A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

family insurance coverage - terry

Posted: Nov 07, 2014

Someone posted a message about a week ago that they were a single parent and could not afford the price of family coverage. Well, I am in the same boat. Family coverage with Nuance and most insurance companies I have checked out will cost me around 450.00 per month for just me and my son. But, I don't have to carry him under the same policy. If I take BCBSMA through Nuance and insure him under BCBSNC he is only 100.00 a month saving me around 250.00 dollars and month. I hope this helps anyone struggling with insurance costs.

Did you also check with your state to see if your child sm - acuteMLS

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can be covered by a state plan based on your income (it's like Medicaid for kids). There would be no premium and almost nothing out of pocket for medical and dental care. Please check before you purchase a policy. It'll be on your state's web site where Medicaid and food stamps are located.

If you are in NC it's called Health Choice for Children sm - acuteMLS

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and it's for people who make too much for Medicaid but too little to get employer or private insurance.


Stay with Nuance a few months and you will qualify for all kinds of - public assistance!

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We are the official face of America's working poor.

This should be illegal. - sm

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Working a full-time job in a SKILLED PROFESSION and needing public assistance. I just can't believe, yet I am living it, too.

We are the working poor - terry

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This is where I'm at. I did very, very well at a local hospital for 14 years (30.00 an hour), bought my own house, adopted my son and then we were all laid off due to lack of work. I was getting government assistance, but when I was getting the production bonus it knocked me out of many services and I don't get that anymore, so I am in a pickle. I need to find a financial wizard to figure out how low to keep my line count to where I qualify for government services and not have to type it out. Poverty is better than the working poor class.

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