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Terrible experiences.... - Experienced MT

Posted: Jul 27, 2010

I have had horrible experiences with 2 companies in the past few months that I thought were different and would turn out much better than most medical transcription companies out there.

Well, the first one let me go because of lack of work.  They had outdated equipment and are actually holding my last check claiming that I did not mail the equipment, and I did.  The last check doesn't amount to much and probably isn't worth the time or trouble to try to get it as I am currently using all of my time jobsearching.

The second one obviously overhired.  I was quickly moved off from QA, and my reports were going directly to the hospital.  It paid 8 cents a line which is okay and around what I was paid when I started working at home 7 years ago.  Anyway, one day there was no work for me and no explanation.  This went on for 2 more days before anyone at the company would respond to me.  When I call the office and someone does answer, it's a pain to get a direct answer or to get the people on the phone that I need to talk to.  Then they tell me if I would like to pick up a second job to go ahead because they have no more work for me right now and can't promise when they will.  This was after working for them for a total of 2 weeks.  Why was I hired in the first place?  I was excited to find them as they also pay weekly, so I was counting on getting my finances turned around with a weekly paycheck.  They said to look at it as a "vacation."  Not much of a vacation when I have 3 small children and no paycheck, and we might now be kicked out of our house because I can't pay the rent.  The 2 other jobs I have right now aren't doing it, they are part-time and backup jobs just in case something like this was to happen as I have been very untrusting of transcription companies lately, but I assumed this one would be different. 

Working outside is not an option for me right now.  My SUV was totaled, I have 3 small children, and my fiance is disabled.  I just don't understand how they can so casually destroy the lives of their employees without thinking twice about it.  So everyday, I go jobsearching with no luck, and I have 15 years of experience and am very qualified.  Good luck to all of you MTs out there...

forgot to mention - Experienced MT

[ In Reply To ..]
Forgot to mention that the last company that laid me off after 2 weeks when I was interviewing with them actually stated that they always make sure there is work for everyone because they want to make sure people who really need the work are able to put food on the table....

How disgusting the lies the recruiters tell - hope your life gets better soon

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Its really sad that you've been treated this way. I hope you find a decent job soon.

recruiters - Experienced MT

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Thank you. I really hope things start looking up....

BTW - They were both small companies.... - Experienced MT

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I used to think it was just the bigger companies that were like that after working for MedQuist and seeing the changes they have made over the years, but no these were both smaller companies....Very sad.

do you mind saying who they were? - justme

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Sorry for the problems you are having and I hope things turn around for you and your family soon.

Do you mind telling us who these 2 companies were?

TIA :)

companies - Experienced MT

[ In Reply To ..]
I guess I don't mind letting everyone know. I like to try to research companies before spending time interviewing and testing as it is very time consuming. In the end, everyone has their own opinions and makes the decision that is best for them concerning the company they decide to work for.

The one that is holding my last paycheck is MDSI in Oklahoma. They are saying I owe them equipment, and I don't feel that is the case as I have mailed everything (other than a small job ID that I will mail out). Anyway, they are saying I owe pedals and phone cords and so they are holding the check. To me this is not fair, they should pay me and then bill me for whatever equipment they are saying I still have. Their equipment is beyond outdated in my opinion (C-phones), and I have no use for any of it and so I mailed all of it to them.

The one who caused more trouble for me and hired me and then laid me off due to lack of work 2 weeks later is Medical Transcribers II of Maine. I wasn't going to post their names, but they really did not have any care when it came to just leaving me behind like I'm a piece of garbage when I am a hardworker and have many years of experience.

Also, I began to get worried with Medical Transcribers II, Inc. (mti2inc) because on one of the days that I was out of work, I received an e-mail that said "Sorry, there is no work tonight as the hospital is using its in-house workers since work is very low. :(" Yes, the message was followed by a sad face. It made me wonder, are they being sarcastic because I'm out of work. I thought it was all a little weird.

Anyway, I'm stuck now with nothing but 2 little part-time jobs that don't pay often and scrambling to find something else full-time. This has caused me to not trust MT companies even more. The current pt company I'm working for can't pay until she gets her computer back. Anyway, now I'm worried about getting paid there, but I have to just keep going with what I have until something else comes up. I'm hoping to keep it as a part-time job, but if she doesn't pay me, there is no way I will.

Good luck to all MTs out there. I know it has become very difficult trying to find a company we can trust or that pays us what we truly deserve.

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