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Medquist Buyout of Spheris-Health Insurance? - Spheris MT For Now

Posted: Feb 04, 2010

I am a current employee of Spheris and was wondering what kind of health insurance does Medquist offer? If you could give details that would be great. Embarassed

Another Spheris MT Curious About Health Insurance at Medquist - OHMT

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Please advise. At Spheris we have a $3000.00 deductible if you are single. Spheris gives us $500.00 toward the deductible. I keep wondering if I should use mine up now while I still have it. We also get a discount on our premium if we participate in a health program each year (if you score high enough). We have a vision plan and Delta Dental.

I am sure a lot of Spheris people are curious about Medquist's benefits.

Medquist Insurance - Jax

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Medquist also has a $3000 deductible and there is a $1000 HRA through United Healthcare. They have a vision plan that used to be free but now you have to pay for it but I can't remember what the name of the company is. The dental is through either Aetna or MetLife.

One thing you need to know about MQ health insurance - - dnr

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If you don't "make enough money for MQ" (i.e. meet the minimum line count - 150 lines/hour) they will stop paying their part and you will either end up on Cobra or without (if you don't do Cobra) until next enrollment.

You have to do 150 lines/hour to qualify. nm - Anon

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Do they still have an option for Kaiser HMO too? - nm

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My friend said that she had Kaiser HMO at MQ, but that was quite a while ago, so I'm not sure if they still offer that or not.

Yes, they have Kaiser. - dnr

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