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TTS application and brief test - wondering
Posted: Feb 10, 2014
Anyone apply and take the brief test? How long did it take for them to get back to you?
Thanks in advance.
TTS - LongtimeMT
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Get as far away from TTS as possible. The pay is very low, you can't stop to use the bathroom unless a report is done and you go completely out, they send you a report every week on your accuracy (I was always 100%), AND when I get cancer, they terminated me and my medical benefits WHILE I WAS IN THE HOSPITAL having chemo because they couldn't hold my job even though I am able to work. Keep in mind, they hire new people every single day and terminate them just as fast. TTS has no class and no respect for their employees.
3 cents a line for VR - Cheap, cheap
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and only 6 cents for straight typing. She's right, you can't get up to go to the bathroom until you finish a report and completely sign out. The clock is ticking every second you are working and they tell you exactly how long you worked out of your shift. Lots of pressure to be faster, faster, faster, too.
Very true. I am editing as fast as I can. sm - Stress city
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Not really fast enough to make much money, but hopefully can stick it out a few months.
that does not even sound legal - Moe
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I'm guessing it is, though. Do they add a little sumthin sumthin with your check to cover Depends? It sounds like a sweatshop in LA making T-shirts.
More like a Nike shoe factory in Bangladesh - Cheap, cheap
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And no, there are no "extras" in the paycheck to cover the cost of Depends. It could work if you had a Porta-Potty next to your desk, though.
How much experience do you have - new but old
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I started at 8.5 and 4.5 which is what I make with Nuance.
Over 40 years-- is that enough? - Cheap, cheap
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I already quit. They were pushing and pushing because I could not edit fast enough to suit them even though my quality was 100%. My internet was also too slow for them even though it's the best and fastest I can get. I live in a rural area and I'm lucky I can get internet at all.
New but Old, you forgot...SM - Old Anon
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to mention that you are an IC, as per another post of yours. It does make a difference in the line rate.
Thank you - new but old
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You're right. I assumed they had read the complete thread. Yes I am an IC which does make a difference. I don't think though taking breaks is any different maybe it is, but I have never had anything said to me
In over 2 years not hassled about breaks. SM - Old Anon
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I always take a supper break of 30-40 minutes. I also jump up to grab a coffee or use the bathroom, but I'm quick. Even done it in the middle of a report. I think the difference is that I always get in my 8 hours keyboard time. Maybe people don't realize that shifts are 9 hours to account for break times, etc.
Right I always take my breaks when I want them - new but old
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I enjoy working for them. At least I am left alone.
Paying 3/6, and get to "time" my Pee-Pee? - WT*
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Sounds like Nazism or a Siberian labor camp, maybe Chinese prison where I heard you only got 3 minutes per potty break (even the ladies). That comes out to 30 seconds each way back and forth to our desk/work station - that about makes for 4 minutes. No way!
You can finish your job and log off...SM - Old Anon
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if you need a longer potty break. You are allowed breaks but you have to log off at the end of a job. Shifts are 9 hours to account for breaks and idle keyboard time. If I go quickly from job to job and don't spend an excessive time researching, I can get my 8 hours active time in in less than 9 hours.
TTS has always been fair to me - new but old
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I work for them as well as for Nuance. They pay me the same as what Nuance pays me and I have done this for over 13 years. By far they are a better company than Nuance. Yes they audit you just like any other company and you get the results of the audit every week; their QA is far more fair than Nuance's could ever hope to be. They let you do your work and leave you alone. If I can't work my shift, I have never had a problem with taking the time off. I always try and make it up but if I can't then I just don't get paid. I took my testing (only some questions) and heard the very next day. I was hired within 2 days of the testing. I love them.
I started at TTS last year - Amie
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I started at TTS last year and they have been a good company to work for compared to where I used to work. I like my account and do not run out of work and they pretty much leave you alone. I am on the escription team and I know we also have a Dictaphone team. Good luck to you.
Some like to complain and they are sure here - about TTS
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I cannot believe anyone would say you cannot take a break and go to the bathroom. That is about as silly as I have heard. I go to the bathroom, get a cup of coffee, get a drink of water and sometimes put in a load of clothes and/or the dryer. No one is locked to their chair. I work fast, no one has ever said I needed to work faster. I don't sit and file my nails while I am supposed to be working but it sure is not as bad as the others would have you believe. I have been with them for over 4 years now. They mostly leave me alone to do my work. I also make more than the 3 and 6 stated.
owl contrare - Pei Wei
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It states right there on their website that they monitor your keystrokes and if you spend more than 4 minutes without touching a key, you time out. It says specifically if you are researching, stop after 3 minutes or you will go ding ding ding.
That's crazy - 1 minute each way to go to the BR...sm - Sam
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1 minute to pee, 1 minute to wipe (NO LOL)... and that just about covers your 4 minutes. I know I would be Sooooo stressed out, watching the clock constantly with an hourglass on my desk.
Are these companies PAYING us for our friggin' time, anyway? WT*?
"owl" contrare, LOL...SM - Anon
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You're absolutely correct, so don't take more than 3 minutes to research, follow the rule, don't take side trips to MTStars, or try to take a break without logging out. Do jump from job to job quickly and efficiently and schedule breaks when you need them. It's called a good work ethic. Log out for your "pee" break (you know about how often you need to use the girls room. Log out for a meal break. Again, shifts are 9 hours to account for breaks, so take them. It's just so simple, and I do not see what the fuss is all about.
Well, that's fine and dandy for you - Cheap, cheap
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Maybe that's what you started at, but now the rate is as stated, 3 and 6 cents. I did not say you can't get up to go to the bathroom. I stated that you are not supposed to get up in the middle of a report but have to finish the report and then sign out. Everything I stated is exactly what happened, including the push to be faster in editing. Perhaps you were one of the lucky ones who have worked there awhile, but I am stating things as they are NOW for a new hire.
hired on in December - new but old
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I have been with them less than 3 months and I was hired at more than 3 and 6 and I was told that they expect me to take breaks which I do frequently. Every hour in fact I get up and do a few things and take anywhere from 5 to 15 minutes. Have never had one thing said to me. I keep my LPH over the minimum and so far my accuracy has been over 98%. I get audited every week and have corrections made but have never had anything nasty or critical said to me. They leave me alone to do my job. So different then Nuance who I am constantly sent things saying my accuracy isn't where they want it and my errors are too many, etc. I am sorry that your experience is bad and different from mine. I think if you are interested in this company give it a fair shake and make up your own mind. Everybody has their own experience
Not only does nothing apply to me as above - About TTS again
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I never had to even take a test with them, no complaints if I go to the bathroom, don't feel as if I have ever been timed, not threatened in any kind of way from them, do not finish a report in order to get up and away from my desk. I know for a fact I have read about people not being there to do their job when they are supposed to, not showing up so perhaps it is these people who are catching the flak because it is deserved, you think?
No, I don't think - Old and Tired MT
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This was stated to me when I first started training with them-- exactly as I have stated previously. They certainly wouldn't have any problems with me as I have a very strong German work ethic, show up when I'm supposed to, work throughout my shift, do not file my nails at the desk, etc. These were the rules as stated to me my first day with them.
I had to take the test with 40+ years of experience - Cheap, cheap
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I was told on my very first day with them that I could not leave my desk with a report unfinished. I was to finish it, sign completely out, and then leave. I was timed as to how many actual minutes I had worked out of my shift. As far as the 3 and 6 cents a line, I have the paperwork to prove it. I had 100% QA as well.
Same amount of experience as you - About TTS again
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I get up all during the day and walk away with a report still there. I would hate to think I had to finish a report if I had the urge to really go to the bathroom even though it is right off the work room. I have never known how many minutes I actually worked, never and this has been over 4 years total. I probably would make all kinds of mistakes if I were being timed, ridiculous.
Your statements are 100% rubbish - Completely untrue
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You never got anything from TTS stating you could not leave your desk without finishing a report. It says IF you are away for more than TEN minutes. You are stating an absolutely lie when you state otherwise. You need to take basic reading 101 again.
See written proof below - Cheap, cheap
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I am tired of trying to make you see. See the written proof below. It was copied directly from my training email. End of discussion.
Please avail yourself of medial reading - 101
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Don't put out these ridiculous statements. Nothing you showed me makes any difference. Cannot go to the bathroom, blah, blah, blah.
Thanks, I might need to take up remedial - spelling!
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Thinking of applying with them, but being just shy of ...SM - Social Security
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I have had my share of health issues, as can be expected, not the least of which is bladder issues, blood sugar issues & hypertension. So I need to take breaks to address those issues, like potty breaks, snack breaks, med breaks, feed my puppy breaks, etc. I could not work a schedule where I were glued to a chair, have to think about my back & eyes.
Flash-back some years back to MedQuist, we were granted total freedom re. schedule, lines per day, bonuses for lines produces beyond our commitment, etc. (also $0.09/line straight typing).
Of course, we got no benefits since we were SE status, the downside. The only downside to taking breaks is that the system would through you out after a full 30 MINUTES of not typing ... no getting written up, no penalties ... only you lost the work on the report you were working on. If I had an emergency like having to run to the store for a set of earplugs replacement, I'd have hubby just tap on my keyboard after about 20 minutes of a lengthy report so I wouldn't lose it.
Flash forward to the crap we have to put up with today.
I do not have those issues with TTS, hard to - believe that people believe whatever
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is posted here. I have been there long enough to know. I think perhaps the people posting about being timed, so many minutes allowed to go to the bathroom are the same people I read about occasionally in an email about not showing up for work, company unable to get in touch with them, etc. I have been there at least 4 years and never in my entire time have I felt under the gun to not get up from my desk, not to go to the bathroom, not to get my coffee, not to fix a snack, not to feed my pets in the afternoon, I am just unbelieving of what others post here. I think there are cases of sour grapes, might be their work ethic is not there and goofing off, thus the so called "rules" they say they are having to follow. Guaranteed it does not happen to those who want to work and do work. I am not saying sweat shop, just do your 8, do well and no issues at all with this place.
What part of my posts do you not believe? - Cheap, cheap
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How many times do I have to say it? I WAS TOLD THIS THE FIRST DAY OF MY TRAINING AND I WAS JUST RECENTLY HIRED! I did not goof off, have a poor work ethic, etc. They didn't even know me when I first started. You can believe it or not, but IT IS THE TRUTH! I don't know how many times I have to say it!
Also - Cheap, cheap
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Maybe that's how things WERE, but this is NOW. If you are a long-time employee, they probably didn't say that when you were hired but they certainly do NOW!
Just plain tired and cheap, cheap - Might not be telling tales but
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why would you think that some fall into your category of being told they have to finish a report before getting up from their desk, having just a limited amount to go to the bathroom, being timed, etc. when others, including myself, are not? Be serious, why the difference? There has to be something there if you say one way and I know the way I work which is totally 1000% different from what is being told on your end.
Written proof - Cheap, cheap
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· Please be aware of the policy at TTS that if a document sits idle on your screen for 10 minutes, the system will sign you out of Escription and you will lose the job you have typed, whereby you will not get credit for the lines you had transcribed in the document. It is of the utmost importance that you are actively editing/transcribing a document. If you are taking a break or finishing your shift, use alt shift U to upload the completed document, and then sign completely out of Escription.
The golden rule with TTS is spend 3 minutes in research for a blank, if in that 3 minutes you cannot locate the information, leave a blank and continue on to the next job.
Now will you believe it?????
Did you read my post first of all because I asked - WHY do you think the difference
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You are so bent on documenting whatever you have and I asked WHY do you think some perhaps have what you have and others do not. I have the same information about the 10 minutes. There is no issue there. Why are people spouting off about not being able to go to the bathroom? It says TEN (10) MINUTES. No ONE should be taking first one TEN minutes and then another TEN minutes and then perhaps another TEN minutes. And why are you bothered by not spending more than 3 minutes on looking for something? That is just their way of saying DO NOT SPEND a day looking for something. You are putting too much into nothing. Geesh, go to work. The way you were talking it was like you could NOT take a break, you could NOT go to the bathroom. Ridiculous......
It says to completely sign out before taking a break - Cheap, cheap
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I am done trying to state what I was told. I have already quit, so I really don't care what you or they do. End of discussion.
IF LONGER THAN 10 MINUTES you sign - out
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Good for you but apparently you don't like to work.
sounds like me - new but old
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I too was with Medquist back in the good old days and now am working for both Nuance and TTS. I much prefer TTS and they do not clock me in or out like this other person says they do to them. I get up and take breaks, take the dog out, eat, etc. I don't abuse it but I don't sit at my chair for my entire shift.
New but old, have you seen the emails wanting - to know why people are not working
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their shift, cannot be found, not letting the team know not available? I have. I have let the postings go unnoticed for some time but enough is enough. The "you got to hold your nose to the grindstone" issue is not that with me and I think with others who work like they should, that being be on when your time starts, show up for work even (that is probably the first thing a person should do), don't just let the computer sit silent for 10 minutes or so without any keyboarding going on, if you need to take a nap let the people know. I have none of the issues others here are speaking of and I find it absolutely ridiculous to slam a company totally when that does not happen with everyone there. I NEVER get email asking about am I working, how many lines I had for the day, how much downtime I had, nothing. Please post truths.
One more time - Cheap, cheap
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I really don't care if you believe it or not. It is the truth.
One more time - Been there done that
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I totally believe Cheap, cheap! I've been there! and done that! and honestly, if you can adequately research something in 3 minutes or less why did you need to look it up to begin with? If you're not quite sure of the spelling of a term it takes longer than 3 minutes to research it and verify the spelling. and if you send too many blanks, well, enough said. So you're screwed either way. Either you take too long to produce an accurate document, or you hurry too fast, send too many blanks, and your quality suffers. Personally, I would rather take my time researching and produce an accurate document than hurry, hurry, hurry and potentially produce a document with a term that totally changes the medical meaning of the report.
You are not punished by sending in a report - wiht several blanks by TTS
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I never spend 3 minutes looking for anything. It is a good thing you and Cheap were not transcribing years ago before the internet. What would you have done? The internet has instant help. Books, both for medical words, drug books, equipment books and English dictionary we had to use all those and still do our work in a timely manner. I work there, do not spend 3 minutes on anything, and I have never been called on the carpet for blanks. If you can't hang with the big dogs, guess you can just hang it up.
You do not know anything about me. - Upset MT
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You don't know anything about me or my experience. I have over 20 years of transcription experience. I transcribed before the internet, before faster computers, and have also transcribed on a typewriter using standard sized cassette tapes. I most certainly can and do hang with the big dogs. If you're not exactly sure of a term or spelling it takes longer than 3 minutes to find and verify the source. and just because you saw it on the internet doesn't make it correct!
No never gotten any kind of email like that - new but old
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I have never received any email saying that. The only emails I have gotten are asking for OT hours and that they need extra help and the ones for my QA totals and such. I believe you but maybe it just depends on what account you are on. I have only one account which is constantly begging for OT
TTS test - vitha3938
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I tested with them (it was written only, no transcription) and received an immediate reply... that they would contact me if they had something that matched my qualifications. And that was the end of that
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