A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Anyone with recent info on AllType or TAIB? nm - zoe

Posted: Jun 12, 2010


alltype - i work there

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I work there, and it is a good place, except I cannot take the third shift schedule. Otherwise no complaints except they are not going to be paying for spaces after next week. Otherwise things are good, so if that is not a problem for you then go for it.

Seriously, now they're not going to pay for spaces? - sm

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Wow. How much more are they going to steal from the MTs? I quit that place a while ago because of the snotty management. It was before they decided to go totally to VR at 3 cpl. Bottom of the barrel pay, rude management, and now no pay for spaces? Yikes!

no spaces? - 15+ exp

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That's just utter greed. I do not work there, but if I type (space) it, I'd better get paid for it! Otherwisethisiswhattheirgoingtoget.wth!
not greed; thank the spacebar-holding cheating MTs. - nm
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Get real. Everybody knows that the number of spaces is controlled. - Are you new?
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The number of spaces is technically controlled on the back end before delivery of the report. So even if an MT did automatically type 2 spaces between sentences, the DEP system only recognizes 1 space on delivery of the report and only counts 1 space in the line count. So even if your account REQUIRES 2 spaces, like the account I used to have at AllType before I quit, the MT still only gets paid for 1.

Furthermore, even if an MT tried to be a spacebar-holding, cheating MT, as you say, QA would catch all that. Can you imagine what a report would look like if an MT put a bunch of spaces in between words on a report ? Do you honestly think that wouldn't be noticed?? ?

I normally hate the phrase "you must be management" but either you're new to the MT field and DocQscribe or you are someone in HR or some other managerial department that obviously knows nothing about transcription. I'm venturing you're the HR bulldog.
Addendum: Good example. sm - Are you new?
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I type the second paragraph of the post above with 2 and 3 spaces between each word and the question marks. Even THIS program is set up not to recognize the extra spaces, except with the punctuation.

Do you REALLY think that a transcription program like DEP run by greedy, thieving management is going to pay for the extra spaces and NOT eliminate them. I guess you helped prove that it's not possible.
That's not how it works - sm
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Instead of someone for example using just a hard retrun between paragraphs, they put a line of spaces there instead. So intead of getting paid for one character, they are being paid for closer to 60. That is something that nobody is going to notice until you put in a "show character" button like in word.
That would totally be noticed by the DEP program. - Are you new
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DEP shows every single keystroke and gives a summary of every one of them and even the MT can see these for themselves. In fact, in the summary it gives the number of all the spaces.

I'm sorry, but I don't buy this reasoning. If this was the case and it was happening by so many MTs, then it would have been addressed LONG before this. Why not fire those who are doing this (if it is actually even happening)? Why take money away from ALL the MTs instead of just those cheating the system (which I highly doubt because it would have been so obvious in the line count summary)?

This is just another way to take money away from the MTs, and what is even worse is that you try to blame management greed on the MTs themselves.
uh, I'm sure she means holding the space bar between paragraphs, not words! - and anywhere else invisible
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Most places require either one space after the period of the last line - on the report or two, anything other than that is
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Blame the Transcriptionist – Sounds like something Management would do - Stop trying to punish the masses for the sins of a
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Blame the Transcriptionist – that seems to be the only way Management can justify paying slave wages. 

Out of the hundreds of thousands of Medical Transcriptionists working, how many are stupid enough to try to add spaces?  Add a line’s worth of spaces and get fired -- for what – an extra 7 or 8 cents.  The way these companies scrutinize the poor Medical Transcriptionist, I imagine the first thing every QA does during an audit is look at the hidden formatting.  How long do you think anyone could get away with that before getting caught – and FIRED?   

Years ago, I worked at one company where they called it “line padding” if you accidently put 2 spaces at the end of a paragraph.  They claimed that the report would no load correctly if there was even 1 space at the end of the paragraph, but I think they just did not want to pay us that fracture of a penny per day that an extra space or two at the end of paragraphs would generate.  

Plus, like someone above stated, most platforms are set up to ignore extra spaces.  Some only count 1 space no matter how many are typed. 

So, why would anyone assume that a Medical Transcriptionist would waste their time and jeopardize their job for something that they probably do not get paid for anyway? 

If you have such disregard for the Medical Transcription profession, maybe you should find a more “honorable” profession that is not filled with cheats and liars. 

Stop trying to label all the good Medical Transcriptionists as bad because of the actions of a very, very small number of bad apples.  They will get fired and leave the profession soon enough. 



I agree! - Long time MT
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I've been an MT for over 30 years and the thought has never occurred to me that anyone would do such a thing, until I read it here today.

right from the horses mouth on SPACES - darlene

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Some of our client contracts have gone to visible black character vs 65 character per line. The VBC is a 56 character line as opposed to the 65 character line. It does not change an MT̢۪s compensation. This is truly the way the industry is moving so it will not be unusual to see that verbiage in the future.

Andrea Fornari

Director of Transcription

Dictation, Transcription, Editing, &

Document Distribution Solutions

Thank you! - sm

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Great to see something from the 'horse'!
Better than a bunch of scared MTs trying to figure out if they are going to be able to pay their bills or not with all these changes.

This doesn't really say anything except it's 56 versus 65 character line. - ??

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I'm really hoping that the MTs at AllType will educate themselves on the compensation for a VBC line. Since, I can't link another website here, Google State of the Art: The White Papers and read the article.

In short, it says: "In the unit of measurement white paper (Appendix A), a calculation of equivalencies among various production measurements yields a difference of about 31 percent between the "AAMT line" (65 characters with spaces) and the VBC line. Roughly speaking, the per-line rate would have to be 31 percent higher for the VBC count for MT payment to be equivalent to the 65-character line payment. Here, an MT earning 9 cpl under the traditional line calculation would have to earn 11.8 cpl in the VBC count to make the same amount of money. Payment of 10 cpl on a VBC line is equivalent to about 7 cpl in the familiar 65-character line count." And this information is taken directly from the AHIMA/MTIA joint task force's appendix in their own report!! It isn't any MT making it up.

So you can post anything you want from that horse's ?mouth? because if they stated it will not change an MT's compensation, unless they plan on INCREASING line count compensation, what was stated is absolutely FALSE.

VBC - 15+ exp

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That may be true, but if they don't want to pay for spaces thenthisiswhattheyaregoingtoget. Ifanyone'sfingerstypeititshouldbepaid. I've worked both ways - and with spaces was paid more than no spaces. IMHO. Theydon'tpaytheydon'tget.

The CO I work for has never paid for spaces. - Kazaam

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