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I'm gettting really tired of hearing about everyone around me - Kiki1

Posted: Dec 04, 2010

either getting a big fat bonus for Christmas from their employers or getting 2 weeks of PAID time off.  Sister getting 2 weeks of paid time off AND a 3500-dollar bonus.  Daughter getting 1000 bonus, friend getting bonus......

Me too, I feel bad because I am so whiney and petty - but it does get very very old

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when one of my friends just bought a plane and another made more in end-of-year bonus than my salary for the entire year. Bah-humbug.

Nothing petty about it - SM

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It is only natural to feel the way so many feel. I once worked with a good friend who could not get pregnant after years of trying. She finally got to the point where she could not go to one more baby shower. She would cry at work after people came in the office time after time asking when she and her husband were planning on starting a family. Did I look at her with disrespect, or think less of her for her feelings? Absolutely not. We are human, and what you and others feel is completely normal. It is hard to listen to family and friends talk of so much time off and getting regular raises.

Bonuses------maybe you should hit what's his nose in the face with these facts! sm - MqMt

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MQ does not know what decent pay is much less a bonus!!! Maybe we need to inform him what that is!

The thing is when I emailed him and asked him how he would feel if his pay was cut when the voice went down the second time, he just said it was "within the business normal to be paid what we are."

They just don't care period!!!!

I hear ya. All we get is the spectre of January layoffs. - Bonuses... Bah, humbug.

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re: Kiki and followers - mustang

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You all must be a joy to hang out with! Really?? Your daughter gets a fantastic bonus and you are "tired of hearing about it"?? Your friends and others get great bonuses, vacations and you all begrudge them their happiness? Do you stand in front of them as they burst to share their news slack jawed in horrid disbelief and resentment?

We don't work for that kind of company! This industry has not been lucrative or generous for ages now! We know this isn't going to happen for us.

If you really are sick and tired of hearing of others good blessings and reward for their hard work, find another job.

Oh yeah, I forgot, excuse#1: I'm too old. #2. I'm too sick. #3: I've become a social phobic. #4: I'm too depressed and slobbish to leave the house, I have kids.....

How about next time a friend or relative wants to express their joy for their reward from their job, you put on a real, sincere smile and celebrate with them rather than eat worms and sulk.

grow up.

Again? - The broken record

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Good Lord, don't you ever get tired of hearing your own words? You are the same one who comes back at everyone. You are a bore.

mustang - radityper

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I agree with mustang. Drama. Get out and get another job. You all complaining about the job you are lucky to have (look around folks) is a broken record.
Which way do you want it? - sm
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You tell them to consider themselves lucky to have a job but then tell them if they don't like it to quit. Well, duh, as you've already noted, they don't have a lot of alternatives.

And, frankly, companies love it when they can get shills telling the employees who see something wrong that they should be happy they have a job. It enables them to ignore any problems and to keep tightening the noose around the employee neck until they eventually leave or hang themselves. Should I assume that you'll be wearing the noose?
A number of years ago, my boss bragged to us - about the amazing bonus she was - sm
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getting that year. Her bonus alone was as much as we made in a year. She went out and bought a brand new car with it. We got a $15 gift card to Walmart, which I spent entirely on the survival staples: Sugar, flour, salt, pepper, milk, canned goods, & pet food. And still didn't have enough paycheck to cover the month's rent, let alone have a Christmas.
re: radityper - frank
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What are shills?

No one is really and truly without options. There are other jobs to be found. I firmly believe that only puppets allow a company to "control" them.

It's no different now than it was ever before. If you are not able to make a living, you have to seek out alternative employment, find a better job, move away, get government help or whatever. The noose tightens around those who put it there themselves.

My grandfather worked up until the day he died because he had to. He never complained! My grandmother also worked, doing whatever she could, cooking, making jelly, jams, cakes, sewing, alternations... That's what they did to survive, to get by. They didn't complain!

My mom worked 3 jobs 7 days a week after my dad left, she has (had) arthritis and Epstein Barr! It became "normal" for us to pick up slack at home and me and my siblings got jobs in our teens, while still in high school to help her. She is in her 70's and still works part time because "she wouldn't know what to do with her time anyway!"

Mustang is right, this company is not one of those of old.
re: Frank - sm
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My mom set the example for me. She refused to go on welfare when my dad passed. We had nothing and she had no job skills, but she found work, and did as your mom, worked all week, sometimes nights too and we also learned that if we wanted something while we were in school, we'd better find somewhat to earn the money to pay for it.

I don't like that there are so many that complain, saying that it can't get any worse. They need to be careful about what they say, because take it from me, (sometimes we had no heat or electricity...), it can get much worse...
And I bet you believe the millionaires should get a tax break, too!! nm - Happy Holidays!!
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re: radityper - oracle
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yeah... I think you completely missed the point. Watch out! Fly by! swoosh!!!

re: again - mustang

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such a bore you felt compelled to retort?

Ya I was waiting to hear from you.......... - Kiki1

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First of all, I AM happy for THEM and I absolutely and sincerely tell them that.

And what do you mean we don't work for THAT kind of company. You mean an honest, caring company that pays its employees well and rewards them? Yes, my bad, you ARE right there.

I'm getting sick of posters (probably just one, you) coming on here telling us to "get another job then".....there are many reasons we could still be here...so why can't you just go away and let us vent a little will ya.

I think we all know who the "get another job" posters - actually are....... sm

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.... they are the wearers of pinstriped business suits, skirts, blazers and "sensible" shoes, and sport cookie-cutter corporate haircuts.

re: Kiki1 - Mustang

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Sincere and happy when they get their work rewards?? But, your heading starts off "I am sick and tired of hearing"... you are such a hypocrit!

and again, YOU want to "vent" about your woes, yet don't want ME to?

You are a walking contradiction of your self proclaimed opinions and rights! I also have the right to "vent", I just don't graze in the pastures with the rest of the sheep eating the "woe is me" weeds, instead I find greener fields.

I can be happy for them and also tired of - Kiki1
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hearing about it!! The tired part is more tired that I am not working for the great companies that they are. Has to do with my OWN disappointment.

I did NOT say you didn't have the right to vent, just vent on your OWN and don't come crashing down on everyone's else's.

And you still work for the "Q" ???? nm - Laughing out Loud
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agree with mustang - no flame

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A bonus is a bonus, and should not be expected.

Rejoice and celebrate your friends and family.

My company used to give two weeks' pay as a bonus. Nothing the last couple years.

Do I prefer the bonus? Yes.
Do I expect a bonus? No.
Do I resent my loved ones for their good fortune. No, for crying out loud!

Agree - PedalPshr

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Envy is not healthy

Tired of hearing it... - SillyRabbit

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I'm not as blunt as 'Musty,' but I too have come to the conclusion that we might as well just shut up. This company is owned, by the most part, by a foreign entity that is not bound by lawful American business practices. They can and do treat MTs as they please. They will be in business until their parasitical lack of ethics eventually eats them alive. The demise of the American economy as we used to know it reflects global business practices, get rich, get richer, get even richer, then get out and leave the hapless employees holding the empty bag.

I went on a job search last week and it was a wonderful adventure. My recent MT experiences have made everyting else look rosy to me. The in-office crowd does not know how good they have it. They are not isolated in their homes. Therefore, employers have to deal somewhat fairer with them.

It's a big world MTs. We can do better than this. MTs are among the more intelligent people in the world. YOU CAN AND WILL BE SUCCESSFUL AND YOU DO NOT HAVE TO CONTINUE TO TAKE THIS CRAP.

The ones getting bonuses work inhouse and get wages or salaries. - It is different for us working at home.

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Last inhouse position I worked, I got $1200 each Christmas. I also did a lot of work not on the job description for a normal MT. Here, at home, we can only do MT work and it is paid piecemeal, not hourly or salary.

If you want bonuses, go back inhouse and be paid like everyone else.

You can huff and puff all you want about whether you think it is fair or not but it won't change how it works.


On-site bonuses - Anonymous

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I work on site and probably will be getting my hours cut from FT to PT due to VR, if I'm lucky enough to keep my job. I'm paid hourly now, but working in health care is not what it used to be, I don't think anyone gives bonuses like that any more.

We sacrifice at home, too - Not just on site

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How much of what we do is not in our job description, or should I say, we do not get paid for a lot of what we do, i.e., time it takes to read our e-mail and answer (adds up), ADT fix-its, looking up words a doctor mumbles. We only gait paid for what we type, and not even fully paid for what we are responsible for, i.e. responsible now for a lot more medical content at the same take-home pay. MQ takes advantage of us working at home as they don't have the responsibility of answering our concerns face-to-face as in an office. I'm so tired of being shat upon for working at home. My time is money, folks. When you take advantage of an employee - BE IT WORKING AT HOME OR IN AN OFFICE - a bonus shows appreciation, and lack of it shows none.

Why should WHERE we work matter? We work just - as hard, if not harder, than they do.

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I don't even get the same respect from my - husband since I went to

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work at home. He bragged about my great job when I worked for a large local hospital. Now even he thinks I am just a housewife with my little typing hobby. If my own husband who sees me struggling day after day can't respect what I do, why should I expect more from Q?
I'd hand him the headphones and a nice juicy neuro op - report and say "Here, YOU try it!"
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I have let him listen to the jibberish. He hears - the ridiculous E-mails
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from MedQuist and CCM. He knows about ASR. He has seen my pay go down and down. It apparently is the working at home -- since I am not in the fancy hospital building swiping my badge, his respect for what I do has done a 180 (or maybe because I don't make as much?). I have brought this up, and he swears it is not so, but I beg to differ. Even my own kids want to come by, call, and leave the occasional sick grandchild (heck they have asked me to watch them FULLTIME). They would have never done that when I worked on site. Nobody respects us working at home -- thus how can we possibly expect more from MQ?
re: Husband - sm
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Wow, you have very little respect for yourself as well! Your few lines speak volumes. I am sorry you are struggling and have lost your self respect and the inner strength to demand respect from your husband and partner. I would demand it.

applied for in-house job. Went to a friend of the - supervisor. Person not

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even transcribing for a while. Would love to be back hourly with real benefits. Trust me.

What the - Get real

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So you must be one of the people who don't consider working at home a "real job." This company is making money hand over fist and living very high off of the hard work of it's employees. In case you forget, this company was built up to be one of the largest transcription companies in the country, if not THE largest by those of us just hangin' around the house acting like we have a job. . . . right??

Inhouse Bonuses - SillyRabbit

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This company is making tremendous profit and could and would pay us better if we were inhouse. They would have to if they wanted us to be able to afford gas or train fare to get to work. However, they don't want to pay for office space, office furniture, liability insurance, office supplies, electricity, etc. Therefore, I doubt they will ever return to inhouse MTs.

My sister did not get a raise, she got a car leased for 3 years with insurance paid!!!! - WISHING FOR A BOSS LIKE THAT

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Its not that we are sick of hearing it....it would be nice - if we felt appreciated

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That is all it comes down to....feeling appreciated.

Yeah, friends get bonuses and raises. It is not that I am unhappy for them. It is just the opposite. I am very proud of them!!!!

I don't believe I am jealous of their raises and bonuses or sick of hearing friends doing well in their careers, I feel a little jealous that they are appreciated and rewarded for a job well done.

We bust our butts everyday in this job and it would be nice to be appreciated other than at the end of a corporate email.

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