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Optiscript layoff due to Nuance - Hadit

Posted: Aug 03, 2014

taking biggest account.  Two weeks ago, Opti lost their last Nuance-generated account back to Nuance, which was their biggest, and then let some MTs go due to lack of work, even if they weren't on the account lost (which is just a weed out process to keep only their best or those with CMT-which is not fair if you held up your end of the bragain from the beginning). This brings Opti down to skeleton accounts, (4 or 5) which usually don't have any work.

TTS is the last to contract with Nuance for work that I am aware of, so they will be next depleted. Be very careful applying for a job, ask questions such as how much work do you contract from Nuance, how much work is there daily, IS THIS A TEMPORARY POSITION (cause they won't tell you if it is and if it is a Nuance account, it is temporary). However, TTS does have a FEW accounts of their own, maybe you will be lucky enough to get on one.  Don't get fooled by the lies or "oh, we need 30 new people for a new account", only to find out it is from Nuance and will probably not last more than 6 months.  Notice, TTS latest ad says "If you have been displaced, contact us"-thanks, but no thanks.

In my opinion, Opti and TTS are the last 2 "Nuance partners" to go down to Nuance-let's see what happens.  Watch your back-when the work starts dwindling to nothing, get out!

Lost it or told them to GET LOST? - Anonymous

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The way I heard it, Opti told Nuance to get lost. They weren't going to do the work for the measly rates Nuance pays while Nuance pockets the cash and buys everyone else up. Folks at Optiscript are ecstatic to be rid of Nuance once and for all and still have plenty of work.

Yes, that's the truth - InTheKnow

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Opti has more work on other accounts now and some coming on in the future. This had been their plan for a couple years--getting away from Nuance. It wasn't a big shock. They have had the typical low work for summer vacations and only laid off less than 10 employees. Their biggest account is one typing directly in the EHR, so no Nuance in the middle of that one for sure. That's the future of this business anyway--work directly in the EHR.

Well, here's my question..... - rantsm

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if it was in their PLAN to lose this account, then why weren't they prepared for it. Why didn't they already find other work for those who ended up being laid off, like a secondary account, why the need for an RIF (reduction in workforce) if they expected so much more business. Why just lay off 10 of their probably 50 employees. They only have a few accounts, and the EMR is only 1 account out of about 4 that they have.

They are anticipating that EMR is going to be big and the new future and are putting all their eggs in that basket, well, let me tell you if Nuance or any of the other MTSOs think so, then they will jump into that mix and do the same thing they have done in the past, take work away from MTSOs. In fact, I predict within a year Nuance will be doing EMR if they aren't already. If Opti is banking that they will be exclusive in EMR transcription, they can think again.

So, the whole thing in my opinion is piss poor management to let good MTs go when they could have planned better for this situation and redirected them to other accounts. That's all I am saying. But, what do they care, they will just hire more when they feel like it. However, those applying better take heed of this post.

For those nay-sayers/cheerleaders, my QA scores were excellent, often 100% for several months in a row, I rarely sent to QA, I always met the line requirement every payperiod AND time actively working called "percent production" that they keep track of, in fact, I met all the number requirements for their quarterly scorecard and I was always working when I was supposed to be. So, it was a weed-out process according to their "scorecard" and discriminatory to say the least. They kept their "long-time pals" which is why they are long-time and will be the ones who are the cheerleaders for them.

I have never in 30 years been involved with this kind of a situation where regardless of years worked, work history etc. they use a scorecard (all about numbers) to do an RIF. Soooo discriminatory! So, GOODBYE-who needs it!

My prediction is that if they manage to actually get more work, they will just rehire and we will see an ad posted here or on other boards for help. That's the only reason I am even bothering to write this, so others know how they operate.

So, if you do take a job with them, good luck with that! Bust your butt for them, show up everyday, make all the numbers they want, endure monthly audits, etc., but in the end like their sister TTS, Opti is micromanaged to the max and poorly.

Sorry for the long post (book), but this is my last word on this subject as I prefer to move on at this point.
I agree- also why hire someone just 3 months ago to lose the account and lay them off and - that is what happened
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to one MT that worked there. They could have given them a notice so they could start looking for a job and not let them think they were at a stable job.

Just not right what they did.
actually it's 3 EHR accounts - anon
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It's pretty obvious to me why you were one of the layoffs.
They only have 3 accounts? I would not be bragging about that. - hope you have a backup plan
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not the op but why would you criticize her? how do you know why she was laid off? Who are you to pass judgment on someone?

This world is full of judgmental mean people. why not help someone when they are down instead of kicking them?

Where is your compassion?
no worries: 3 EHR but other MT and SR accts-nm - anon
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Well, anon you must not work for the same - excuseme
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OSI I did, because they had 1 EHR account, maybe 3 facilities on it. They have 3 or 4 other accounts, but very, very low volume on those, often OOW. OSI has very LITTLE work overall and I know this because we got a volume report on all accounts very day-twice!

As far as your comment about "no wonder I was laid off", VERY MEAN-you don't know me!!!!!
I thought you were talking about OPtiscript - something got lost in translation here - OSI or Optiscript?
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If Opti had a choice, they would NOT have lost that account. - nm

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SM - anonymous

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I used to work for Opti-Script (short time). Even before that, I worked for Nuance (1-1/2 years, but it was too long). My experience with Nuance was so bad that when I hired with Opti-Script and saw the word Nuance in an E-mail my stomach dropped to my toes (it was an audit). I never had a good feeling after that. If you have ever worked for Nuance, you understand what I mean. It gets down into your bones and you can't shake it. At least, I never have. Anyway, I moved on from Opti-Script. Lovely people, lovely company, but the Nuance part of it had me very worried. I just could not live through another Nuance takeover and I was very concerned that was going to happen. I sincerely believe that they distanced themselves from Nuance on purpose. They really do have integrity there and it is a good company.

However, that being said, I am so sorry this happened to you. I hope you find employment elsewhere. I know it is hard, but try not to take it personally. It will end up killing you if you do. Good luck.

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