A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

SICK OF HOW BIG MTSOs treat their MTs! - annoyed

Posted: Sep 10, 2013

I just have to vent that I am SO SICK of how rude and condescending larger MTSOs can be to their MTs!  Seriously!  I get that MTs make ridiculous mistakes sometimes and that can be so frustrating for them, but sometimes the MTSOs get it wrong - and I certainly don't see them apologizing when that happens!  Rude, condescending emails, or calling the MT out in front of a group of other MTs is just so horrible!  Making fun of MTs amongst eachother.  Emailing eachother about MTs and then accidentally sending it to the MT.  Yes that's pretty funny!  I guess they just get to be like that because there are so many of us we are dispencible, who knows!  I am a small MTSO and NEVER treat my MTs like that EVER!  I get the most productive, appreciative, amazing MTs EVER, not to mention a stress-free enviroment.  Some people are just plain mean and lack people skills!  Maybe it is just e-mail and the way it comes accross, but there are ways to communicate via email without being so rude and condescending!  Just MHO!  Sorry!  Needed to vent!

I think a lot of it is working online - sm

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I think when you sit behind a computer and don't really associate a name with a face, it tends to make you less compassionate towards that person. It doesn't bother a person to treat us like the bottom of the barrel, because to them we are no different than a standard computer program that does work for them.

I even notice that on this board. Someone makes a comment and it never fails there are a few just very rude comments that did not even need to be said. I think once people work at home so much that perhaps they lose some "personality" along the way. I could not imagine being in an actual office environment and someone posing a question and getting the snide, rude remarks as they do on here all of the time.

It's just about hiding behind a computer screen and a keyboard and not keeping in mind that even though you don't personally know this HUMAN BEING, we actually are human.

Well said! - Annoyed

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We really shouldn't get nasty with each other on here! We should all really stick together!! We're all in the same position :-)

i's hard to hate up close - I think its the nature of our business

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we are faceless names to them. it's easy to be mean.

allow ourselves to be treated - whatwsthat

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Can't be a doormat unless lying down and staying down. That's your cue to look for something better--use angry energy to your advantage!

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