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Bose MIE2 Mobile Headset? - Broke MT

Posted: Jan 09, 2013

Wondering if anyone has tried these Bose headphones and if they are worth the price and if they really make a big difference.  Thinking of getting some.  My work will reimburse me for them if I get them from my account they have set up for us for stuff like that up to a certain amount but I still want to make sure it's worth it for that much.  I know Bose is a very good brand, as several years ago, we had a Bose stereo and the sound was so great.  Just wondering about the headphones and how they'd work for transcription and making it clearer.  Thanks.


I loved my Bose headphones but - CB

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they didn't wear well with the daily long hours (not that model though). I paid $300+ and had to replace them twice in a year and a half so it wasn't worth it to me, but I absolutely loved them. They both cracked in the same place (the headband above the ear pads) so I think it was wear and tear from taking them off and on multiple times throughout the day. If you're being reimbursed, I'd say go for it, especially since this style doesn't look like you'd have that issue.

I actually just bought the below ($99) today at Best Buy - first time trying Sennheiser, but they have good reviews and were very comfortable when I tried them on. I just wish the set had a volume control like the $15 Koss I had been using.

Bose - Happy Mt Robin

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I have the AE2 around the ear audio headphones - I don't like the ones that go in my ear, as they make my ears sore after a while. I'm on my second set for the simple reason that my kitten finally chewed through the cord on the first set. When Bose redesigned this set, they did something fabulous (that saved Buddy's life) and made the cord replaceable. I think I've gone through 6 or 7 cords at this point. Buddy the destructo-kitten and I are both grateful for that little detail. The ear foam piece gets a little smushed down, but I just push it back into place and it works.

I will never, ever, EVER go back to another set of headphones. They are absolutely worth the money. I can hear things with these headphones that I cannot with any other set of headphones. Plus, with the noise canceling of the over the ear style, I don't hear the noise of the keyboard, either, which helps a great deal.

Absolutely worth every penny.

I second that. - sm

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Have had mine for years. No problems with breakage. Started with plain over-the-ear Bose and went to Bose noise-canceling over-the-ear. Love them. Won't consider anything else. I just keep the first set as a backup.

Funny my experience was the opposite. I bought...sm - VTMT

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the top-of-the line Bose headset with the battery and sent them back because I could hear a very faint background buzz and it freaked me out. They were great for music though. I sent them back and got next model down instead which I love. I have had no problem with wear or breakage four years in.

I use Sony MDR-NC7 that cost $40.00 - middleageMT

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I have not splurged for the money for Bose. I found these over 4 years ago and they work like a charm. This is my 2nd pair. The 1st ones did not quit working; the plastic part just broke, so I bought a 2nd pair. I also use a Koss EQ50 3-band stereo equalizer that plugs from the headset into the speakers of the computer. I have 2 different manual controls for my volume (the equalizer and my speakers). I have NO trouble hearing any dictation and the Sony headphones certainly help keep out outside noise.

Thanks everyone! - Broke MT

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Thanks for all the advice!! After reading the comments, I think I will definitely be ordering them. :)

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