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How is the workload today? I have to work in 3 hours and keeping my fingers crossed! nm - broke
Posted: Feb 01, 2013..
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I can remember when Friday use to be a good day, and we hardly ever ran out of work. Today I type a report, NJA, type a short report, NJA. It has been like that all morning. Thank goodness I only have 3 hours to type on Friday. I still have 1 hour to go.
When you are out of work - PoorHouse
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How do you claim OOW more than once a day? We can only get that one time at 15 minutes.
You can only get 15 minutes paid once a day - not more than that
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So if you are sitting there waiting all day, then you are not getting paid to sit.
When you claim OOW after 15 minutes, what do you do then? sm - broke
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Do you take the rest of the day without pay? What if you go back in and there is work for a while and then you run out again? I'm asking because I keep getting different answers and I notice on here that a lot of us are getting different answers.
here is what I was told - sm
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First, you go to Remedy and put in an out of work ticket. In the ticket, you have 3 choices, make up work, use PTO, or be released with no pay.
If you choose to be released with no pay, you are done. If you use PTO, you are done. If you choose make up time, then you have to keep checking back. If you run out again, you still have to get your hours in, so you have to keep checking back but will not get any more 15 minutes paid. That is only once per day.
When I was running out, I selected release without pay but I checked - back later anyway and got on and
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worked if the work came in. TSM or CCM never said anything. That way, if you dont get all your hours made up and you run out again, your covered and you dont need to put in another ticket.
Mass confusion - me
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In our daily email from TSM, she implied people were not asking for time to make up hours, they were just doing it anytime they could. She keeps pointing out that we need to have her approval for a time when there is a backlog and apparently people are not doing this. It sounds like everybody makes up their hours whenever there is work, no matter what she says. Every MT for themselves.
Well unless they are more specific thats what MTs will do. - Make it up when they can.
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They need to talk to those people individually when they seem them doing that. My TSM is a stickler for schedules and knowing when people are working, I guess not all are. If they TSM is paying attention then she will know who works whenever they want.
I agree - me
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She keeps telling us, but is not enforcing it. We will do what we have to do to survive. Like a parent who keeps threatening, but you know will never follow through, so you just do it anyway. We don't respect her and she doesn't care enough to do her job.
I am not asking. I am working when there is work - My TSM does not seem to
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enforce the rules, and I would not abide by them anyway. If they don't have work for me when I am supposed to work, I will work whenever there is work.
If I check back during my work schedule and its there - then I will get back on otherwise...
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I will get it made up when its approved, usually the weekend. I never just jump on and work at given time. The only way I would ever do that is if I am extremely short on hours and have no PTO to cover it. Otherwise, I may stay on an extra hour or so during my scheduled times and thats it. I wont work during other people's shift.
Working whenever you want to - outahere
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You are selfishly taking work away from another MT who is scheduled and also needs the money. With any luck, someone else is doing the same thing to you.
Oh pooh on being selfish. Bottom line, I will do what I have to - do to support my family.
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I get really tired of this "taking work from other MT's" garbage. Everyone can do the same if they are willing and desparate enough. I am desparate and will do what I have to do to make the money I need.
True. I guess if the TSM does'nt care, do what you have to do. - nm
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Amen! - Its every MT for him/herself
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You gotta do what you gotta do to survive. Sorry, that's just the way it is, survival of the fittest.
Then do something else besides MT work and - L&L
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do us all a favor. Your attitude stinks.
Howsabout - You dont tell me
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what to do. I don't much like your attitude either.
It's TSM's fault - anon
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For not enforcing the rules and allowing this to go on. Yet she complains because no one asks her. Well of course she is going to say no, there is no work or make it up at such-and-such a time, and when you need to feed your family, you don't want to hear that. Too many just jump on whenever, it's just outta control.
Well said - it is all
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way out of control. It is too bad that the company has managed to accomplish turning the MTs against each other. I have always been a rule follower and company policy dictates how OOW is to be done so some TSMs are doing their jobs and some are not.
For TSM, TAT is the bottom line no matter who gets left - without work-nm
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You said it right! ...... - MT53
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Let's stop pretending that we are above taking work at others expense. I don't care who you are, if you are waiting to get your lines/work in, just in your scheduled time, you must be miserable! I don't think some are being honest about it either. My boss told me to work when there is work. I don't know how you take that but I take that as, work as you can, it doesn't matter because our schedules were part of the old MModal, not the new. MModal upper staff are letting us fight it out amongst each other, dispicable.
My attitude stinks because I am willing to work hard? - anon-op
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I'm sorry you don't agree with my work ethic, but my job is to support my family. It might be interesting to note, that my working outside of my schedule when I have to really has no bearing on most everyone's work load. I am on an account that only our team is allowed to work in, unless it were to get extremely behind, at which point, my TSM would rather have someone experienced on it working it rather than people from helper pools. Generally we have enough work. It has only been the last week that I have been scrambling for work. You high and mighty people who "only work within your schedules" must not be the sole support of your families, or you would understand.
Work hard - me
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No one is questioning your willingness to work hard. We all work hard or want to work hard when the work is there. That is not the point. The point is working outside your scheduled hours to get your hours in, without approval from TSM. How can you say that working outside of your scheduled hours has no bearing on everyone else? Of course it does. Does following the rules make me "high and mighty?" I guess I am then. I know following the rules does not put food on the table and I understand those who are desperate, but I agree with the above poster, your attitude stinks. You have no regard for other MTs who may need to feed their families too.
TSM has not "disapproved" so therefore one would have - to assume she approves. NM
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Thats the thing. Everyone on her team probably does it - that way and therefore,
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its not like the person working to make up hours when she can is committing a crime because there are probably several other MTs on her accounts doing the same thing. Maybe if she did'nt do it that way, she would'nt be able to make a decent paycheck.
Unless the TSM puts her foot down and makes everyone stick to making up time when its approved, people will continue to do it that way. No telling how many MTs on her team are doing the exact same thing she is doing.
I have been with this company for 28 years. - Working scheduled hours
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has only been in place for the last 8 years or so. With all these merges and buyouts, every company has been different. Of course for 25 years, I would have LOVED to work days, but never happens because there is never any work during the morning or early day shift, only evenings. Used to get paid shift differential for working evenings AND weekends. It was great! Made some extra money.
Then with CBAY and sending more accounts to India, everything has changed. No work in the evenings or weekends. Paycuts of 60% because of being grandfathered into this company. Yet, do you know how much more money Miss Princess is making this year?? I sure would like to know what she offers for this company and if she seriously works!
Anyway, this company does not care what you do as long as you get that TAT done.
That includes the TSM as she makes a bonus check when us laboratory rats do the work.
Well, I tried that and 59.00 for a paycheck - does not work for me.
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I follow what my TSM says to do. "Work is down this week so please make up your hours when the work starts picking up and when you can."
Yep, I am only doing what my TSM says to do. Besides, this company changes their polices to only fit their own needs, NOT YOUR NEEDS.
Work ethic? - anon
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There is nothing ethical about what you are doing. You are not the only person in the world with a family to support.
By working whenever you darn well please, you are STEALING from your coworkers and their families.
If you really had a work ethic and a willingness to work hard, you would find a different MT job or maybe work two. Or, (gasp) work outside of the house.
How about you find a different job if you are so unhappy - with the companys ethics
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Dont you dare blame the MT for the company's lack off ethics. The company did this. The company gave our work to India. The company has no ethical TSMs/CCMs. The company only cares about lining their pockets. If you are so unhappy with the ethics of this company, how about you go (gasp) work outside the house!
I do - anon
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Yes, I will blame the MT for stealing work from others to line her own pockets. It's her choice to do that. Not one of us can control the actions of the people at the top, but we can darn well control our own. I work 2 MT jobs and another outside the home. I make my money honestly, not through THEFT.
Oh please! MM is stealing from our pay - with bonuses or raises.
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Not one person in this company could careless how we work as long as we get the job done. There is nothing ethical with this company for the last 20 years. This company has made us to learn how to survive. They treat us like rats in a cage.
I am sure if you get a 59.00 paycheck in 2 weeks, you would soon learn how to survive.
RE: Oh Please! - anonymous
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It's called applying for partial unemployment... If your check is only 59.00 - why aren't you receiving partial unemployment???
I would love to take a picture of my paystub. - Lab Rat
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I am in school full time and will done in a few months. I have learned how to survive for so long and my husband and son are sick of hearing about this disgusting company and how they treat their ground working employees. It just never gets better, but worse.
Oh, my husband is the main bread winner so we are okay financially.
If you are that desperate - there are other
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options such as applying for other jobs, unemployment, public assistance, etc. We are all deseperate and to me not following policy is unacceptable and you are not a team player. In my opinion just because you decide to do what you do to get your hours in DOES NOT constitute being a hard worker. You are just adding to the OOW problem. Policies are put in place for a reason!!!!
Its MM's job to scold her if she's not followng policy. - Apparently they dont care.
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That's what this whole argument was about - TSM not doing her job
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But it devolved into us fighting each other about following policy. We can only do our own jobs and if TSM doesn't care, there is not a lot we can do about it. Will it make any difference if she or other suits read this board? Not likely. We can either stay and put up with it or find another job, that's our only choice. Suits don't care about us as long as the job gets done.
My TSM told me point blank - work when there is work
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The first two weeks of NJA, I sent emails asking when I could make up work, when does she see larger backlogs, I got no response at all. Finally I called, got her on the phone after several attempts, and she told me, "You work whenever you see there is a job there to do." That is what I am doing. I will work whenever I can to get my hours in. If other MTs have no work. welcome to my world. I am not going down alone, that is for darned sure. I dont know any of you, and none of you know me. I dont see any other MTs giving me work for my shift!!! I never got an email from my TSM saying 3 other MTs who are typicall full time decided to drop their hours so you could finally get a paycheck.
I will do whatever I have to do, and apparently I am following policy, the policy my TSM follows!
I didn't know that - anon
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Sounds like she is hiding, not answering emails, knows there is not enough work and has no answers. Makes me wonder about my own TSM and why she is not following the policy. She keeps hinting at the policy, but does not enforce it. Too much backlash from us, no wonder no conference call either. Oh well, as some said above, survival of the fittest.
Agree with your post. - TSM makes money off of us.
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My TSM only wants TAT done on time. Makes her look good and she wants hardly any errors and good line counts. Then she looks good for the company and gets bonuses, but MTs get NOTHING. We have learned how to survive when there has been no work off and on for years and years. I feel sorry for MTs who have had consistent work and then all of a sudden, start running out of work and they just do not know what to do. Some of us MTs have learned to be pros when we run out of work. I blame MM princess and King Davie for creating us like laboratory rats.
My TSM said to work when we can to make up - hours.
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In fact, she just stated on Wednesday work was low, so just make up the hours and work when you can.
Now you are stating MTs are not following policies??
Selfish?? And the higherups at MM - are not selfish??
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I learn by our leaders of MM. After being with this company for 25 years, you learn to do what you can to SURVIVE.
Per Mama, worry about YOURSELF & YOUR actions & do - right thing. Dont worry bout other guy.nm
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Tell mama the world has changed, she better change - or she will get swallowed whole!
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It is now a dog eat dog world, not a June Cleaver environment.
It's called personal responsibility - me
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Just because MM is corrupt and unethical does not mean I have to follow their lead. We each have our own code of ethics, what we believe to be right and wrong. Then there is that gray area in between. We each have to make our own choices as to what we can live with. Myself, I cannot live with the fact that I would be taking work from other MTs. If that means getting another job, having a yard sale, or doing with less, so be it.
Yep, already know. - Went back to college.
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Almost done in a couple of months with college. Then I can say Goodbye to this digusting company. I worked so hard the last few years and each month I know I made the right decision to continue with school so I can leave. I was a fantastic MT employee and was MT of the month 4 times over the years. I make 100% on my QA reports and worked my butt off, but WHO CARE! Right??? Just get that TAT done.
Was swamped until just now.. - anon
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Work was steady in the North until just now. Suddenly it all dried up. However, my account that usually has lots of OPs on Fridays has had relatively few. Most of the regular Friday OP doctors haven't yet dictated today. Sometimes they wait until afternoon so I'm hoping for a boatload to start coming in soon.
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I am short 11 hours this pay period. Not hopeful that I can get in at least 8 hours of it.
You have today and tomorrow, you dont think you - can get in 8hrs between now and then?
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email your TSM, submit a ticket, ask for helper pools. I have work and I would think others do too. In the past I have noticed that when I ran out, work would flow in from other teams and I assumed its because I had a helper pool set up. Get in touch with your TSM and tell her you need to get your 8hrs in and get you set up with some helper pools.
stressed - anony
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I have been asking for "helper pools" since November when work started drying up. I actually have 11 hours to get in. Yes, I have e-mailed my TSM and submitted tickets for each NJA day. No, we do not all have work. I am glad that you do, however. Hoping things change soon.
Im sorry, did'nt mean it like that. I know everyone does not - have work, but for the areas that do, I thought ma
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you could see about getting set up with a helper pool. I was just saying in the past when I ran out work would flow in to my cue from other regions and I figured it was because I had a helper account (guess thats what its called).
Thanks - anony
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I have been asking for a helper pool for 3 months now and to date no luck. Will keep plugging along like everyone else and hope for the best.
Well, I tried that for the last 3 months. - Does not work with this TSM.
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I have 8 backup accounts and NO WORK. This company just sucks.
According to company policy - the TSM is suppose to
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contact you to make up the time, but most people just do what they want to do because we need money to survive.
In 2 weeks I should have 80 hours in, I probably have about 30 hours. I have my body soooo screwed up because of the constant stress and worrying when can I get my time in.
We are people and we should not be expected to work 7 days a week 12 plus hours to get our hours in. I am tired of playing the game. Some people stay logged into the system and keep punching in and out so they can get their hours. Please do not misunderstand I cannot say I blame anyone who does it, but because nobody is enforcing the actually company policy it is a free for all and I think it is adding to the problem a little too. If the company wants me to sit at the computer and babysit then they can pay me hourly. We work on production and that is a partial contributing factor to why people are making min. wage. Think about it you just never get a flow going start/stop, start/stop.
We just got an email from our TSM saying how our quality went down. Gee whiz I wonder why. People are stressing about getting money so they are zipping through the reports, working crazy hours to try to make up time, because they are hoping they can make up some of the money factor even if they do not have their hours in. So I have decided to take matters into my own hands and file for unemployment and I am actively looking for employment. It is up to the company to provide us with work period and there just is not enough work to go around. I check all hours of the day, night, middle of the night for work in my BoB and there just isn't any. Wait until they start reassigning people to different teams on accounts or BoBs that are plentiful the OOW situation is going to become even more widespread than it already is in my opinion. We have a bunch of donkeys running this show. There is not enough work plain and simple. They can play with their crystal balls all they want and forecast volumes, but honestly that to me is like playing the lottery, you do not know what the numbers are until they come up.
aren't you sorry you asked? - such a simple question
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and as usual, it turned into a firestorm.
LOL, I know. The thread is huge and the OP probably - has not been back since.
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Ha ha. I checked it out a couple times but I actually had some work to do! I do (sm) - broke
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realize that it is a free for all and no one is told the same thing. Typical for this company though. I may not even set my alarm tomorrow because I am sure many will be hoping on during my shift to make up time, and I can't say that I blame those who do.
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