A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

E-mail or Call? - nickname

Posted: Oct 29, 2012

I'm moving to a new area and am going to apply at some transcription companies.  Is it better to e-mail them and attach a resume, or should I call them directly?  I'm tempted to call, because then I would know right away.


sm - MT2012

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In my opinion, it's better to do what is requested in the ad - e-mail or fax a resume to the company. If you feel you need to follow-up after having sent a cover letter and resume, and there is a number of a contact, it would be better to call then. If the ad says not to call, then don't.

I think she is talking about cold calling...without an ad being placed - anon91

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Yes, cold calling. No ads or employment section on website - nickname

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Yes, cold calling. No ads or employment section on website. Just wondering whether to call or e-mail inquiring about obtaining work.
Personally..... - anon91
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It was suggested to me by a person who had obtained her own accounts and kept them for long, long periods of time, that if you cold call a physician's office, you should do it "in person." Not by a phone call, as they are very busy and sometimes get annoyed by the distractions of having to answer the phone when trying to deal with checking in patients, etc. They also do not like letters, and quite often throw them in the trash without reading them, as most times they are inundated with other transcription services trying to obtain their business. This person suggested going to the office in person because it gives them a chance to actually "see you." You are not just some anonymous entity on the phone or email, and they get a feel for your personality, professionalism, etc. She also suggested taking a small plate of cookies or some other treat, for the office staff, as the office staff are generally the ones who decide who does the transcription, and a plate of cookies is much appreciated in a very busy day. They may not remember you necessarily, when calling back to check on things, but they will remember that plate of cookies. My friend related that the cookies got her more clients than just about anything else, and word of mouth after that. Just a suggestion. Good luck. :-)
Absolutely correct - me
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So very true! I never received one client from all the mailings I did but did by going in in person and a lot of clients by word of mouth.

I think the OP was referring to MTSOs though, and I would definitely say email. They are extremely busy, and emails are less intrusive and much more appreciated.
Doctors offices - swimming with the fish
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I have been an IC for years, and I was considering going to doctors' offices and getting work that way. I used to do that when they still used micros, and we had pick up the tapes and deliver the work. How do they do it now?
How do they do it now? - Anonymous
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How do they do it now? EMR and Dragon.
I've visiting medical facilities in person re: work; they - all act like theres a bomb strapped to my leg,
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or something. Like they can't hustle me out of there fast enough.

Email them - just me

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Email is best.

Email vs call vs personal visit - Nancy

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I run a non-MT business and this is how I deal with each of these.

Emails: I delete them as potential/probable scams.

Phone calls: I say I am busy and hang up.

Personal visits: I will listen and judge whether I am interested.

Which you choose is up to you.

Just my two cents' worth.

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