A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry
I wish this Nuance takeover of OSi was all just a bad dream that I will soon wake up from! I used to be a happy MT...life was good working at home and could pretty much pay the bills...UNTIL NOW! Now have to sit around all day into the late hours of the night waiitiing for every little job to come in. There is no communication. The bonus was a joke. How can they call it an incentive. They cut my pay big time...was hoping I could get it back in "bonus" form. Yeah, right. Stressed myself out for 6 weeks worrying about every little nit picky thing all so I could get a $290 "bonus" of which they took over $100 tax out of leaving me with a pathetic $186. I made more money working part-time a few hours a day 5 years ago then I do now working full-time. I've lost all hope with this profession.