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Command Health (formerly TransformMT) testing - PH

Posted: Sep 20, 2013

Anyone else take their test and were surprised that you didn't pass? I took it yesterday. I have 5 yrs of experience and even used my AAMT and Stedman's books (like they said I could) to verify spellings. I also found it odd that you couldn't use Google Chrome or any IE newer than 7 - so I had to download and use Firefox to take the test.

no great loss there sm - workerbee

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You'll make no money there. Micromanagers to the core. Every single report, every comma, space will be QA'd every day. They overhire and you WILL run out of work. They like everyone else make claims of a ton of work, and it will look like it but the reports are all very short, like a minute or two and are gobbled up in no time. AND you will have to eventually buy a voice player because the free ones do not work well. No matter what they say, don't believe it that everybody else can hear just great with ExpressScribe. It's a lie.

off topic - SM

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let me get this straight, everyone who says they can hear with ExpressScribe is a liar but you are telling the truth? I've used ES for 10 years with no problems.

Also, I've worked at TransformMT and not every report is a minute or two.

You speak in a bunch of generalizations as if you are speaking gospel which simply isnt the case.

way off topic apparently - workerbee

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A bunch of generalizations, I think not. I bought Gearplayer and there was a world of a difference in being able to hear the voice files more clearly. I was told in the beginning that "most" of their transcriptionists used Gearplayer or Bytescribe, then when I had issues with management, the story changed that most everybody used ExpressScribe and don't have a problem. Which is it? That's what I'm talking about, management is lying, not the transcriptionists. I never spoke with them. K, so not ALL the reports are a minute or two, some are 30 seconds or 50 seconds. MOST of them are under 3 minutes. That IS the case.
to workerbee - diana
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Did you work as an IC for Transform or as an employee, or did you work for MD-IT, which is different. The two companies merged, kept their own identity and are now rebranded under CommandHealth. I can only speak for the Transform side, as I work for them currently as an employee (5 years now) and I never have had to use any outside player for the files. They provided the software and loaded it on my computer, provide Shorthand expander, built in spell checker, etc. Also, every account is different. Maybe the accounts you were on the jobs were all short, but on the account I am on currently I have dictators who constantly dictate over 3 minutes and I have some who never go over 1 minute.

To the OP, I am sorry you did not pass the test. Are you allowed to take it again?
MD-IT, sorry didn't think about the merger - workerbee
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I apologize, didn't think about the difference in the 2 accounts, but MD-IT is the one I'm talking about. Also, to the ladies who keep saying they didn't have any problems with ExpressScribe, of course, you can hear most dictations okay with the free version but it's NEVER been great to begin with, then you have a company like MD-IT that has crappy audio quality on a lot of files. That's why you have to a purchase a player. Another reason you make no money is because DD insists you spend at least 10 minutes per blank (mind you this is on super short reports!) It's laughable. They have no doctor list to provide you, yet if you don't find the spelling, QA is snarky, like "I found it without a problem." You will never get the hours or production to make full time or qualify for benefits. Bottom line, apologies to OP for going off like this but you seriously are better off. There will be something else MUCH better to come along. Just keep applying everywhere.
Well, I didnt' mean apply ANYWHERE sm - workerbee
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please don't apply at those huge places like MModal, Nuance, Softscript unless you get desperate with the lack of job offers. Of course, what works for one, doesn't work for another. Just keep doing what you're doing, asking about the companies, researching them here and other places. But that's another thing, I know I didn't give a good review of MD-IT, but you do have to take a lot of these negative reviews with a huge grain of salt. But there again if all the criticism is basically the same over time, they can't all be just disgruntled people. You won't find a whole lot about MD-IT because maybe it's certain accounts that are terrible like the cardiology account I was on. So again if someone is offered something other than the cardiology account, I'd say go for it and see what it's like.
command health - buhbye
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They used to be a good company but went down the tubes like all the rest thanks to idiot new owner and greed for money. No work, crappy pay....no loss at not passing, although sorry you didn't.
Command/MD-IT - regina
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I would have to concur with that. It used to be better. But honestly when the small company I worked for was bought out by MD-IT things gradually started going down the tubes more and more, less money. But right lately, as the above post says, they are pretty much just like the rest of the MTSOs. It's all about greed, less for the MT, more for them.
workerbee - there is a difference between ExpressScribe free - and the purchased version
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and I believe some of that difference is clarity. But, I have the free version and used it for years, the only problem I have with sound quality is when I need to speed up or slow down the voice. So some accounts I've worked on, ES is worthless, others no problem.

And somewhere along the line ES did away with the free version so perhaps most their people are working with the upgraded one you pay for.

I've never had a problem with Express Scribe. - nm

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