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Keystrokes email - Lmelton

Posted: Feb 04, 2013

Does anyone know the email address for Keystrokes to send resume?

No, but they have an ad on here you can click on - Ex KS

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They're a totally different company than they used to be, and not in a good way. Be warned.

Agree - Another Ex KS

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I agree 150% with the above post. They absolutely are NOT the same company they once were. People are leaving in droves. I would not recommend them at this time.

Droves? How would you know that? Are you management? sm - MT4TooLong

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I work with the same people I have for many years. I talked with my manager for a long time on Thursday. She told me that they know that the changes they made last year were not good, and they are looking to reverse some of them and improve other things. I was not affected by most of the changes as I was already only at 8 cpl, but I was happy to hear that they are looking to go back to the "good ole days". I don't know what they can do, but anything has to be better than what I am seeing about some of these other companies. I am content, but transcription is so different from when I started that I don't take anything for granted any more.
no matter what the post is, this same person comes on talking about "droves" leaving KS. - Sheesh
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No use saying anything good. You'll just be bashed or accused of being management. I am sure every person who reads this board knows that only negative posts are real. LOL.
Sorry to say, but when it comes to that place the - negative posts are all true.
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Very true - Another former KS
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I also know of many MTs (my former coworkers who I still keep in touch with) who have left. I left as well at the end of the summer. Unfortunately, the negative posts about this company are all true. Even people who have been at Keystrokes for many years have left. It's not a good situation at all.
Well it seems kind of odd to me - sm
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that since the most recent pay reduction, KS has run ads for hiring at least once a week if not twice a week.

They want people with 5 years of experience, they want references, and they want you have long distance and a C-phone for some accounts and they want you to work a weekend day, and all for 7 cpl (or maybe more if you meet their quotas whatever those may be).

It just seems like for a while they were not running ads for hiring and now they are, so what does that tell me?

It tells me they are kind of desparate and that yes, indeed, MTs must have left and quite a few since the ad keeps running and they obviously have had not enough bites.

I wanted to work for KS but I was told I didn't have enough experience, yet I had 20 years of it, so THEIR loss. Most importantly, 15 years of that experience was including but not limited to Meditech which is not a program everyone wants/likes to work on. I certainly will not work for 7 cpl for acute care or give up a weekend day for that piddly diddly amount but I won't bash them for advertising here, as I'm sure they'll find some MTs. I do wish them luck and a happy ending but when you cut people's pay who have worked hard, they are and will warn others as it does hurt if you know what I mean.
They considered 20 years not enough experience?? - Their loss
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That's the craziest thing I've ever heard of. Chances are they want someone newer they can make jump through hoops for less pay.
They have a lot of new accounts. I am on one. sm - That is why they are hiring
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I was told that there are 6 accounts that have started since the beginning of the year, and that there are a lot more on the way. I would imagine that a lot of hospitals are fed up with Nuance and MQ and are making changes. I know this because I worked for a hospital that outsourced to MQ last year and now they are with KS.
If that is truly the case and they are winning - bids then why did they cut pay?
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It doesn't seem like a good business practice to let it known to the MTs you just cut that you've been awarded lots of new accounts. That's actually an even bigger slap in the face especially to the long-time KS MTs who had to take a paycut for whatever excuse they used and also for the new hires at 7 cpl. If what you say is true, in my opinion, they look even worse then.
From what I heard, they had to lower their prices to compete. They still pay more or the same as mo - KSMT
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I don't think any company can keep going at high pay rates and low contract rates for very long.

Do you not see the news? This is not just transcription. This is EVERYWHERE. My husband has been out of work for 2 years and looks for a job every single day. I'm glad that I make enough money to keep a roof over our heads and food on the table. There's not a lot of extra left over, but we are doing in on my pay.

The pay cuts were bad for some, I understand that, but they are still workable. If you are full time and not new to them, you are higher than 7 cpl, and from what I understand, even if you start at 7 cpl, you are raised once you are full time for a period.

Not a slap in the face at all. I am glad to see that they are surviving and that my job is secure. I want to hear about new accounts; it helps with that sense of security.
Wait until you and that wench coordinator - ExKS
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get crossways or have a disagreement about anything.
The only wench coordinator that was there is gone. I work well with the one I have now. sm - Happy
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She has been with KS for more than 10 years and is the best manager I have ever worked for. I am glad to be back under her. The one that used to be over radiology was absolutely clueless and useless. I think the only reason she had a job was because she was friends with the owner, but that could be rumor. I just know that she was fired and should have been long before that.
The one I was referring to is absolutely heartless. - ExKS
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The so-called "Production Coordinator" is the one I'm referring to. Only out for herself. She has no problem stepping all over someone else. Your house could burn down and kill your entire family and she would STILL chew you out for not working your shift. The ones over rad are nice people, and the one who used to be the rad coordinator and just left was a pleasure to work with as well.
Oh, she is awful - Also ExKS
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I know exactly who you're talking about! Witch is putting it lightly. You are so right. She is only out for herself and making sure she looks good. She's a total control freak and, as you said, has no problems whatsoever stepping on other people to get to the top. All of the other coordinators I have worked with were much nicer than her. SHE'S the one they should have axed long ago!
Which one? I work under "B" and think she is nice. sm - TiredFingers
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I have heard that "C" is hard to work for but another MT friend told me that she is the best. Those are the only two that I know of.
I work under both B and C - KS
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I work under them both. They are both very good. B is sweet and C is professional but still friendly. I actually do better with C because she is organized and cares about the accts and it shows. The people who have issues are those who call off all of the time, are flaky, or who just suck at transcription. I used to be a lead but stepped down due to all of the excuses and bitter transcriptionists. I have to hand it to the people who have to listen to that kind of complaining or reasons as to why they can't work day in and day out.

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