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Documed would like to hear about them - Anon

Posted: Mar 22, 2012

Would like to hear from anyone who currently works or has recently worked for Documed. I would like to know what your experience has been or had been with them. I have read the archives, and there is either really good or really bad. Would like to know what the current situation is with them. Also, does anyone know why the same orthopaedic position is repeatedly posted? Is the sound quality as bad working for them as the test was? Any information would be appreciated.

Me too - GotChoc

[ In Reply To ..]
So glad it wasn't just me w/ the sound.

Documed - Kelly

[ In Reply To ..]
I have never worked for them, but I tested. I have years of Ortho exp. Faye e-mailed me within 20 minutes of testing and said my test was "good, but there were a few mistakes" and basically they did not need me. So vague, and so many postings...I wonder what it is she is looking for. The sound quality was terrible. Anyway, Good Luck!

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