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Note to all companies looking for MTs - sm - For all MTs

Posted: Feb 09, 2011

I took a test for a large national, well-known, jumped through all the hoops - applied, tested, waited for test results, waited some more for phone interview, only to find out that this particular position could not start working until 11 a.m.  This is the sort of information that should be supplied on a website.  This was a deal-breaker for me and had I known this ahead of time, I never would have wasted my time (OR THEIRS) by going through the whole process.

There should be a form for every company with just basic information - jobs open and information about that job and what it entails including hours, benefits, lines required, types of work, etc., so that the MT can make an informed decision about whether to apply BEFORE wasting everyone's time.  The biggest secret of them all is pay.  Surely a range can be given for that as well. 

Why in heaven's name would everyone waste their precious time applying to positions they might not be qualified for, be interested in, etc., if certain questions could be answered ahead of time?

Kudos to the companies who do this (and there are a few).  You saved yourself MANY headaches but thinking ahead and answering a lot of questions before the MT or you waste your time.  Shame on everyone else for not doing this.

You should've asked before bothering to test. - sm

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I always which shifts are available, the pay range, if they pay for spaces, etc., before I ever bother to test. Yes, it would be nice if they'd mention that in their ads, but if they don't it's definitely worth asking about before wasting everyone's time!

take responsibility; find out all info. - nm

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Not All Companies---sm - alias

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will give out that kind of information UNTIL you test. When applying to several companies in the past, I always took it upon myself to ask prior to testing, the type of information suggested here. I was ALWAYS told.."test first and then we will talk specifics." It was like they wanted to know if the applicant was even worth it to give the needed info to. I agree that we should be told the specifics ahead of time, because sometimes the testing process can be lengthy and time consuming. I too do not know why the position has to be so secret prior to testing. It is not always because the MT did not ask first, it is sometimes because the company will not give up that info prior to testing.

I have always been told the same thing, to test first - and then find out details - sm

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I've had to turn down 2 jobs because of this practice. One wouldn't show me a copy of their contract until after I tested. When they emailed it to me, it had clauses in it that were terrible, so I asked them about it and was told "Sign first THEN we'll discuss it." No way. A second place told me one thing but then delivered another, and after waiting 3 weeks to even start, I had to quit after the first day.

The places I've worked for that gave info beforehand were always pretty woogie, too. "Oh, you can work 8:00 a.m. to 5 p.m. but maybe we'll want you in at noon, and maybe Saturdays but we don't know for sure." Etc. etc.

They should take responsibility and provide info. - Tests can take hour or more..sm

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and that's usually time unpaid since most work on production. MTSOs know this so IMO, it's very tacky to waste someone's time like that. You can about bet they keep it a mystery because it's crappy pay &/or shift so I don't bother with it if they're not willing to furnish info up front.

My take on this - nn

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JMHO but I believe that a lot of factors come into play with an MTSO being able to "quote a line rate up front." For example, an MT may have a wonderful resume, but ends up testing poorly and on the other hand, an MT who tests wonderfully, but does not have that much experience. Most of the ads that I have seen do state certain hours that they want an MT to work or at least what shifts where they need the most coverage. I guess what I am trying to say here is that I believe an MT who is experienced and who does well in testing should be compensated at a higher line rate than someone who has only a limited amount of experience under their belt and to me, if I were a recruiter, I believe I would base CPL rate based on a resume and test results.
I agree but they can still provide a range, i.e., 7-10 cpl - based on exp & testing. sm
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Some also want to see testing to determine which acct to place MT on and that might affect pay, but they could still provide a range since they certainly know how low/high they're willing to go.


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first. Why would I do that? Once I find out the specifics of a job, I might not want to take it. These tests can be very time-consuming and stressful. I have been doing this for 30 years, and my attitude is that they would be LUCKY to have ME! Ladies, this is just like shopping, surely you can relate. If it doesn't fit, you don't buy it. PLEASE stop testing without knowing what the job has to offer YOU. If you all start requesting phone interviews first, the MTSO's will forced to pick up the phone and speak to us as a valued human being instead of a number who passed or didn't pass the test. We have the mass, just not the followers. We are in control of how we are treated-so demand some respect here-PLEASE STOP TESTING WITHOUT EVER SPEAKING TO A REAL PERSON FIRST!!!!

Reply to your post - nn

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Okay, let me see if I am reading this post right. In essence, what you are saying is that every MT who is interested in a position should call the prospective company first to find out what their line rate range may be or what type of account it is? I have gone to other job sites and they will normally state if it is radiology, oncology, cardiology, acute care whatever and if you read the ads carefully, most of them say "No phone calls please." I am trying to picture myself in the eyes of the "contact person/recruiter" and imagine getting a call from Susie Jones and others like her wanting to know a rate of pay before they test. It could be that this is a very new account, where not much information is available. I ran into that at Focus when I was there and figured that because the account was a "new account," there would be more straight typing than VR and that turned out not to be the case because it ended up being more VR than straight typing and I went broke. Another factor to take into place, is a company may be hiring for several different accounts -- account A may have a higher compensation rate than account B. Another factor with "posting a range" is again, we have "more experienced MTs" competing with those just trying to enter the field and I believe that compensation should be based on that. I am probably making more at my present company than my current supervisor, but those are facts that will not be disclosed. Let's face it gang, the days of making 10-15 cpl are LONG gone. I am being more than fairly compensated with a 65 character line with spaces and weekly pay to boot. There have been complaints about the excessive amount of testing that my particular company has put MTs through, however, if someone is strong in radiology or clinic notes, it does not necessarily mean that they have the skills necessary to do acute care. The one thing that I have found with companies that use MTTEST is to read the instructions very carefully. I spoke with a fellow MT yesterday and she felt that on the first portion of the test, she only had 7-10 minutes to complete that portion of the test, when in fact I believe it states that you should be able to complete it in 7-10 minutes. I have run into what I consider "trick" questions as well and if I feel it is correct, I usually say "correct" or leave it as a blank. As far as the actual transcription portion of the test, I download the files to Express Scribe, type them in word, run my spellcheck and then cut and paste the files into their test dictation files and hit complete. Yes, I know how frustrating and time consuming testing can be, but it may work out in the long run.


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I'm trying to imagine an HR department where all they do is field calls from people wanting to know the specifics of a job where there will be likely hundreds of prospective candidates. Insanity to even suggest.

I also work in a non-MT field and when I go through the application process, it's just that-- the APPLICATION process. Salary isn't discussed, benefits, etc. Pre-process I usually know what the hours are, and what the position is. (With MT it's sort of clear what the position is and most state when they have hours available.)

Advising posters to speak with someone first is not a viable resolution. You having 30 years in the field doesn't really mean jack BEFORE you go thru the process. It just means you're older than 30 :)

mt2 - nn

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Yep, I worked in the private sector with hiring and that was what I was trying to explain in my post. My company is a very small MTSO and again, getting bombarded with phone calls and emails wanting to know the rate of pay before even testing is bordering on ridiculous. Another thing as well, with wanting to know "account specifics," well what do you want to know? Its acute care, not sure about radiology, ops, discharges, consults, H&Ps, progress notes etc. When someone states "basic 4 acute care," that is what they are looking for -- not an MT who has done nothing but clinic work for the last 10 years -- whole different ballgame and sometimes I wish that people would wake up and realize that. Also, as I stated earlier, this may be a new account where a lot of information is NOT available to the recruiters. When I worked recruiting in the private sector many years ago, Catepillar went on strike. Many of these men then, back in the early 1980s were making $50 an hour. They would apply to the company where I worked and we could offer them maybe half that salary. Their response was to laugh and turn it down. I see too many people on here griping and complaining and to me a job is a job. I however, after kissing a "few frogs," found a prince of a company, who happens to care about their employees and just seeing WAY too much negativity on this board lately.

Then why not put more specifics in their ads? Or hire a - recruiter whose job it is to field calls?

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Oh, wait. Maybe it's because they really don't want real human beings working for them. They're looking for droids.
who cares be A droid - nn
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guess what, get a life and move on oh bitter onekenobe

Screaming with all caps - nn

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Im sorry, but MTSOs do come on these boards and read contrary to popular belief. Do you really think that this is all recruiters or MTSOs for this matter have to do is field phone calls from "hopeful MTs DEMANDING to know this or that?" DEMANDING being the keyword here -- DEMANDS will get you nowhere in this profession or anywhere else. Yes -- I have over 30 years in this business and your post comes across as one of a child stamping a foot. You state that any employer would be LUCKY to have you, that is your attitude coming through. I have as much experience if not more as well, and have worked in the personnel section in the private sector. I was hired first and then asked to test; however, this is when the account was first being started. I took all 3 tests and failed one -- called the person who hired me and was told not to worry. What people do not seem to understand is that if you are requested to test using MTTEST, they do look at your qualifications and say "okay acute care radiology whatsoever." They try to see your strengths as well as weakness and base it on that. Again, if someone has only clinic experience and this is an acute care account, would you want to hire this person? This is an account where we do have our fair share of ESLs -- we have people that don't show up when they are expected to work -- the supervisor, assistant and owner bend over backwards to accommodate. If you say you can work certain hours, then try to be there, stick to a schedule, if an emergency arises, let people know, but to DEMAND certain pay, work types etc, is beyond my comprehension.


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Hate ALL-CAPS? Then cut the CR@P.
reply - nn
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THIS IZ THE RZN U DONT GET HIRED is text speak and all caps -- GET A GRIP!!!
aww 2bad u kent find werk - nn
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re-read ur post MZ TEXTER and mby u will undstand Y dont git a job/gig. UGH
Wow, maybe take your own advice and - get a life, hmmm?
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You almost had some valid points until you resorted to the silly Star Wars reference and juvenile jabs.

It's called having confidence and knowing your own - memt

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self-worth to me. All the MTSOs have to do is post specifics in their job listings. They don't have to "give away" all their secrets, just enough to help somebody decide if they are interested enough to get down deeper.

So, for all of you who keep on testing, keep on keeping on for all I care, it's not my time or effort-it's your choice, although you continue to set the standard for the rest of us. I have a job that I like alot, at an admin level, by the way, and I didn't test until I was ready to.

P.S. The shouting (all caps) was an accident because I copied the last line in my post-sue me!

You are SO right. It would save everyone time (sm) - Yochana

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if they would give job/work details on their websites. There are a few MTSOs that do this and when I see it is not a good fit then I pass. This saves not only my time but theirs also. Before I test I always contact the MTSO with questions, but so seldom do they reply. These MTSOs that give out so little info is like me placing an ad in the paper "One green truck for sale."

I absolutely agree -- but most people here will blame you - sm

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It's just what people do around here. Companies expect MTs to work for low pay. They're disorganized and confused, they don't provide information, they are often impossible to get hold of at any point even after you're employed, but on MTStars, it's always the MTs fault!

Makes me wonder who exactly posts here.

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