A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Escription reviews? - Elsa

Posted: Feb 09, 2011

My company is switching to escription in a few months.  We've heard the spiel from Escription.  Now I would like to hear from transcriptionists who use it.  What is the actual productivity improvement?  Any gliches with the software?  Do you like editing versus transcription?  Do you earn more or less now?  When your companies switched over to escription did the productivity improved as they said it would and how much reduction in staff occurred?  We've been told people can edit 500, 750, even 1000 lines an hour, which seems hard to believe, but if it is true then it seems like staffing would have to be reduced quite a bit.  So, anybody who has switched over to Escription, please share your opinions.  Thanks. 

Escription - Rabbit1000

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My company switched to eScripton about 7 months ago. Their requirements are a minimum of 300 lines/hr or 12,000/wk. Those numbers you gave are not realistic even on work you are familiar with. I have been transcribing/editing for 18 years and I would love to make those kind of lines, but anyone who tried would have to sacrifice accuracy to do it and with a 98% required accuracy rate it is just not possible. The format is not hard to learn, but I still prefer transcription to editing.

About 4 years ago I did 550-750 LPH on familiar - accounts. On the one hand,

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there was little correction to do on those. It was mainly learning to read really fast as I listened to helium-voiced dictators, and I probably averaged a little over 600, up into the 700s only on a real cream puff work type. On the other hand, back then I had almost no editing-oriented shortcuts in my expander and far fewer word and term shortcuts. I'd be faster today.

So strictly speaking I suspect some hot people somewhere are doing up to 1000 LMH on their best accounts, but that really does mostly sound like sales hype--UNLESS your particular employer's contracts with your providers are to only run the best dictators (i.e., work well with SR to produce very clean reports) through SR and pass the others on for transcribing. At my current job (not EditScript) I may get up to 500 briefly on my cream puffs simply because there's heavy editing involved.

1000 lph...? - LMAO

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1000 lph, I'm sorry, this would only be possible in Bizarro World where the Bad Superman lives and Green Kryptonite is good for you, and everyone is drinking the Kool-Aid... LMAO. I just don't think so... 1000 lph? OMG, I might just hurt myself laughing so hard...

Umm...1000 lines/hr - are you kidding me - can - Get Real

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you read ANYTHING on a printed page at 1000 lines an hour let alone find errors and make corrections. How stupid do they think we are? Don't believe the hype. I work on another VR system and can sometimes barely make 200 lines/hr due to the most horrible ESL dictators, VR system needing too many corrections, changing accounts for every report with different guidelines, etc. I think requiring 300 lines/hr is stretching it. Good luck!

Know what you mean, GetReal. 1000 is not a realistic - goal (!), but you work at the

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other end of the mess spectrum (as I do now) from those frequently scary-clean reports. If I averaged over 600 lines some years ago, I suspect 750 on similar reports might be within reasonable range of a good editor now. BTW, some people doing this ARE training to speed read. Wonder why...?

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