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Being asked to work "extra" but not paying OT? - NJMT

Posted: May 17, 2013

My company has a lot of work right now (which is a good thing, I know).  Previously when this would happen, we would be offered overtime and paid time and a half.  For the last couple of weeks, we are practically being begged to work "extra" hours but only at straight time.  I hate to sound negative, but I have a hard time giving up my free time to work for 4 cents a line editing horrible VR reports.  Is it even legal to ask MTs to work overtime for straight pay?  Please no bashing about how I should be happy to have work at all.  I am grateful to have work, I'm just curious about how they can ask employees to work over 40 hours without paying time and a half.  

You are right they dont want you to work OT, which impliesq - you will be paid OT. They just want SM

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you to work more. At my MTSO, they dont okay OT, so only the PT MTs have the option to "work more". You have your schedule for a reason and I dont think you should feel bad for not wanting to work more. I never work more if I am not getting paid OT.

And, oh yeah, I think it is illegal to have an employee work more than 8 hours a day or 40 hours a week. Of course, for IC this doesnt apply

Thanks all for your input - NJMT

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I am a full time employee and not IC, so again, not sure how they can get away with this. I already work Saturdays, as we have to work 1 mandatory weekend day, and as I said, I hate to give up free time to literally make pennies. Also, they love to insinuate that "the client is very upset, we don't want to risk losing this account", I guess to make us feel guilty and worry about losing our jobs.

ALL MTSO use that line, the client is upset. Yea, right. Is - cleint happy they will not SM

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pay OT in order to get the work done? I am sure if the MTSO was honest (I know, I know) and told client they would not okay OT, the client would pull out from that MTSO liked greased lightening.

If MTSO sends blanket email about client upset, please, please - PLEASE, reply all - is client happy SM

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they will not okay OT pay. If they say anything just say you thought you clicked on reply. Oops. So sorry.

MTSO will continue to break the law until we sue. - Holly

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I tried to report my MTSO for wage violations - sm

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I received a letter stating that they decided not to pursue it but that I could go after the MTSO on my own (interpretation on my own dime) and, of course, I don't have any spare dimes because I work for an MTSO. Catch-22? In the meantime, I am studying for a new career and I continue to stockpile "information" on this MTSO. Let's see how this plays out in the end. I am definitely getting smarter with age!

If enough MTs refuse to work more with no OT pay, - the MTSOs would HAVE to pay OT. nm

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My company has been issuing "mandatory OT" - anon

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Mandatory OT has been issued (4 hours/week extra) for almost 80% of the time for the last few months. Nobody gets paid extra (unless you are full time and working over 40 hours, but now with the new bill just signed we may not even get the OT pay). They are offering sign on bonuses for new people but treat their employees very poorly. Sometimes they issue mandatory OT and then there is no work available, but they still insist that you flex and find hours when there is work available (usually late at night or early a.m.) to get in your hours, no exceptions are made....I am getting ready to quit after working here for 3 years and being a good employee...enough!

That bill not signed by the House. Not law at - this time. nm

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Actually, it did pass in the House, but it hasn't got a snowball's chance - in the Senate.

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And the White House has threatened to veto it if it did pass the Senate.


Mandatory OT - NJMT

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I just can't believe the things that these MTSO's can get away with. If we worked at any other reputable company, this would not be an issue. I am just so tired of the way MTs are treated!

Maybe tell them will work extra if OT pay okayed. How - could they expect anything else? nm

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I asked if they were offering OT pay SM - NJMT

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The response I got was "no overtime pay, but you can take this chance to get extra lines!! Seriously, why do I want to spend my day off working for the extra few dollars I will make at straight time?

No OT pay is against the law. This is 1 reason Transcend is being sued. - sm

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Save the emails stating they are paying straight wages for OT and any paycheck stubs that show you were not paid for OT.

That is what I thought. SM - NJMT

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I save all of my emails. I am so tired of the MTSOs wanting us to work for nothing.

OT mandated when you are 35 hours/week - anon

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They keep issuing mandatory 4 hours OT and since I am not over 40 hours, I don't get a cent extra over my regular earnings. So I lose some benefits by not being a full time 40 hour/week employee, but I end up working that much anyway. I am the one who posted above about the mandatory OT, glad to hear the bill has not passed the Senate yet about OT pay, I just heard a quick blurb where they stated it had passed (I guess they just meant the House)but still it doesn't help me in my position! I am also in school with deadlines trying to get out of this "profession" and this is making it really hard!!

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