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Been thinking about getting a laptop to be more mobile - drwriter

Posted: Sep 30, 2011

Been thinking about getting a laptop to be more mobile.  Any suggestions about type and special features would be appreciated.

Laptops - derp

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It totally depends upon what you want to do with it.

If all you want is email/facebook type stuff, look for one with an intel i3 processor, integrated graphics, and as big of a monitor as you prefer.

Acer has excellent prices on their machines, as well as Dell.

Keep in mind; laptop manufacturers like to keep models at certain "price points" and they will scrimp on one thing to get it down to that point. A good example: You could get a faster processor like an i5, but that machine might come with as little as 1GB of RAM and a puny 80GB hard drive.

Do you want to play games like World of Warcraft or something similar? Any computer that has integrated graphics are out; those graphics systems are not powerful enough to render games.

Thinking of running DQS on it? Either make sure that it is 32bit (and the intel i3/5/7 are 64bit) or run a 32bit version of Windows 7. I'm working on a "step by step" on how to run DQS6 on 64bit Win7, but if you want easy and simple, just do 32 bit.

laptop with DQS - drwriter

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Thanks. That's exactly what I needed to know. I do want to run DQS on it and remembered someone saying about 32bit as opposed to 64 bit.

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