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MTSO informed me that she is tired of hearing - MTMichelle

Posted: Apr 11, 2010

the MTs she interview over the phone state the only reason they are leaving there jobs in pursuit of a new one is because there is no work.  She said that is not a valid reason and she would hesitate to hire me because I was yet another one to state that. 

******* That is the truth!!!  She said if the work should get low or slow, would I leave her?  I was at a loss for words.  I mean, I guess she was right, but what the heck else am I to say the next time.  If I say, I am leaving because I hate my job or my supervisor, etc, I surely will not get hired either.  So what the heck should one say when asked why do you want to leave your job?  Thanks!

I would probably respond, "It depends on HOW LONG there is no work." nm - deb

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I would probably say that I'm in pursuit of the American dream...sm - Sure okay

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You know, the one where I can feed myself AND my family, as well as pay my bills. Then ask if she/he can help with that pursuit! How arrogant can they get? OTOH, her remark about leaving you might just be a glimpse into the future with that company? And that you should probably look elsewhere! Good luck.......

maybe like in a marriage, state - sm

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Irreconcilable differences.

What a stupid MTSO - MTPockets

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I would not work for someone who made that type of comment. She must run out of work frequently to be worried about that. I would stay away from someone like that. She obviously is one of the slave-driver MTSOs who doesn't understand that we are in this business to MAKE MONEY to support ourselves and our families. We do not seek other jobs because we WANT to. If she does not understand that basic concept, then you are probably going to be working for an unappreciative slave driver who pays slave wages. I would tell her that she doesn't meet YOUR requirements!

Like your comment - RLee

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telling her she does not meet YOUR requirements - just struck my funny bone - it is so much a good comeback!!!

low or slow work - nn

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That is because the MTSO is being paid by the hour/salary and does not have to make her/his money in production. They are not paying their bills by inconsistent production. They have the same pay check every pay period. So they boldly go where they have never been and ask the MTs who generate even their salaries something they have no right and should not ask of anyone..... to stay in a job position when there is low to no work volume. Reality check, honestly! Today, they even further ask that you work right around the clock, flex time, that MTs be back and forth constantly throughout the day waiting for that one to four or five jobs to download, as if they do not have any responsibilities or life outside of that job. Just work 8 hours during every 24 hour increment. I think all managers, QA, account leads, team leads, etc., etc., and even owners of MTSO should also be paid on production. Then and only then would they understand low to no work volume, over hiring, etc. It is not the same playing ground, and there is very little respect for MTs generating the $$$ in this business today.

Amen and Hallelujah! You are SO right! nm - nm

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EXACTAMUNDO!!! - Right on Sista!

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That's exactly why I'm leaving this field. I had forgotten what it was like to just go to work for 8 hours and get paid for taking a pee break!

Low or slow work - Anonymous

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Running out of work is usually one of the first things I bring up when I e-mail or speak to a recruiter, it is not acceptable to me. I don't think any of them pay for down time, yet not having work is something beyond an MTs control. No other occupation/industry out there hires people when they have no work for them to do. Another thing that seems unfair is not being paid when you are training. How many other occupations would hire a person and then not pay them until after they are trained?

Asking the recruiter really doesn't help, in my opinion. - I have asked that question

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for every company I have worked for and have been lied to each and every time.

Get a clue! MTSOs are paid on production. sm - BTDT

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Everyone thinks that service owners have a guaranteed cushy salary. Not true all the time! If there is no work, there is no invoice, and no invoice means no pay for the owners either. Bills must still be paid, such as rent and phones, so the owner's salary is the last thing paid.

Get a clue? - Anonymous

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Whose fault is it that the company overhired and there is no work? I don't think the employees are to blame.

I think you would be the one needing a clue. - sm

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The MTSOs are the ones offering the ridiculous TAT in order to get the business...or in their words, stay competetive. So they overhire in order to meet this commitment. THEY aren't hurting financially by spreading the work too thin, the MTs are the ones bearing the brunt of it. The MTSOs are still submitting an invoice and being paid for that invoice. THEY are still earning their money.

''low or slow work''---Great response! - MT50

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Excellent post--absolutely correct! What an arrogant buffoon that recruiter sounds like. What a representative for a company. The main talent of these recruiters is running their big mouths. No actual skill or knowledge; if they lost their job, they would be fortunate to get hired at McDonalds.

Tired of hearing - Anonymous

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MT Michelle, leaving your job because you have no work and are not being paid for down time sounds like a valid reason to me. I would not hesitate to tell the truth, you need to make a living.

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