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Mobile Hotspots - Amy

Posted: Oct 20, 2013

I am jumping back into the workforce and need to work using a mobile hotspot, preferably a prepaid one. Does anyone work using a mobile hotspot and if so, which one and how much is it? Is it even possible to use a mobile hotspot for transcription being you need so much data?



Mobile hotspots - see message - MT headed

[ In Reply To ..]
In addition to all the data, there are security issues. Make sure your network is secure and password protected.

Mobile hotspot... - Just Me

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I did for about a year. I had Millenicom.com. They were amazing and run off the Verizon network, so coverage was available almost everywhere. It was $70 for 20 GB of data. That was more than enough for me, but they do have an unlimited plan, too.

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