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Small company vs MTSO - Curious

Posted: Sep 08, 2011

I am beginning to think it's better to work for a small company than a big MTSO.  So many of the comments on here are really not in favor of the "big boys."  I'm sure it's partly old employees that dislike the company, but there seems to be less "drama" about the smaller companies.  I would LOVE to find a small company that uses the Emdat Inscribe platform.

Thoughts, ideas on the subject or tips on smaller companies who actually pay?

Unfortunately, the small companies are having a tough - time keeping up with the big boys

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I think, much like the way of community banks and small mom and pop grocery stores, the small MTSO is on its way out. Think of Nuance or MedQuist as the Walmart of the MT world. The little guys just flat out can't compete with the rock bottom prices that the big nationals are capable of getting away with. It's why so many services that used to be really decent such as WMX, OSI, Spheris, etc., either went belly up and then were acquired or just flat out sold to out to the big guns.

I work for what is considered a mid size MTSO and I still worry about them struggling to not off shore and yet pay reasonable wages.

I have a horrible nightmare of 7 to 10 years from now everyone either working for Nuance or MedQuist or Transcend and just not having any other options.

I agree with the above response... - caffeinatedmom

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I worked for a small MTSO for four years, until recently, when I left to take a full-time job away from home. I left my MTSO on good terms and they said they'd gladly take me back if I ever needed work again, but honestly, work had been slow there for a while, and I only stayed because they were really good to me. Unfortunately, a few weeks after I started my new job, the company eliminated my position due to a financial crisis and I was left entirely without work. I called back to my former MTSO and they have not had any work for me. I only left there about two months ago. :( Now, I'm looking at the big MTSOs and will probably take a position at Amphion, about which I've heard both good and bad, but at this point anything is better than nothing.

I do think my former company has struggled lately with having work across the board for their MTs. They primarily had clinic accounts and they never outsourced overseas. They paid well, and they were great to work for, but the work flow was always unreliable.

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