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New headset but never had to do this before - P

Posted: Jan 23, 2013

Just got a new stereo headset and it is telling me to go thru several settings to configure the set with the computer. I am terribly non-computer savy and I would hate to mess something up doing this. How easy is this to do and could I cause the computer to go kplunk? Thanks.

headset - what kind

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Did you just try to plug it in on the CPU or are you on a laptop? Never have heard that before about a headset. What kind? Is your computer XP, Windows 7 or 8?

I guess I would just follow the instructions on the screen, can't be that difficult. Not sure why it would make the computer go kplunk.

Kind of headset - P

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Desktop, would be CPU plug in. Computer Vista, 8. Stereo headset Plantronics audio. Tried instructions yesterday, if that easy would already have done but said go to control panel, ok, did that, classic view, did that, sounds go there. Now you are at the playback tab and you select. No selections so now stuck there. Guess for someone who has not loaded programs in the past it could be that difficult. Oh, what I was talking about the computer going kplunk, thought you would understand by my saying I am not that computer savy and have downloaded before and wound up with computer having to be cleaned up before using again, thus the kplunk.

Did an installation/driver CD come with it? - sm

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Not sure how any option would show up under Sound Playback unless you installed something first, usually via CD.
Nothing came with it, no disc - P
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Think I will contact the place and see how this would work because the instructions I have just will not do it seems like. Thanks.

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