do :-)

I don't think you're crazy at all. I too have been longing for a change after - 20 years of this and the past 4, sm

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of being in the dark as to what is going to happen with my life. I have not had any stability in a long time, so that incentive of working at home has just become an absolute nightmare for me, as I'm working at home getting more and more depressed about my situation. These boards are set up so we don't feel alone. As you must know, not many MTSOs allow their MTs to mingle amongst themselves, trying to keep us all in the dark I guess. It's getting scarry in the darkness.

Some of these physicians are wising up apparently, good for them! - nm

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Honestly and I know this is not what you want to hesar - sm

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taking either is the same. They claim it is permanent, but haven't we all heard that before? I would take the inhouse just for a change, but nothing in the MT world is permanent anymore.

Already thought of that (sm) - HopefulMT

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You know, I don't mind at all you posting something you think I might not want to hear, because I did ask if anyone thought of something negative that perhaps in my excitement I overlooked, I definitely wanted to hear about it!

My plan, during the interview, is to casually bring up point-and-click and "dragon" type software. My fingers are crossed he (they?) will say that they've tried it and it didn't work for their needs. I do know the type of specialty they are involved in (which includes some medicolegal) does require great attention to detail and must follow certain format guidelines, so I'm hoping beyond hope that I don't hear the dreaded words, "We're checking into it" or "We've been giving it some thought, but not at moment." THAT would be a huge red flag for me. I'm hoping it's an older group of specialists that aren't so gung-ho on the "new-fangled" programs and prefer to just dictate rather than spend their valuable time doing clerical work cleaning up their own "speech wreck" programs, LOL!

I'll keep you posted. I expect to hear back from the headhunter today. I was just telling my husband that the last gig this headhunter set me up with didn't even require I interview with the physicians; I was just given a start date and time and my contact name. I'm kind of hoping I DO get an interview with this position, so I can use my invisible binoculars to watch for those dreaded red flags, LOL!

I'll definitely keep everyone posted.

Thanks so much again for all of your posts...There are a lot of words of wisdom on this site, to be sure!

Fingers crossed, eyes crossed, knocked on wood - Vera

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I would not hesitate on taking the job. If you can work it out with your current MTSO on working a few hours a week I would try that too. I used to do that and worked 3 days a week PT and had a FT hospital job 40 hours a week. I lost both due to outsourcing and miss them both. Take the job. It might be years again before a good job like this rolls around. Good luck.

I agee who is to say on either the MTSO or the in house, make the money while - can, cannot predict in either case, sm

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long-term or short-term, as either job could take a wrong turn in the future, but something with benefits has the prospect of being longer term than something without. When a company offers no benefits at all, pretty much means to me I'm just another number that can be replaced and their lack of concern about my needs (insurance, etc.) means they really can cover their bases with another MT willing to work without the benefits versus an MT I respect and want to maintain for my future stability in this industry. Heck, seems to me any MTSO could be up for sale at any moment, so go with your gut. Looks like you're really excited about the in house job!!

That I am, LOL! - ThankfulMT

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I just wrote a rather lengthy response to another poster about the financial upheavals my husband and I have gone through for the past 2-3 years and how I had stuck it out with one of the larger MTSOs far too long, but, at the time, I was undergoing biopsies, etc., and needed the insurance. I actually got the call from the smaller (wonderful) MTSO the day of my biopsy, almost like it was a sign (I know that sounds silly but... :-) ).

You're right, too, about them offering full coverage insurance, etc. I think that's indicative of some stability and, while I intend to keep my eyes and ears open for red flags that they might be considering outsourcing, etc., I just can't contain my excitement that maybe, just MAYBE, my prayers have been answered and stability will once again become a part of my life (something I wish for ALL of us in the MT industry).

In my fantasy scenario, I'll hear from headhunter today and interview with the physician(s) early next week. As I said, they may just have turned everything over to the headhunter as with the last gig with which she set me up, but I *am* hoping for an interview just so I can get a "feel" for where they might be heading technology-wise. On the other hand, I do have limited experience in coding, front office, billing, etc., so I would like to convey that to them as well; in the event the transcription ever slows up, I'd like for them to know I can be of value in other areas as well.

Thanks so much for your kind words and, again, I'll keep everyone posted as soon as know something further.

Thank you very much (sm) - ThankfulMT

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I am so excited sitting here. Not to prattle away, but the past three years for my husband and I have been so up and down financially, and I finally had to leave one of the larger nationals because I literally would spend 100 hrs a pay period, shackled to my desk for my entire shift with absolutely no compensation with no work. My final paycheck was in the double digits...For 100 hours of sitting, waiting, hoping and praying for work, because I was able to only get enough work (despite changing shifts, changing accounts, etc) basically to just pay for our insurance. When this dream of a little MTSO called me out of the blue, it was the answer to a prayer. Yes, we no longer have insurance; on the flip side, we ARE able to pay our bills and have a bit left over for the occasional treat like "normal" have, eating at Denny's on occasion or even treating myself maybe once a month to a Starbucks. It was an emotional and financial rollercoaster.

I'm so excited about this new job possibility that I literally have not slept all night. While it sounds perfect, I realize there are "warning signs" I must be vigilant about picking up. That's another reason I'd like to do part-time for my MTSO for at least six months, or until I'm comfortable in the new setting. Even at that, I enjoy the work so much, I may just stay on for 20 hours a week for a little extra "mad" money (or to save up to actually take a vaction...we were married two years ago and too broke for even a weekend honeymoon).

I really appreciate everyone's input on this, and reading all of these posts is definitely keeping my eyes OFF of the clock watching the time tick by one minute at a time waiting for the phone call from the headhunter.


(Still with fingers crossed, eyes crossed, and knocking on that wood, LOL!).

Bless you all for your kind words :-)

that sounds really positive!! - see message

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What I think is the most positive aspect of the offer is that it sounds like the physicians are making a commitment to having in-house transcription. That's huge.

I recently was made obsolete by voice recognition -- after 12 years -- in a multiphysician specialty practice. It really was my dream job, and I hope I can find a situation like this again.

You might want to field their comments regarding voice recognition to assure yourself that you will not be displaced in the future.

Good luck -- this could be your dream job!

ObamaCare will negate the insurance benefit. - Analyst

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Unless working for an exempted company, we are all going on ObamaCare soon anyway so the insurance benefit is negated.

Your lack of understanding of HCR is - staggering

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If she stays put without group benefits and is unable to afford the astonomical private health care premiums currently in effect, she will have one of several choices. She will qualify for minimum Medicaid coverage if her income is at 133% of poverty level or less. If her income exceeds that level, she can policy shop on the health exchange and receive sliding-scale based subsidies which, more or less, parallel a employer contribution and, in fact, will enable her to get comparable coverage for less than what she would pay under an employer group plan. She will qualify for these exchange subisdies if her income is up to 400% of poverty level.

If she does not qualify for the subsidies, she can policy shop for the coverage of her choice in accordance with her ability to pay and with her individual health care needs, without being subjected to or excluded for pre-existing conditions. If she goes for the new gig and likes her employer's plan and is comfortable with the premium, she can stick with that plan. Either way, she is better off than she is now, since she has NO coverage.

Nothing says corporatism like govt-mandated subsidies for ins. cos.! NM - ObamaStinks

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UPDATE - HopefulMT

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Well, tomorrow is my "big day" when I meet with the headhunter to sign my life away and then at 11:00 a.m., I have my official interview with the physician. Apparently, it's just the one physician and two PA's in the office, and it is indeed a "one-MT-show," which sounds absolutely heavenly at this point. Apparently, so far he isn't balking at my salary request. The headhunter assured him I was the perfect candidate for the position, and I'm getting the feeling he isn't advertising at all but leaving it in her hands to find the best person for the position, and then he just wants an informal interview to meet me and discuss the job requirements. It's sounding almost too good to be true but what with all of we MTs having more than paid our dues the last couple of years, perhaps I'm just jaded and the position will be mine for the taking.

Please keep sending positive thoughts my way (as I always do for my fellow MTs who get that "big break" they richly deserve), and I'll post another update tomorrow...Hopefully the final update that contains my official start date and time, LOL!

Bless you all for the kind words and well wishes. *fingers/toes/eyes crossed*

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