A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Need "fresh" opinions - All Type - have already looked at archives

Posted: Feb 24, 2010

This company is looking for a Transcription Team Manager, for which I am qualified, but before applying I need to know what kind of a "corporate culture" I would be representing with respect to how the company treats and compensates its people. If I would be expected to help perpetuate a "sweat shop" mindset toward my team, I wouldn't be interested. TIA!

they seem to be - pretty nice, old-school

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I actually do not work for them, but did get offered a job with them a while ago, ultimately not taking the job because of only 1-week vacation and having to wait a year, but the experience I had with them in the process it sounded like they were a smaller place, more like it used to be, and sounded very fair. hope that helps...

They are not a smaller place. Far from it. - Been there, done that. Not worth it.

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It is more than a sweatshop. - sm

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I just read the above post about lack of respect by TL and management and I was almost tempted to ask if the company was AllType. The TLs are extremely rude and condescending. They are not honest about how they calculate lines. They do not pay for headers or canned reports that are inserted. Their ASR rate is 0.035 cpl! If you ask for secondary or tertiary accounts, they will pull you from your primary to work on the secondary or tertiary accounts as they see the need, whether you are out of work on your primary or not.

If you don't have work, you won't hear a peep out them and they expect you to work a FULL 8 hours, but waiting for work is not considered in that 8-hour work time. But the minute you have an emergency and end up in the ER, when you get home later in the day there are LITERALLY 10 or more emails from TL, her supervisor, and HR director threatening dismissal for not notifying TL of absence.

Oh...and if you have to take time off and you had used your PTO for medical emergency, you have to make up any time you take off...all the while trying to manipulate your timecard so you don't have more than 40 hours a week.

good to know - sounds like I dodged

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A bullet by passing on that job!! Will definitely keep this info for future!!

Id pass on that one - if I were you

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Pay is lower than what you are asked to do, and sweatshop is a great description for how things are run.

And the fresh opinion would be that it used to be a great place to work and I would not say so now unless you do not mind working a lot of hours to make little money and dont mind being frustrated with poor communication and leadership.

I agree with this post - licketysplitmt

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No one will answer my questions about why lines are "weighted" when you go in to see what goes to payroll; you actually get paid less than the lines you typed. Was told they pay 2 spaces but the program clearly shows I'm only paid for 1 space. Poor communication. No work all the time; haven't gotten more than 2000 lines in a payperiod since I've been there. My account is very heavy ESL...seems like 85% or so. I am not a happy here but have you seen what else is out there? Not much to choose from. Pay cut or equally bad accounts. What is an MT to do?

Response to previous post - AllTyperAllDay

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I currently work for AT and can say that it is a great company to work for. The management team is wonderful and the accounts are very good accounts and you can make a good income on their accounts. Pay is always on time, DD, accounts are some ESL but no worse than anybody else and a high ESL account is not the fault of the company anyway.

Very easy to deal with if you need off. They do not send emails like crazy as I have read. Maybe someone had a bad experience, but without knowing the entire story, try not to let judge the company as a whole by that response.

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