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When you have terrible dictators - sm

Posted: Apr 14, 2014

You know the ones I mean. They don't speak full sentence or even words and fly like the wind..Do you copy the job and send it to TSM or QA lead to have them listen and try and get the doc to do better, or do you just send it to QA in all its glory with a zillion blanks..I'm 2/2 in a row and really po'd at this point.

Feel like I just got your files. - CT

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If so, there's absolutely nothing you can do personally to make the doctors better. This one was awful. I was so impressed by the MT who got them first and was able to make so much sense out of Dr. Mush Mouth. I hate that I wasn't able to offer much assistance! But I think the only proactive thing you can do is send the IJN information to your TSM/QA leads and let them try to figure out the doctor's problem. Don't take it personal. I'm sure you've done the best you can with the crappy audio you were given. Ugh!

You might very well have - sm

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But so far if you did,,,I am amazed at what you added and thank you..I will alert TSM/QA next time..Part of me wants to let them "slip" and go directly back to the doctor..but that's an audit waiting to happen, lol.

When I get these from an MT, I try to leave an encouraging note. - CT

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I don't want you guys to ever think you've not done enough with that nonsense. It's awful some of the dictations we're expected to make into intelligent reports, but we persevere and cross our fingers, eyes, and toes for a better one next time.

PS-When I get really bad ones, I send them to QA, too. I usually get them back, which generally results in a string of mental obscenities. :)
My QA people are great,,btw - sm
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I may not always agree with them, but there are never any nasty remarks or "snarky remarks" like some people complain about. I really do appreciate you guys

NOBODY will try and get the doc to do better. - nm

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bad dictation - Phatty

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I agree. You can send notes about doctors' awful dictation (just awful), and 6 months later, a year later, that dictator is still doing trashy dictation. Makes one wonder how much people care about patient safety or it the dollar they care about more???

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