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Doctor's full name and title? - Sno98

Posted: Dec 26, 2009

When you transcribe a doctor's name in the body of the report, do you always need to transcribe the doctor's full name and title, even if not dictated as such - for example, would you need to transcribe "Adam Adams, MD" even if just dictated as "Dr. Adams," and look up the full name and title?

I'm always required to do so but can't find it in the BOS. I'm new so I don't know if this has been posted yet. Thanks.

I just use Dr. Smith - Happy MT Robin

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If the doctor dictates that the patient is seeing Dr. Smith, then that's what I use. About the only time I expand it is when they refer to Dr. Chris Lee, or Dr. Bob Williams, then I'll put Christopher or Robert.

My company isn't a slave to the BOS, though, so if it's not spelled out in your account specifics, then you should check with your QA if you haven't already done so.

My company's policy has us always spell it out... - Sno98

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even if it's not in the account specifics, to transcribe the full name and title of every doctor "as a courtesy to the physician." Often the dictator doesn't know anything about the doctor they're referring to except the last name and they don't really seem to care. I'm just wondering (since it takes a lot of time to look up every name) if this is a common policy for employers to have.

Sounds like a way to slow you down - unfair and risky too

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Well, how can you be sure which Dr. he means? Most of the docs I know will refer to only Dr. Smith knowing there's a couple zillion of them to choose from. With the new HIPAA regulations coming into effect, it sounds like a set up for grief for the MT. Your employer shouldn't be laying that on remote MTs, especially when the people on the other end usually have the full info in print right in front of them, or at least whoever enters it in the system on their end is looking right at a doctor's order.

It slows the whole system down... - Sno98

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If I'm not which doctor he means, I leave a blank and send to QA, and I'm not sure if they ever figure it out either.

I do get a quarter of a point off my QA check accuracy score if I type "CONSULTATIONS: Dr. Smith" rather than "CONSULTATIONS: Steve Smith, DO," although it seems both are technically correct if the people on the other end do have the info and haven't specified that they want all names spelled in full.

I guess since I'm going to be moving out of the state soon, I'm vaguely considering changing companies, if I can find one that will let me get work done without slowing me down with a style sheet full of "courtesies" to which I'm bound in order to keep a good accuracy score.
Sounds like they think courtesy is a euphemism - for unpaid
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That's completely unfair to dock your QA on that, especially if he never dictates the full name.

I don't have account specifics so left to my own choosing - not a BOS slave

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I type just what the doctor says. The only time I expand it to the formal title is for a cc: or as the address header on a letter. In the body of a letter or report, I type it exactly as it is dictated.

The BOS - Ann

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is not a legally binding document. Your employer is the final arbiter of your job requirements, even if you can't find it in the BOS. If your employer requires the full name in the document, then you put the full name in the document, regardless of what the BOS says (or does not say) about it.

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