A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

TransformMT - Good to work for? - Kay

Posted: Mar 16, 2012

Was wondering how the company TransformMT is. Are they a good company to work for?

Transform - SM

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IMO one of the best companies out there. Fair in every sense of the word.

TransformMT - yup

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it is pretty fair across the board as compared to many of the MTSOs out there.

It is mostly VR editing, but they have some bonus plan for using shortcuts, production and you can make up to 6 cpl doing editing I have heard.

They also have insurance and PTO

Transform Part-time? - MT1965

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Sounds like a good company. Do they hire part time; if so, what is the minimum requirement? THANKS :D

Don't expect a small-company feeling. sm - not my cup of tea

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Overall, not a bad company, in my opinion, but even with their interesting pay structure it can be a little difficult to make good money. I feel they tend to micromanage a bit, and I really dislike that. Lots of hoops to jump through and paperwork to fill out before actually getting to work for them. You will have multiple passwords and websites for training, tracking production, earnings, etc. They have a mentoring program, but I suggest waiting until you're well oriented with your accounts before attempting that since you probably won't like the way they want you to figure your hours worked unless you're already making a decent line count. Their way of figuring that has been discussed on this board before, although it was regarding another company. I don't really want to say more on that issue...

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