A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Webmedx says on their website that they have a family friendly schedule, etc. but - sm - dee

Posted: Feb 15, 2011

I had a phone interview with them, and they don't sound like they're flexible AT ALL.  She even told me that they're not.  She made it sound like I have to be dying to miss any work.  They say they have excellent insurance, but their family insurance is around $700 a month!!  Plus she told me that I would have to type 7000 lines per week, but I saw on several posts on here that they only had to type 5500 lines.  So, I'm wondering if this company promises certain things, but then it actually ends up being the opposite, and also tells one person one thing and someone else something different.  I don't want to make a huge mistake!  I have only worked for one other company at home, so I'm new to all of this.  (I had always worked in the hospital setting).  From what I've read on here on different posts it sounds like I need to get out of this profession period.  Scary stuff.  Anyways, any positive or negative feedback about this company is welcome.  Thanks!   

They will say whatever to get you hired - they lie

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I've been there almost 4 years and my schedule has gone from bad to worse. They insist you work at least 1 weekend day, and it appears you are locked into it forever - I am sick of permanently working Saturdays, and half the time only have about 4 hours work on Saturdays, but can get no cooperation at all in changing to a M-F schedule - they simply will not let me have it although I know they MUST be giving that schedule to "someone" due to high turnover. Right now we're being offered OT due to it being one client's busy season - I am getting very burnt out from working 6 days a week, but if they train more people on the account in a couple months there will be no work on it at all. The only flexing they want you to do is at THEIR convenience. I had to drop my child from their insurance entirely and buy him a private policy I could afford. My family complains that I am "always working". I'm working harder and harder and making less and less due to crappy platforms and the fact that they encourage clients to be as picky and eccentric as they want to be and assure them our MTs will bend over backwards to fix EVERYTHING and make them look wonderful. I wouldn't call them family friendly OR MT friendly for that matter. I've been trying to find a different MT job for 2 years now and I assume I'll have to quit MT altogether if I ever want to have "a life" or a paycheck.

If you can't find another MT job after 2 years, sm - ?Anon

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either you are not looking hard enough, your expectations are very hard to meet, or maybe your skills are not as sharp as they need to be. Anyone can find another job in 2 years.

Who's forcing you to work 6 days a week? 2 years - looking for another job? Good luck with year 3. NM

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You got the right impression of them. - Say one thing mean another.

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They discourage open communication so that MTs can not compare notes. They tell you one thing and someone else something completely different. There family insurance is closer to $800 a month and that is with a $5000.00 deductible! Does that sound like "good" insurance?

Trust your instincts on this one.

Are you kidding? Everyone's hours and lines = production - are posted on the community page for

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everyone to view.

Also, it's true people are pretty discrete on the various forum boards, but people meet others there and are able to chat elsewhere if they want. Plus, WMX facilitates communication by putting all e-mail addresses in one format, so got a name, communicate.

I don't know how our insurance compares with others right now, not low certainly, but if you don't like it, support healthcare reform. Our entire industry is aging. Any company that has lower rates this time around is going to see an increase next time.

As for say one thing, etc., WMX lived up to our initial hiring agreement 100%. I did ask questions, read documents, etc., so there were no surprises.

try transportal - missingtransportalmt

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I used to work for them. They are a really great company and very flexible. Unfortunately I had some communication issues with my direct supervisor and no longer work there, but I still think they are a very good company.

I've found Webmedx to be a good employer...sm - my experience

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Did you ask the recruiter about what you'd read about the 5500 line requirement?

If you agree to work a certain schedule, then you are obligated to work that schedule. If you are sick, of course your manager will work with you. The recruiter is probably trying to convey that you can't miss your shift for just any old reason. No different than any other employer out there, whether it is an MTSO or a fast food restaurant. Lots of MTs get hired, then decide to skip a shift, or not notify their manager if they are going to be late etc. The recruiter is probably just laying that expectation on the line - that you work when you are contracted to work.

Ask the recruiter more questions if you are unsure. Ask to speak with a current employee maybe? As I stated before, I'm content at Webmedx. Have never felt "lied to." JMHO.

I didn't say anything about 5500 lines - sm - dee

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that I heard on here about because I didn't know what she would think about me being on here chatting. She said that they wouldn't accept missing for doctor appointments either, and I go to the doctor a lot for health issues, and some of the appointments I can only get in on at certain times and have to wait 2 months to get an appointment in the first place, so I've gotta take what I can get. If I make up the time I don't see why it would matter.

sounds to me that they don't want to hire you, making it difficult for you, so you won't h - Just my opinion

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Oh, Dee, you DIDN'T mention your health issues in the - interview, did you? JMO may
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be right. Never, ever do that. Or even mention them here (without fuzzing out your head and disguising your voice) in case somebody matches you up. All companies are trying to keep skyrocketing insurance premiums as low as possible for their employees and hours actually worked up.

Unofficially, in my region anyway, we usually have more than 8 hours to get in our 8 hours, although not when work's piling up. Thus, doc appointments aren't normally a problem, unless one is taking buses across the city to get there and back.

As for 7000, or 5500 lines, per week, I don't know but wouldn't worry about it. It's very doable for at least a reasonably skilled MT working a full schedule. And I'm assuming that is what they're looking for.
No I didn't say anything during the interview, and dee isn't my real name - sm - dee
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Thanks for the info.
You're welcome. It's a good company, but like others it's - tightening up, becoming more like
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like working in an office but at home. Any company can only go so far toward treating us like hourly office workers before I expect to be paid hourly, but we're a good way from the break point for me yet. I think. Some people report getting warnings about having too many pauses in their payback, though, something that grabbed my attention immediately.

They've changed since when I was hired (sm) - MT

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I still think they're better than most of the MT companies out there, but I no longer think they have integrity. I think having a medical condition that they know about does adversely affect the decisions they make about you even if you don't let it affect your work. That's unfortunate, but not uncommon among employers. Yes, if you have a way out of the profession, I think that's the way to go. MT has had problems for a long time. I am still with Webmedx, but I don't trust them to make ethical decisions anymore. I am actively working to get out of this field altogether.

So my opinion: You can definitely do worse, but I can't recommend Webmedx anymore.

Worrisome position to be in, MT. They've mentioned a couple - of times that their med claims are higher

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than typical, so in the past they may have been pretty good about employees with health problems. They may still be, but these days I'd do a lot to keep from an employer any problem that arose.

I definitely recommend supporting healthcare reform, weakened as it is with over 200 amendments by legislators who opposed it. If it goes down, this's only going to get worse. Just yesterday yet another friend told us her premium has literally doubled for the new year and she has no choice but to go bare. Now, that's REALLY scary.

Agreed, it's not just Webmedx that has high premiums and deductibles - see message

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It's pretty crappy everywhere in all parts of the work sector. Year after year, premiums increase, copays increase and deductibles go up. We're in a sorry state.

Forced to go bare - Sailboat

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Some of us are going to be forced to go bare when the Cobra we took when our company stopped giving insurance runs out. Ever try to get insurance with diabetes or some other such illness?
Ouch, Sailboat. I'm sorry. We did get a Cobra letter - once when my husband
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transferred from IC to employee in the same position. He was in his late 40s, no significant health problems, and the letter informed us we could continue coverage for $2,999 for the next 3 months, payable up front. This was in the early 1990s, when we paid about $150/month for his coverage, and Cobra's been a sick joke for me ever since. Thank goodness we didn't need it.

Good luck finding another job.

webmedx 5500 lines - anon

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I'm the one who posted about the 5500 lines, and that IS what I was told was the minimum when I was hired, although that was over 3 years ago and also before so much of the work was ISR, so perhaps it has changed for that reason, but I was never told anything different. However, I do easily make that amount and they DO have a decent incentive pay plan (this plan is posted on the community page and so I assume this is the same across the board).

When I was hired, they WERE flexible, and I had a 12 hour time window to complete 8 hours of work. I have been told they are no longer offering this due to the clients demanding much tighter TAT on their reports. Unfortunately, I believe this is industry wide and not just Webmedx.

All in all, I can make a fair (not great) income by making the incentive levels. I do believe the tone of the company has changed in the 3 years I have been here, and they are no longer as MT friendly as they once were. There are still some great service team managers, and I have heard there are a few not so great, so your experience will be affected by who you get as your manager. Mine is still great and flexes with me if needed (but I also work OT when she needs me).

The insurance is not bad for individual, they pay a much higher percentage of your premium. When you go for the family rates, though, it IS high. I have found that to be true for most of the national companies I have interviewed with. I found it easier to purchase individual low cost insurance for my family, as nobody had any pre-existing conditions.

Hope this helps, if you want to e-mail me for more info please feel free.

Thank you for what seems to be an honest, balanced post. - nm

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5500 lines or your state's minimum wage - Rainy

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With my ISR pay rate, and getting about 90% ISR work, 5500 lines/week is below my state's minimum wage. Got a warning about that once.

Please explain, Rainy. Were you informed that you - had to bring income up to min wage? NM

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making minimum wage - anon
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I know that several people have been fired from Webmedx in the last few months due to not making enough for minimum wage. When that happens, Webmedx (or any employer) has to make up the difference. The people that I know were given 2 warnings and the 3rd time it happened they were fired. The STMs have no say in this matter, it does not matter if you have a good relationship or not, the higher powers have taken a lot harder stance on many things.
Anon is right, from what I have read...sm - Rainy
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I read here about people being let go for it after warnings, and Anon is correct that the company has to pay the difference between a state's minimum wage and what an employee makes below that, which now sounds reasonable. It may be obvious to some people, but not known to me so it was kind of a shock to receive the warning.
That has happened at my company too - TT MT
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I work for TT, and it has happened there also. They do 3 warnings, and then if you don't bring up your line count to make minimum wage you are let go. Things are really hard right now to even make minimum wage in some companies because of the lack of work.

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