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Sick Days - Prissy

Posted: Oct 19, 2012

Just found out new policy is THREE sick days per year.  It doesn't matter if you have leave or not.  WTF?  Are they serious?  If the three days are used, then they want a form filled out from your doctor stating you have a medical condition.  This is the craziest crap I have ever heard.  Who takes less than 3 days per YEAR?  If you get the flu, you will need 3 days.

sick time - need$

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Yup, last time i called in sick (over the summer) my CCM required a doctors note, although the CCM never followed up and I never provided one. I'm not sure if they are trying to always find a reason to fire us...?

Sick - prissy

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It is another excuse to fire us. It's completely unrealistic to allow 3 days per year when most companies give 12. They figure if the constant platform changes and account changes don't wear us down, then their stupid leave policies will, I guess.

sick days - sickandtired

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I had to take off for 6 weeks for major surgery some time back, and you would not believe the hurdles I had to jump through. They waited until 2 weeks after my surgery to tell me they would not guarantee me a job when I came back, unfortunately I'm still here. They also sent me paperwork for my doctor to fill out after my surgery, when I was not allowed to drive and did not have the energy or stamina to run around trying to get paperwork done. It would have been nice if someone had asked me if I was okay. Very impersonal.

Sick - prissy

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I hope you are okay now. I worry because I am a breast cancer survivor, but am still having problems from all kinds of things related to long-term side effects from radiation and chemo treatments. Some days I just don't feel good and would like a day off. Can't do it anymore without threat of losing job. These people don't care about us.

sick days - need$

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I had surgery (1 month off) last year and all went smoothly. I had to ask for disability for 2 of the weeks, but again there was no problem from either my physician or MM. They were ready for me to return to my acct! haha

Also, do you hear of many people truly being fired? always curious as many times i'm short 40 hours.

Sick - prissy

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What I find comical is that one day I'll get an email about something that is grounds for termination and the same day get an email congratulating me for 100% quality.
What I don't understand - is why you can only
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40 hours PTO into the next year, yet you have to use PTO for sick days. This seems to me to be something that shouldn't even be legal.
got email from ccm about pto - and...
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it said that if you roll over 40 hours, those 40 hours have to be used within the first quarter of the year because too many people save it till the end of the year!

That is ridiculous. How can they tell you when you have to use it?
sick - need$
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I've only used 1 sick day in 10 years. nm - anon

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good for you - some are not as fortunate

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I don't go to a doctor - When I have the flu...

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I don't go to the doctor for a normal flu or tummy virus. So that note doesn't make sense. First off, if you're so sick you can't even work in your jammies, you can't get to a doctor.

I am not m'ment but they have to set a limit somewhere. Maybe averaged what - most ppl needed and came up w/ 3 days. nm

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why do they have to set a limit - sm

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If I have 40 hours of PTO time, I can use those as sick days if I want, its my time. Maybe I cannot afford a vacation.

They have to set limit because there will always be those who will abuse - the system if no limits are set. sm

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I am guessing you mean sick days as days you call CCM and say I cant work my shift today, while PTO is times you let them know, in advance, when you want off. Of course the difference is they have hard enough time meeting TAT but to have many emailing to say I am not working today would really cause a problem.

Sick - prissy

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They way my supervisor explained it to me, according to their policy now, it doesn't matter if you have PTO accrued (as I did), you are allowed 3 sick days per YEAR. Go over that, must have a doctor's note and an accommodations form (a form filled out by your doctor stating what your disability is). Failure to provide is grounds for termination.
no problem - going to doc for physical soon and
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Will have him write up an excuse. Then they cant do a darn thing about it.

How about this other policy - old and burned out

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I am now flexible part-time but worked full time for about 30 years and arrived at MM through buyouts and in total have worked nearly 40 years. Their official policy for people like me is 5 unpaid days off a year. Last year I told them I was taking 10 and they agreed. In 2013 I will be taking 15 and if they don't like it they can fire me. I like the little bit of structure in my life that working provides and I have a skill I would like to continue to use but I am not going to allow this company's despicable and unreasonable policies to prevent me from taking the time off that I deserve.

I have worked many, many days sick - and been typing

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on people with the same symptoms BEING ADMITTED THE HOSPITAL. I hate this profession. No other people get treated in such a way.

Me too, but I thought ppl like us were the norm. - nm

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Sick days - Happy at MModal

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I have never used more than 1 day of sick time in one year. If you work at home, there is really no reason to take more than 3 sick days a year.

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