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At the end of my ropeΓ’€Β¦. - Anon

Posted: Aug 15, 2012

Just venting……..I am so bummed.  I was doing so well a couple of years ago.  I was working as a Radiology Transcriptionist for six years for a very, very large radiology facility, two days in the office and the rest of the week from home in the evenings.  Then they went to VR, but kept me on because the some of the docs were not complying with VR so those reports had to be typed and in addition I was doing editing.  I was making good money and was able to put away some money for a rainy day.  In addition to that job, I was an IC for two gastro docs for 12 years. The office was small but busy and I picked up tapes every day, typed, printed the reports and then delivered the next day. The monies for this job covered my rent.   I then found another part time job writing IME reports from the submitted medical records and worked in the office three days a week.  So.with all these jobs, I was doing pretty good.  In 2009, I was diagnosed with breast cancer.  It was caught early, but I still had to have surgery and undergo 40 radiation treatments.  I needed time off for the surgery, told the radiology office and was fired on the spot !!   I was devastated !  I contacted three lawyers and not one would take my case.  I decided to focus on my health issues instead of a lawsuit.  I turned to my brother and sister (who is a nurse) for some help to at least drive me for my surgery and all they did was wish me luck and never bothered with me again.  My two closest girlfriends also turned the other cheek. I guess I was an “inconvenience” to them.   So, here I was, fired from my main job, no healthcare, no family and no friends.  I was put on emergency Medicaid, took a cab to my own surgery and recuperated alone with no help from anyone.  I went through 40 radiation treatments which was not easy.  I could not even look for a job during that time. How could I?  I could not dress appropriately because I was so burned and I could not commit to any set hours because I went for treatments every day for 8 weeks.  During this time, I lived off my savings to pay rent and the rest of my bills.  When I finally felt a little stronger, I started looking for more work, not necessarily transcription work, anything medical related.  Nothing.  I was forced to move from my apartment because I could not afford the rent anymore.  I packed and moved six months ago to another place (and I’m not happy here) but am trying to make the best of it.  I live very frugally.  I don’t have any credit cards and am not a shop-aholic. I have learned to do without.  I can’t cut back anymore than I already do. 

Well, last Friday was the straw that broke the camel’s back.  I went to the gastro office to pick up my tapes and was informed that my services will no longer be needed as of October.  The office is going EMR.  I’m not that surprised, but that leaves me with one job that only brings in about $1000 to $1200 a month.  I looked into Section 8 for help with rent, but the program is closed. I can’t even get food stamps.  According to them, I “make too much money”!!  My only option at this point is to move to Florida with my aunt and uncle (my only living relatives) and live with them until I find something there (which is highly unlikely) and then find my own place once I get on my feet.  I have such mixed feelings about moving out of state.  My roots are here, my doctors are here, my memories are here.  This is where I grew up.   I’m so afraid that all this stress is going to affect my health.  I’m trying to hard to put the breast cancer behind me and stay healthy and move on with my life, but each and every time I take one step forward, I’m pushed three steps backwards.




First of all, I am sorry that you had to go through - all of that alone!

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You are not pushed 3 steps backwards, you are being guided to where you are supposed to be! It may not be what you want, but it will be what was supposed to happen. Maybe Florida is your best bet? Maybe having aunt and uncle there is what you need right now (some help).

I also want to say that your memories are not where you live, MEMORIES ARE IN YOUR BRAIN, YOU TAKE THEM WITH YOU!!! This is just a stepping stone.

Listen to that country song by Carrie Underwood, I think it is called my temporary home. That reminds me of you.

You will get through all of this and will be better for it. You are STRONG to have done it alone and obviously you can handle more than you give yourself credit for!

My prayers are with you.

Through the tears in my eyes and heart....ditto! - alias

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Prayers and blessings to you, both the OP and the respondent! Compassion is something there is too little of these days.

to the OP....you are not alone...God is with you always. Lean on Him. He is your best friend right now...He is just trying to get you to see that.

Take care! Some of us do care!

God never gives you more than you can handle - Angie

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Although it may be hard to see, Believe. You got thru radiation treatment by your self (only in person, HE was with you the entire time). In desperate times like these, He is testing you (as is the Devil). You choose which one to turn to, to lean on, and He will show you the way. We don't always see it in the time we think we should, but He is always guiding us. BELIEVE in HIM. TRUST HIM, PRAY to HIM and HE WILL GUIDE you.

Little story, I graduated last May, had a job the day after I graduated that I secured before graduation, making what I asked for...couple months into it my past came back to haunt me and a charge that I got years ago that was never supposed to show on my record after probation...showed up. I was fired on the spot. I was DEVASTATED. I called my husband in tears and he never missed a beat, said don't worry about it, we will get that taken care of..its not where you were supposed to be. True enough, it took 2 months of Court costs, etc to get everything cleared and 2 weeks later, low and behold the ONLY time I have EVER seen a Med Trans job in our local paper came out..I applied, I interviewed and was hired almost on the spot, they called me the next morning. I accepted...that was last September. I love my job! I make more than I was making, have better benefits, everything worked out they way HE planned.

Good luck to you, I will add you to my prayer list!

Re: God doesn't give you more than you can handle... - OP, Anon

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Angie...You made me crack a much needed smile when I read that line. It seems that God is ALWAYS giving me these "tests", one after another after another....I'm tired of all these "tests". ALL I WANT IS A SIMPLE QUIZ !! LOL !!

oh yes he does. All the time. - m,

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agreed - schnauzermom

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change your diet to vegan or raw - incognito

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You cannot control all of your life and what happens to you, but you can control what you eat. That is a major impact on your overall health. It's also cheaper.

You will feel and look better and you will not have that worry on your mind in addition to the others. Find time to destress and meditate, too. Turn off the TV and music and live with quiet. It's much more peaceful.

This modern lifestyle is sickening everyone. We are so far away from our roots and what is good for us. Purge all unnecessaries from your life. Get enough sleep and drink lots of good water. These are things you can control and they will help you with the other problems because you will be feeling better from a diet standpoint.

I know what it's like to have your family turn their back on you. It's horrifying and sobering, but it will make you stronger in the end.

I wish you well.

I'm so sorry (see mssg) - Morgan

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I went through a similar situation. I take you were not an employee, but an IC? Did you pay into disability, or would you be eligible to collect disability, even if for only depression? On disability you are allowed to earn about $800+ a month without having disability payments reduced. If you are making payments to creditors, bankruptcy is an option to get back on your feet, but you need the money to hire an attorney for that. If you were employee status you may be eligible for unemployment. If you have an extra room, and can get away with it, you might be able to take in a roommate to split the rent.

I think it is deplorable what that radiology department did to you! It places ICs at such a disadvantage. I wish I had more suggestions. I hope that you get some help and get back on your feet. Good luck to you!

End of the rope with you. - JW

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I'm so sorry to hear this. You deserve so much more. I just lost a job of three months because the practice went to EMR. I have been an MT for 30 years and the only income I have is a small SS check that will not pay my bills. There are not really any jobs here in this small city where I live. I have an MT friend who has cataracts and can't see to work anymore. She has no insurance and does not qualify for any kind of assistance to get the surgery she needs. So sad to see so many of us being put out of work because of what the government is doing. We don't have a government that gives a damn about the people of this country. They pretend to so they will get elected again but I have made my mind up not to give any of them a stamp of approval this time around. I wish the best for you. I will add you to my prayers when I pray for my friend. I am at the end of my rope too and wondering why I have to go through the unemployment thing again. I was unemployed for 7 months before I got this last job that lasted 3 months. Good Luck to you and God Bless Us All who are trying so hard and struggling.

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