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PRN Military Transcription - worked for this company? - Violet

Posted: Mar 15, 2011

Has anyone heard of or worked for this company?  They had a job ad on the Job Board earlier this week which I  applied for.  I searched the archives but absolutely nothing came up.  Anyone here work there or know someone who does, please share any info about this company.  Their recruiter was very nice and did offer me a position, but before I accept I would like to know more about them.  Thanks for any information you may have.

PRN Transcription - Grey mare

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The owner and the lady who hires are all very nice. The platform which unfortunately designed by the owner is positively one of worse I have ever worked on. I'm sorry to have to say it but it is awful. It has little to no spellcheck which stops on words mispelled or spelled correctly. It is up to you to decide and check it out. Screen os text disappear for no reason which I dd not understand. They will assign the worst awful dictators to get them done so you don'et get in first-in, first-out although they will not admit it. The constantly harp on the fact that there are words misspelled. I am not a good speller to start with but their answer to this is "if you have to look up spelling it will make a better MT out of you." The spellcheck does not include medical words. I could do their stinky dictators but could never make any money. The miliary terminology is hard to learn. Hardly had any English docs - they were too busy assigning ESLs that no one could understand. As nice as the people are, "nice" does not pay the bills and I did not enjoy the work and last of all, their unfriendly system which was rediculous. I recruited a friend who got hired and she felt the same way. They do; however, pay on time.

VBC pay or pay for spaces too? - me

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What platform was it? Do they pay for spaces? When I saw the line rate, I figured it was VBC so it looked more enticing. :)

Agree with poster above. Nice people but platform is horrible. - Their own self-made "proprietary" program. sm

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I agree they were nice enough people and pay was on time. I believe they paid for spaces but didn't work military accts. You can't make any money on that platform. Spellcheck truly was awful. Since they designed it, kinda have stars in their eyes about how "great" it is so doubt it will change anytime soon. There should be some other posts here on MTS about them. I remember seeing others post with similar reviews when I quit.

Thanks everyone for posting - Violet

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I was afraid this was the case re platform. However, they do pay for spaces and their line rates are better than most. I knew it was just too good to be true. My search goes on!
Can you type in MSWord, use your own expander and (sm)) - billie
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spellcheck then cut and paste it into their platform? I know this sounds like a lot of work, but really isn't once you get going. I do this because I work in a web-based platform and have less-than-great internet. If internet goes down I lose my work. Therefore, I type in Word and C&P into program.
Reply - Violet
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Unfortunately, this is not allowed on this platform.

prn - happyMT

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I currently work for prn, though not on the military account, so don't know if the platform is the same. If it is, it is a proprietary platform. True, the spell check is not good. It does have a word expander or you can use whatever other word expander you have. You are not able to add words to their dictionary so they stop coming up as misspelled words, they have to do that and if they don't do it routinely, it does get annoying. Other than that, the platform is easy to maneuver through, but each doctor has their own templates. People complain about the bad platform, but to me it's not that bad and I certainly can and do make decent money. I guess it all depends on what you are used to. I have other accounts not with prn where I have to use appointment sheets and manually enter patient names and all the demographics, reading off these small-printed appt sheets. That to me is a big pain. prn platform has demographics, you just have to pick the correct one. I am very happy with my work there, but just like any job, it all depends on what work/doctors/accounts you get. Good luck.

Question - Violet

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Do you work for PRN in Ohio? The recruiter said that you could not use PC Shorthand or a spellchecker except for the one on their platform. I wonder if maybe you work for another PRN company in another state. Although she did say they have other accounts besides the military one. She also said there were a lot of ESL dictators. Thanks for your post.

Expanders do not work well with it. Lots of issues and - since it is their platform, hard to fix. sm

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"Good" money is relative. I'm sure this poster who has only worked jobs with faxed patient lists finds it acceptable as far as production. If you're used to working on a decent platform with expander and appropriate spellchecker, you won't be happy with your production. Speaking from my experience with them. Nice people but they're too attached to that clunker of a platform.

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