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TTS recruiting AGAIN! Seems they can't keep MTs - Small badly run company.

Posted: Jun 04, 2011

Saw another recruitment ad for TTS on the job seekers board dated 06/03.  For such a small company they seem to go through MTs quickly.  Only two of five hired survive after six weeks of employment according to owner's assistant.  I am one of the TTS MT casualties.

My fellow MTs don't waste your time with TTS.  I just left there so unfortunately I know personally it is a roller coaster ride to work for them and in the end you will end up leaving for one reason or another being that there is a very eccentric owner and erratic management under her.  

Still there. - laskdjfkd

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I have been there about 6 weeks with no intentions of leaving. I have had nothing but great help and flexibility with TTS. (And no, before the accusations start, I am not a manager, if you want proof, you can email me.) I am so far very pleased with them.

Congrats on your 6 weeks at TTS. TTS tables do turn. - Post again after the mgr meltdown

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It will happen when you least suspect it. TTS is bipolar company. There is a lot of dysfunction at the top you have not yet had the opportunity to see as a newer employee. It took me about a year. I was like you at first and even referred my friends to the company in spite of another MT warning me to stay away from TTS. Just a warning to you.

I guess I just do not see - alkdfjk

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how I would encounter such a "meltdown" if I am a good employee, work when I am scheduled and meet my quality requirements. All of the management thus far have been very helpful and I haven't had to have an encounter with the owner. I just want to do my job so that I can support my family and I figure as long as I do what I have committed to doing then I shouldn't have a problem.
Mgr meltdowns are not connected to MTs. - Maybe stress related or mental healh issue.
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Meltdowns are fairly random and as far as I can see, not related to an MT's performance, good or bad. It may be ego, it may be stress, or may be outside personal influences that cause tantrums and erratic behaviors. From my standpoint and talking to other MTs, you go along to get along, so if they bait and switch accounts, micro manage you, leave you with the worst dictators, it is best you don't protest, even in the nicest manner.

To me working with TTS was like Alice's Adventure in Wonderland and the owner is the Red Queen of Hearts - off with MTs heads if she is having a bad day. Needless to say the managers are the Mad Hatter, Cheshire Cat, White Rabbit and Tweedle Dee & Dum.

I can laugh now in the safety of my home with a new and better job and not having to deal with the inbred craziness at TTS but I still enjoy hearing the outrageous behaviors of those in "power" from my friends who still work at TTS dysfunction junction. Funny stuff as long as it isn't happening to me.

Just check the continued recruit ads. This isn't because the company is growing. It's because they keep "losing" their employees. That is a fact documented on this board by MTStars posters.
Love the Alice in Wonderland analogy for TTS. - It is a very strange dynamic.
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Very wacky place to work. In-your-face management even by the owner. Looney Tunes would be my description of working at TTS.
to alk - how
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How can you support your family on 3 cpl or 7 cpl??? I have no family to support and I had a hard time making a living with the HORRIBLE VR there is and having to make corrections on almost every sentence? I started out with 99%+ evals for the first 10 months and then downhill from there, and when I asked to be able to listen to or see my original report, that was not possible. I know it is possible as I had worked with this platform before. They were doing whatever they could to screw me, too. I would check on blanks and questions I had on a report I had done, and found many wrong words put in by QA and of course I would question that, and apparently they did not like their authority questioned. I have no idea how many MTs they have at a time, but so glad to be out of there myself. Yep, anyone who works there now and are let go or leave on their own, stop back and let us know. Would love to hear your experiences.
TTS - anonm
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Is there anyone who has worked for TTS a long time who is happy? That would tell the tale.
Work for TTS 3 years. Not happy but it's a job. - Staying under the radar.
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I'm on a difficult account. They leave me alone. I don't think they want to bother replacing me so they aren't as aggressive with me as some other MTs who post here. One run-in with owner and then she disappeared because she was wrong in her attack.

Just read post where newbie is making 5 and 9 cpl so I'm not too happy about that. I'm making 4.25 and 8.25 and they said gave me a little more because of the difficult account. Really kind of ticks me off. I'm going to check into it because I have a really bad account and VR is very bad because there are so many different dictators.
Didn't mean to offend anyone by posting current cpl, just wanted to give an honest look at how - alk
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Same here - low flying plane
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About the same story here. Just doing what I'm told and bringing in a regular paycheck. Happy? hmmm ... I've worked places where I was happy and not made as much money. I've also worked places where I was miserable and made a whole lot more money. Here I'm indifferent and make average money. It's a job and they leave me alone.
TTS - MTWonder
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TTS = ?

Thank you!
I do not make 3 cpl or 7 cpl, - alk
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I make 5 cpl and nearly 9 cpl. I am not doing this job to support my family. I am doing it to supplement my husband's income and provide a little buffer for us financially. I am part time and only work 6 hours a day. I am happy with what I make so far and am happy to see that my production is increasing, as is every paycheck. I am on what they told me can be the most difficult account they have and have still met quality. The VR can be bad, but I am also noticing that with recurrent dictators it is getting better. I had to make an adjustment in my schedule about 4 weeks in and they were very cooperative and understanding about it. I have been paid on time and even early each pay period. I am not saying that bad things haven't happened to other people, they just haven't happened to me and I am not going to jump to conclusions based on what has been said on this board. Yes, I will be honest, the posts about TTS had me scared to death to start off with, but I had to put them out of my mind and depend on my own experience. And so far, so good.
How did you get 5 & 9 cpl. I make 4 & 8 cpl as contractor. - Employees make even less.
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Just how did you manage getting paid more than the rest of TTS MTs if you don't mind telling us?
I do not know what determine my line rate. It is what was offered to me in my offer letter. It is n - alk
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I want a raise NOW! - The owner lied to me.
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She told me there was no way she could afford to pay more than 4cpl to a contractor and 3cpl to an employee for VR. I came into TTS with 12 years experience in production transcription. She told me that lower pay was the best she could offer in order to remain competitive with companies who offshore and can bid lower on contracts. Something is very wrong here that those who have worked for TTS the longest are paid less and the owner is going to hear about it tomorrow when I am scheduled to work.
me too - raise
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I am at 3 cpl for VR which is absolutely horrible (but according to them if it was not horrible we would be out of a job) and 7 cpl for straight. Let us know if you get a raise, I have been there for almost a year and no mention of one from the owner, but complained to my supervisor once about it, so maybe that is why my last few months were made miserable enough for me to leave.
Paybacks at TTS are a given. Don't criticize the "team" - or complain about work or pay.
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I have been there and done that and the management paybacks hit you when you don't expect them. You may run out of work, get only bad dictators or you get an extremely bad QA score. There are a vindictive bunch of women running TTS.
Once again, I never meant to upset anyone by my posts. - I just wanted to state how my job at TTS was going
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I certainly didn't mean for a wages war to begin. Hope my job isn't jeopardized.
I'm not upset with you. I'm upset with the lying owner. - You have nothing to do with wages at TTS.
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What you were offered at TTS has nothing to do with you and everything to do with the people who change the rules and their story. The owner flat out lied saying she could not afford to pay more per line. It is no wonder TTS loses so many employees and are constantly recruiting. Their lies are eventually outed just like their incompetent management. They can't seem to keep their story (lies) straight.
TTS - curious
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How did you get 5 cpl and nearl 9 cpl? Beats me when they did not even offer that much to me. Must be some brown nosing going on there..
I resent your brown nosing statement. - How could I
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Brown nose before even starting the position. The cpl I was offered was in my offer letter. I don't know when you thought the brown nosing could have happened. Wow. Perhaps, as stated about in another thread, I was offered and am paid what I am based on the account and the hours I work. And as stated above, it is not quite 9 cpl, but straight typing cpl doesnt matter because I never straight type.

It won't last long...trust me - Former TTS MT

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been there a couple weeks and been out of work more than in work - sux to be me

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they say it is the holiday doing it, but I don't know how long I can stick it out to see if it gets better.

I have been out of work too (this week only), but - have been able to make it

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up over the weekend, and even get in an extra shift or two.

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