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SoftScript reviews for 2015 - Shari

Posted: Feb 07, 2015

Can anyone provide what it's like to work for this company?  Do they have enough work, benefits, etc.  Thank you


[ In Reply To ..]
With all the posts below, and surely you have read them all, why would you even consider working for a company like this? Continue to support companies like this and all it does is breed more just like them.

OT - Happy SSMT

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Do not let the BS MT (Bait and Switch) chase you away from SoftScript. Most of the postings below are by this one bad apple, obviously, as she uses the same wording and uses a lot of caps. I have been working overtime for weeks and I have health, dental, and vision insurance. Work is steady and the line rate is much better than where I used to work.

Line rate may be good BUT, platform is horrible - Me

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Sure their rate is pretty good, but their platform is very, very slow. It takes literally 25 to 30 seconds to apply demographics on each job, which you DO NOT get credit for. Any job under a minute long, you spend more time applying democratics than you do typing the report! Rediculous!

Line rate isn't even good since you don't get paid for everything you type - Do the math

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Rip you off of lines. Everything they do is underhanded. Stay away.

Happy SSMT is one of the managers - Oldie

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I know who she is. It's always the same style. She types it under direction of HW. "Bad apple" is so typical of him.

my take on SS - memls

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I have been working for SS since a week before Christmas. What I don't like about the company: in this time I have only heard from my PM once, my mentor left to "pursue new career opportunities" two weeks after I started, and I had only heard from her twice before that time, most of my work/doctors are pretty easy to do but like someone said the platform is SLOW!! and takes forever to apply demographics, the pay is okay but with slow platform you don't make much. I had 2 hours training and my first night I ran out of work on my account and they put me on another which I had no clue what to do with, and that happened 3 more times so I have 5 accounts that they randomly give me work with very different account specs...Even though it is better than where I was (at Nuance) I am actually pursuing my own "new career opportunities"..do I hate this company? No..do I want to work for them any longer? No.

their recruiter seems to have - a nasty disposition

[ In Reply To ..]
It seems to me that MTs are so used to getting treated poorly now that they don't even realize the disrespect that people in the industry have against them. This industry needs a huge overhaul. This company must have a huge turn around with the incentives that are being offered, $600 and $1200.

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