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TransTech is a Sweatshop - just realized

Posted: Aug 05, 2013

Told to work, work, work.  Flex when THEY want you to and make up hours/lines.  Highly discouraged to flex for YOUR needs. 

10-15 emails a day to basically hurry up and work and get your lines, basically no matter HOW long it takes you.  Nevermind you are not even CLOSE to making minimum wage. 

They do NOT go by hours worked.  It is by getting your minimum lines at all costs. 

Wish there were better out there, or less demanding.... but to change and start all over learning 1000+ dictators and new platforms would mean even GREATER drop in wage.

Glad I''m in Rad - Darkhorse

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So glad I am in the Radiology section. Not like that at ALL over there. And to think I was thinking of training for Acute Care...

Funny how you are in Rad when there was none I was told. - anon

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I was even told by B that she had to learn acute care because there was no radiology. Radiology was the first to go though in the hospitals...all gone. VR or Nighthawk in Australia.

Definitely rad, just no openings at the moment - Darkhorse

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There is DEFINITELY RADIOLOGY. I have a primary and secondary account. Positions are LIMITED and that is probably why you would told that. In fact, I got the last position at that time and then they hired one more person for a busy cancer account.

NO LIE...RIGHT ON. Been there also. - anon

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You are SO, SO, right. It is horrid. You HAVE to lie to keep your not-even-minimum-wage job. Disgusting, don't care who disagrees. I started out when we had BELTS...I know what I am talking about and you are so, so, right. No supervisor here saying it isn't true and people are just so negative...reality. Sweatshop...now we are the 3rd world country it seems in our labor.

they all are now - nm - tired of it

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Hmm, let's see...if you have days off then why would - sm

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you need to flex for YOUR needs? Most people run their errands/schedule appointments during their OFF time. If you are scheduled to work you are supposed to be working, not suddenly flexing at the drop of a hat because you "forgot" you had a doc appt. Geesh, managing your time isn't that hard to do! Also, you only flex when there is no work...and of course if you are flexing any other time during your time to work you should have to make up that time.

flexing ? - all day and night

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flexing per their request would mean sitting here day and night some days to get your lines.

Why shouldn't one be able to flex schedule if they have an appt or something that needs to be done? Flexing is a 2-way street chickie

Well, "chickee" you have a schedule to work.. - sm

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work it. If you worked in-house you'd be gone in a month. Take care of your personal business on your own time.
I understand what you're talking about, flexing because there is - not enough work is quite common, sm
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What a rude person to assume that somone is not working their schedule. Unfortunately, there is no way to keep a schedule when the work is not consistent. This hurry up and work and wait attitude and then flex on your days off attitude seems to have become a norm amount several bigger companies out there, but I know exactly what you're talking about.
Flexing and schedule - nm
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If there is a schedule it is up to the company to make sure work is available. If it is by production let everyone hop on and off when the work is available and flexing should work both ways. If they want a schedule make sure work is available or pay minimum wage. Companies want their cake and eat it too!

Where is the OP saying she had a Dr. appt? The OP - anony2

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never mentioned anything about errands, or any other appointments. When there is no work, you need to flex. They also frown on getting off if your shift isn't over, even with NO WORK. Yet, you don't get paid for sitting there and you still have to make up your lines, which means LYING on the time sheet.

BTW, you stated "you only flex when there is no work." There rarely was/is any work.

Stop being a rah-rah for TT. They're not the great company they used to be.

Truly, the government needs to be aware of companies like this so they can put a stop to the way these companies operate.

Try turning in an accurate timecard - And see what happens

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I got so sick of chasing the work and "flexing" 18 hours a day just to make the minimum that one pay period I just turned in an accurate timecard. This, of course, showed I had not even made minimum wage in spite of all my hours I had to "flex."

I received a "nice" email from the owner informing me I must have made a mistake on my hours worked and taken a day off or something as what I had earned did not even make minimum wage.

Yeah, no kidding, Sherlock.

I took the hint, falsified my timecard as hinted at, and left shortly thereafter.

At least M*Modal apparently pays minimum wage. No such luck at TT. You'll just be chastised and told to look at your hours again.

Minimum requirements and hours - see below

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I just received one of those lovely e-mails stating my minimum is not being met according to my hours worked and my job is in jeopardy. I cannot make minumum in my required scheduled time, nor for the pay period. I am now being told to punch out and check back every hour, still required to make myself available during that time, "but don't work overtime".

Hours versus production - see below

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One thing I don't understand if you have to be there during your shift or you get fired. If you are sitting waiting for the work to come in that is your problem. If you are required to be sitting and waiting for work during those hours minimum wage should be paid, you are scheduled, you are there just in case, it is your time you are giving up for that company believing the hype that there is plenty of work and then nothing. They make the same amount of money no matter how many MT's are on the account 2 or 20, they don't care.

Where are the watchdogs and whistleblowers - when you need them?

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How in the world has this been allowed to happen? This has to be against some employment law. Surely there is an employment law attorney out there who would jump on this if they only knew. Enough is enough. They are taking advantage pure and simple.

And they have THEIR evenings off and THEIR weekends off.

I would also like to see a Living Wage that is the same across the board. No guessing at how much a job will pay.

Just give us 10 cents a line no matter what we are doing, straight or VR. The knowledge is the same. Why should we be penalized because of technology? No other profession has had a cut in pay for computer advances.

This smacks of 19th century tactics. I hope you see the monster in the mirror you have turned into, MTSOs.

Agreed, Transtech is a sweatshop - MT

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If a dictation took 35 minutes of some idiot repeatedly propositioning a nurse; rewording everything she says; making jokes; eating, etc., and you get more than one of these, but no real lines to equal the length of the dictation--too bad for the MT--not taken into account in any way. They want those minimum lines in but definitely only claim to do it within 8 hours or else you might hear from human resources--so work more hours but lie on your timesheet. Transtech only cares about lines.

No work available because they overhire and you slept all day to be ready for your 3rd shift and you are available--too bad. Stay up until well into 1st or 2nd shift or else. Who needs to sleep, eat, care for their families, etc.

You're on an account with 16 pages of account specifics and it is your backup which you seldom get. Said backup requires 3 pages just to explain how to do carbon copies and multiple instructions regarding to which bin to route a multitude of different worktypes or else--too bad MT. Your lines are going to drop, even though you're getting your hours in and they know this but do not care. May be subjected to loss of insurance, PTO, busted back to part time. No MT on that account should be required to do the extremely high minimum lines even if familiar with it because it ALWAYS requires more MT manipulation and research to get it out.

Don't plan to do anything on your days off or during hours when you should be done working or before work because they are harassing you to work if it miraculously comes in.

A real offense is the colorful every Friday E-mail demanding to know when over the weekend or on your day off you plan to make up lines you are short through no fault of your own.

By the way, Transtech, nothing more offensive than being called a SHORTLINER when you've tried to work.

PS: Utilizing Nuance's and M*Modal's lousy platforms provides capital for those companies who send jobs overseas so not real impressed that company claims to be U.S. only employer.

Well said! (NM) - ex TT, but still sweating in another shop.

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Is this on the oncology accts too? - ONCTYPER

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Just kinda wondering if this no work situation is everyone or if its just acute care and the oncology has plenty of work.

Thanks folks.

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