A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Beware of Precyse - Waste of time

Posted: Nov 07, 2014

Beware of this company when interviewing as the interviewer puts words in your mouth that you never had said.  Be very careful and write down all you say to the intereviewer during the process.  What a waste of my time interviewing, passing the test, etc.  

I wondered about them after seeing their recent ad. Literally NO - current info on them at all in archives.

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And nobody ever posts about them. Is that good or bad? Meaning no info available on the company?

I posted 10/23 with current information. NM - anonalso

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Did interviewer change - UhOh88

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your schedule? What words did she put in your mouth? I'm curious as I recently tested for them and am awaiting their response. Thanks in advance!

Thanks for sharing, that sucks. - nm

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Precyse and others - anonmt

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I have a phone that records conversations on tape. I don't play their games. I learned to cover my buns a looong time ago.

What is it that she said, if I may ask? Just started with them...see msg - Typer

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Wondering if maybe I made a mistake!

Not offered job - Not the OP

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I'm not the OP, but I had this same thing happen. I thought things were going well in the interview. She asked me what reports I felt comfortable with and which ones I don't. I said I'm comfortable with all of them but my leave favorite is Op Notes. When the interview ended, she said I would get an email soon with the offer or non-offer. I got the email and was not offered a job because she said that I SAID I was not comfortable with Op Notes. I had to reread that several times because I know I didn't say that I wasn't comfortable with them. We all have our favorites and non-favorites, and it's not like I CAN'T do Op Notes, they just aren't my first choice. So I was like, well, it's not meant to be. A few days later, I was offered another job, better in my opinion, so it all worked out. But I agree with the OP.

Ugh...none of this sounds good. - sm

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No one in this thread has really commented negatively about them per se, but none of the comments are actually good feedback either. Hmmm...

Waste - of my valuable time

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That's exactly what happened to me too. Her side kick called me and told me I was not comfortable with doing all reports so they were looking for other people and I never said anything like that and my past experiences proves it - I've done all. This particular interviewer T does not know how to conduct an interview IMO. What a waste of time passing the test only to have words put in my mouth.

Are you not feeling right since you started with them? - Or second-guessing yourself? See msg

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I only ask because you've already had your interview and been hired on. I applied, but have not heard anything yet. I was just curious just in case they offer me to test. I have done some researching and what little info available on them kind of makes me feel a little uneasy. So by all means, please share if you are having doubts based off of a bad vibe that your getting or anything that may have come off as questionable since you started. I don't want to test, interview and possibly even get hired only to realize I should have paid attention to my gut instinct. Thanks in advance for your response.

Just a few weeks in and jobs went from overwhelming to - nothing. - Typer

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I wonder if a bunch of us (there were several also trained the same time as I was) just "trained" the system for them or it was all offshored. Either way, I am thinking it's time to move on. I love being an MT, however, this is all just so discouraging. Good luck to you either way.
Operations - Amuck
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Wow, this serious sounds like a company to avoid. This company is weird in their operations. They contacted me through email to test, I did not seek them out and now all this.
do you have secondary acct? my primary is rarely low. usually looking for help. - NM
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DON'T - nice girl
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Your vibe is not wrong about Precyse. They are big time LIARS! QA will harass you to death over little things! They are just starting to give raises and reviews after many years of asking about raises. They will demand much of you and you can expect little if anything positive in return! They will speak of integrity as that is part of their company motto, but believe me when I tell you none of them have integrity but they will expect integrity and loyalty from you. The WFCs are the only decent people out of the entire company! The only thing Precyse has going for them, is they pay on time, you will have benefits (but they are expensive), and you'll have a paycheck it may be low some pay periods, and average the others, but still not enough to retire on, save, or plan for the future. By the way, did I say they are liars?! They are pretty disgusting people, and barely qualify as people, they are subhuman!

Same experience here basically... - ExMT

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The interviewer was horrible - ALL over the place, reading or talking to other people at the same time, kept me on the phone OVER an hour, hyper, rambling - clear indication of how the job would have been. I almost feel bad for those who work there...maybe the money is good, I don't know, but what a downer to have to put up with that all day, every day.

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