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TTS recruiting AGAIN?? It's a small company with bad history - They keep losing MTs.

Posted: Jul 05, 2011

I can't believe the management dumped more MTs.  One week they fired 7 MTs and we were asked to work extra even though usually we run out of work.

Sounds like mismanagement is still the TTS way of doing things.  Wonder if the same owner and supervisors are there?  Anybody know? 

Micro/mis - managing is the rule - at TTS

[ In Reply To ..]
Top management is the same 3-4 people, but the rest of the staff turns over as quickly as the MT staff does. Not everyone is horrible there, some of the poor staff are simply jumping through hoops even if the hoops are on fire, just to be able to pay the rent/survive, etc. There generally comes a time when they can't take it anymore and leave. Just like the MTs.

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