A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Are there ANY good MTs out there?? - Frustrated

Posted: May 16, 2014

There have been so many times that I come to this board and see MTs venting about MTSOs that are hard to work for, don't pay enough, don't give enough work, don't pay on time, nit-picky QA, etc., etc., etc.  I have been an MT for more than 15 years and recently acquired pretty big account.  I have a few MTs that I have contracted and in the process of training.  When I hired I STRESSED that I needed someone flexible, someone that HAS EXTENSIVE OP note experience, and was pretty much willing to work "on demand".  Of these MTs, NONE of them have lived up to the expectations.  Hearing excuses like my child is sick, I have family drama, I can't work during the day, and one that takes over an hour to type a 3 minute dictation because she is not familiar with the terminology, although the dictator was very clear and one of the easiest of all dictators.  I constantly have to edit reports and sometimes, quite a few times, I'm correcting things I've already corrected.  On top of it all, when I email asking about working together to train more or trying to set up weekend work, I get NO RESPONSE.  IS IT ME??? I live and breathe work. I can't stand to leave a blank.  I love to make money.  I love my job, and I'm proud of what I have finally accomplished knowing my hard work has finally paid off.  I feel that I pay pretty well considering what I get paid for the account.  I think too many MTs want EASY and only want to work when THEY WANT TO WORK, and are too lazy to look at samples provided for them or simply Google to give an accurate report.  I've always been taught nothing comes easy, you work hard, and you pay for what you get.  Somehow I'm feeling I've been jipped.  So when people ask, are there any GOOD companies to work for out there, my question is, are there any GOOD MTs out there anymore???  

Vent over…

What is the name of your company? - nm

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For obvious reasons, I would rather not say on here. - Frustrated

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Here's the thing... - MaryJane

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There are employers out there who expect that kind of work ethic who also provide a stable, M-F, 9-5 career WITH EXCELLENT benefits to those same women, and they don't treat them like children who are faking a fever to get out of school for the day.

Those same women have also taken on the role of primary breadwinners for their families, and they also have occasional family crises, and yet they are treated better and appreciated and compensated far better than their MT counterparts working from home.

I blame the nature of the business in today's market and economy. MTSOs want that workhorse mentality from their employees, but there is no give and take...only take, take, and take.

If the MT doesn't work, they don't get paid. So, why wouldn't they want to give it all they can? Because there is no incentive, either financially or via another "kick back" like job flexibility...when you repeatedly knock a person down, that is where they will choose to stay after a while. You get what you give.

Yes there are good MTs. - You stated you live and breathe

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work. That is a very high expectation for an employee. You say you pay well considering what you are paid, but you are expecting your level of dedication. I think the majority of us did/do work very hard. I really can't say I would be willing to work "on demand" after all working for someone else is a job. Maybe you should reread your statement "you pay for what you get." No we don't want easy, we all know transcription and easy do not belong in the same sentence. I am sure if the pay was right you will find someone as dedicated as you but as long as your pay is consistent with the going rate now, you will have a rough time fulfilling your expectations for a MT.

True story - xyz

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I did exactly what you are doing from 1991 to 2003. 23 years ago, I PAID .08/line to trainees, and I invested my time very heavily in their success (that was pre-Google). As they got up to speed, I paid .105/line. But they were all mothers with children at home, and I offered them an opportunity and respected their needs. When push came to shove, I was the one to work the difficult times. The downside for me was working myself much too hard, and I returned to employee status.
I promise you, I have at least as high of work standards as you do, but you will not find me available for work 12 hours a day, 6 days a week, for $20K and no benefits. If you find that what you are able to bill, and what you are able to pay are not in line, that problem falls on YOU, not your contracted MTs.

You tell me... - Frustrated

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Okay, I pay 9 cpl, which I think is a pretty good rate, considering I've seen going rates here on this board. Also, maybe I chose my words wrong. Not so much work "on demand," but know when there is work to be done and knowing the TAT, be there to help out and be CONSISTENT. Don't put work off until the last minute of TAT. I've told them the time of day that I would really need them. Is it that hard to be there?? I've worked around sick children, two divorces, and SEVERAL crises during my career. When you work from HOME, I think taking an entire day off because your child is sick isn't really good work ethic, IMO. Again, maybe it's just ME.

That is a whole different - list of expectations

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than original post. No that does not sound unreasonable. I was thinking it was an on-call type of position. Sorry you have had bad experiences and I do hope your search improves and you are able to find MTs to help you succeed.

If I worked in an office and my child was sick... - MaryJane

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Would my employer allow me to bring my sick child to work?!

Employers expect us to behave like employees while we are at work, whether that is on site or in our home. Can't have it both ways I'm afraid.

This job is no longer "mom" friendly, and yet it pays the same wages, or worse, than mother friendly employment options, and yet that is who your employee base is right now. It's a women-dominated field and that could be an asset but there is so much inflexibility due to the industry itself these days, you have to work with what you have or work alone.

Let me add - Frustrated

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I CLEARLY stated in my ad the needs for the account. If you can't adhere what is being asked, DON'T APPLY and don't tell me during interview none of this will be a problem. Also, I tend to give the easiest work available to avoid the hassle of having to edit so much. The work is there, but you actually have to SHOW UP and WORK to get it. If not, I will bust my butt getting it done and then you are left complaining there's not enough work.
Frustrated - xyz
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Frustrated, your moniker betrays your first problem. Working in transcriptionist is fertile ground for frustration, and it is among your greatest enemies. You appear to have a lot of difficulty differentiating what you can and cannot control. You appear angry that someone applied when the ad was clear in your expectations. Wow ... who has ever heard of that happening? Deal with it, and move on. You're angry with your subs for even applying in the first place. You really need to get over that one, and fast!!
Frustration will eat your energy faster than anything.
Zyz and MaryJane - Frustrated
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MaryJane, maybe you're missing my point. I am NOT an employer. I contract work. Would it be acceptable for you to contract a painter to do a job in a certain amount of time, but they only half-way do the job and miss days with endless excuses? I think not. Xyz, I came to vent my frustration, as many do here. No worries, as I WILL get the work done, and if this continues, I'm sure I can find someone to replace them.

Is that work consistent though? One thing you have - to remember is that many

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MTs these days are forced to work for more than one employer due to out of work situations, not enough work, the low pay rates, no benefits, etc etc. Ths list goes on and on. Unfortunately, this is the industry these days. An MT must do what he/she needs to do for their financial needs. If you don't have the consistent work that allows them to pay their bills, they are going to make the rounds of the jobs in their bucket and do what needs to be done to keep a roof over their heads and food on the table. It's unfortunate, but that is what our once honored profession has come to, nothing more than a sweat shop.

I have good work ethics, but I do not live and breathe - wannie

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work. My family ALWAYS comes before ANY job (always has and always will). Jobs come and go. My family is here to stay. That's the way it is supposed to be. Sometimes you can work around an illness, but sometimes it's just not possible, whether you work from home or outside the home. JMO.

From the IRS website - Just the facts

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You state you are not an employer, so I am assuming you hire IC. If you contract a painter to paint your house and the job has to be finished in two weeks, that painter can show up to work on it everyday, or do it all on the 13th day, so long as it is done in the time the contract states. If you want to control what will be done and how it will be done, that makes you an employer and subject to different tax laws.

Below is a page taken from the IRS that explains IC status.

Independent Contractor Defined
People such as doctors, dentists, veterinarians, lawyers, accountants, contractors, subcontractors, public stenographers, or auctioneers who are in an independent trade, business, or profession in which they offer their services to the general public are generally independent contractors. However, whether these people are independent contractors or employees depends on the facts in each case. The general rule is that an individual is an independent contractor if the payer has the right to control or direct only the result of the work and not what will be done and how it will be done. The earnings of a person who is working as an independent contractor are subject to Self-Employment Tax.

If you are an independent contractor, you are self-employed. To find out what your tax obligations are, visit the Self-Employed Tax Center.

You are not an independent contractor if you perform services that can be controlled by an employer (what will be done and how it will be done). This applies even if you are given freedom of action. What matters is that the employer has the legal right to control the details of how the services are performed.

If an employer-employee relationship exists (regardless of what the relationship is called), you are not an independent contractor and your earnings are generally not subject to Self-Employment Tax.

However, your earnings as an employee may be subject to FICA (Social Security tax and Medicare) and income tax withholding.

For more information on determining whether you are an independent contractor or an employee, refer to the section on Independent Contractors or Employees

Page Last Reviewed or Updated: 04-Apr-2014
Gypped, silly, IRS?! - Frustrated
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I am quite a silly one, not only as an MT, but in every day life! :) Gypped, I had NO idea that was a "racial slur". I LEARNED something NEW yesterday. I'm quite positive I am not the only one on this planet that did not know that, and certainly not the only MT that didnât know that. And yes, I spelled it wrong, knowingly. Now that I have been corrected, it's something I will NOT misspell ever again. BUT, if I was typing a medical report and was using the same word, I would have taken the time to find the correct spelling and would have learned the meaning, too. That's what a GOOD MT DOES. We take the time to verify spellings and meanings, even when words are spelled by physicians, whom often get the spelling wrong anyway. When something sounds "iffy", we researchâ¦.That's what a GOOD MT does!

I don't try to "control" my MTs. I simply explained to them that the client has a specific TAT, that some days are busier than others, and that I would need backup during certain times. ALL AGREED and a contracts were signed. What good is that contract if ALL parties do not do what was agreed upon?? Does that mean when it comes time to pay, I can pay when I feel like it? Why don't I just forget the contract and say, "Hey, call me when you want to work!"?!? Silly ME!

I can't tell you the number of times someone has said to me, "I want to do what you do. I can type." I cringe. As all MTs know, it takes A LOT more than knowing how to type to be an MT. People see it as a way to work from home and make money, so they're all for it. What makes a GOOD MT is time, focus, and lots and lots of research, which now days people are too lazy to do. Like one said on here, people will type garbage, type things that were not even dictated, and will place a wrong word in one sentence only to have it right two sentences later.

All I'm saying is, if you see a job ad, PAY ATTENTION to what is being asked. If you don't have the desired experience, time, or capability, DON'T APPLY, and certainly don't test and agree to do it, if in the end you CAN'T.
Frustrated - Just the facts
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You misunderstand, I was only trying to let you know how the IRS makes the distinction. About 2 years ago a friend of mine transcribed for several clients herself. She worked with two MTs for several years, she just had a simple contract, no time schedule in the contract. She paid twice a month on the same dates(that was not in the contract either). One of the MT's quit. She found a replacement, and again used a simple contract. When the new person did not want to follow a set time, she had to let her go. Months later the IRS contacted her asking questions (no mystery who contacted them). They told her unless specific times are included in the contract she had no control over it, as long as the amount of agreed upon hours were met. I know that the IRS is cracking down on IC status and all I'm trying to say is get the details in writing!

we are certainly out here - years of experience

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Children grown. No husband to attend to. LOVE LOVE LOVE Op notes. Find it hard to quit for the day when paid by production. It is up to you to ferret out the good applicants from the bad. I would think a cardinal sign would be years of experience, as the more, usually the older, who have work ethic and love of profession rather than a "job" they work between driving kids to soccer practice and picking up hubby's dry cleaning.

EXACTLY, years of experience! - Frustrated

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Thank you so very much...For a minute, I was beginning to think it was JUST ME...Kudos!

It's not just you... - sm

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I do the hiring/training for a company and it is the same across the board. Everyone is eager to work, but for every 100 applications, maybe 1 or 2 are a good fit and of those, maybe one will cut it. I hire 8-10 people at a time because I know 80-90 percent of them will be gone in two weeks or less. The excuses are as you stated above, Frustrated. And I let a lot of people go because they are just too lazy to google or apply feedback. I've been in this biz 24 years and the pool to select from has really dwindled down to not much there at all. My personal opinion on this is because all of those with the work ethics, who want to produce a quality product and take pride in their work are employed somewhere else, so there just isn't a good pool to market to. I am seeing those who job hop, flat out lie on their experience (have someone else take the test, so easy to see) and are in the "production" mindset. Crank out those lines and who cares, it's all about the money. I am not against blurring the lines of experience or even fibbing, but you better back up what you say. I will not consider anyone with kids under 5 who are at home. I know the amount of attention this takes and the kids most certainly do come first. I did this job raising my kids, so I know first hand. Those of you who think of this as a "job" are the ones I stay away from. I look for dedicated team players, not someone who is here because it's a job.

Good luck to you, Frustrated, it's a tough world out there finding those from our era. It's just different now.
also agree its not just you - ICManiac
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I placed an ad recently with very specific instructions and got a ton of responses. There were maybe only 4 of those who actually followed the specific instructions in their response.

The one I finally picked, well, she said she was going to do something, then sent emails about having a bad day and will do it tomorrow, etc. When I finally told her she was no longer being considered for the position, she said it was a good thing because they were moving furniture and said something about getting a house she had told me about (had never said anything about trying to get another house).

People say they want to work, but it is hard to find someone who isn't hiding behind their life that keeps them from working.
Something else, ICManiac - Frustrated
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I had the same experience with people applying that were just out of school, worked with clinic for two years, etc. When my ad stated MORE than FIVE years' experience WITH OP NOTES. One person tested and followed all instructions, but I did not realize before testing that she was from Russia. She aced the test, but I desire to keep work in the States...maybe I should have went with her, as she was the most eager and accurate?!?
that is a valid point - ICManiac
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I had several MTs with a decade or more experience to respond to my ad who lived in India (I did not specify in my ad my preference to keep the work stateside). My biggest issue with that was thinking about the money going offshore and feeling disloyal to the workers here in the US who want to work but have lost income to offshoring to Indian workers. I did not want to be part of that problem.

I don't know the answer to that for you. I would feel more comfortable if the person lived in a country with a reliable infrastructure (such as in western Europe, i.e., Spain, Portugal, France, etc.).

There are but they got burned by bad MTSOs - two sides to every story

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One bad apple spoils the bunch. One bad MT makes all MTs look bad. One bad MTSO makes all MTSOs look bad. You can't win either way.

I myself am on my 2nd MTSO, not the best, but certainly better than my 1st one. It is hard to be happy, productive, a team player, etc when all you get are work harder, work faster, more account specs, client is unhappy emails. Hard on your self-esteem when you keep getting crapped on.

As for you, I wouldn't want to be you and I do feel for you. I'm sure it can be frustrating when an MT says "sure no problem" and then screws you over. But being paid per line/production is not worth it to me and I need to get out of MT period. This career is not for me, I know that now, it's not what I expected at all, and would not waste your or another MTSO's time applying.

But it's hard to get out when MT works against you when trying to get another job.

I guess working 6 days/50 hours a week isn't good enough!

Consistency - Frustrated

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The work is pretty consistent and is constantly growing. Yes, there may be slow days here and there, like any company, but I wouldn't mind taking the break and letting them "have at it". I've had to train 3 MTs so far because I CAN'T get consistency, and I'm seriously thinking about bringing on another. First come, first serve. It's a matter of someone wanting work and not just showing up for the EASIEST work. Don't we all want that?? I don't EVER send ugly emails. I praise, and I am very understanding that we all make mistakes and it's a daily learning process. I'm also very understanding that "things" happen to prevent us from working, but NOT constantly. I check all work before it's sent to client; therefore, any emails saying client is not happy would fall back on ME. Thankfully, I don't receive these types of emails at all. I just wish I could find someone like ME. lol

The term is gypped (gypsy), and it is a racial slur, but a good transcriptionist would know that. SM - anon

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You should have taken the time to Google that!

I did google it - xzy

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When I read that, I knew it didn't look right, but was not entirely certain of the correct spelling. So, I went straight to Google, and learned something I had not known before (we MTs are particular like that), and I am glad to know. I will remove "gypped" from my own usage.
A good MT knows what they DON'T know, as well as what they do know. It's a telling error. I wasn't going to point it out, but I'm glad that you did.

GYPPED - Frustrated

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Too funny! I've never used the term "gypped" while working, and KNEW the spelling was incorrect, but DID NOT CARE to take the time to Google while venting on a board. I'm more than a good MT, I'm pretty awesome and have plenty of references to back that up, including an awesome account! Time to get to work. You all have a good day, and thanks for your input, and correction ;)

google?? silly M/T - lmao

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I do not see that term anywhere in the OPs post - sm

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or are you responding to someone else (hence you posted in the wrong spot).

"Somehow I'm feeling I've been jipped." nm - justpassingthru

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Oh, for crying out loud..... - Laura

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This is your take-away from her post?

I am beginning to think no more are left - also frustrated

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I could have started this thread with the same header and name, but for slightly different reasons. I have been in transcription for about 25 years and always done and excellent job according to my employers. Always one of the top producers with excellent QA scores.

Recently I have moved into a QA position and am shocked, SHOCKED by what MOST of the transcriptionists are turning in.

I proof work from a couple of companies, neither off-shore, and supposedly have experienced staff. What I am finding, however, are major errors over different companies and multiple different transcriptionists. Some of the the work is basically JUNK!

I find wrong words, not even close to what the doctor is saying, improper terminology that makes no sense at all (ilium vs ileum), incorrect drugs, large parts of dictation that are a little jumbled but can be figured out just left off completely, and lab and radiology errors. This is over a variety of doctors, some foreign, but the majority are American.

I used to believe the people here when they talked about picky over the top QA audits, but now that I see things from the other side, I think some people are just not as good as they think they are.

I've done MT work since 1972. I also - L&L

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have a BS and have worked as a technical writer. My child is 34. My husband is dead. My cat sits next to me while I work.

Feel free to email with any offers. I can retire and still make 15K/year.

L&L -- - Kiki

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Can I ask what you mean by you can "retire and still make 15k/year" ?
Does this mean you are of retirement age (66) and you can earn up to 15K per year and it won't affect the amount of your retirement?
Kiki, to answer your question...SM - Old Anon
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I retired before my regular retirement age which of 66. I have a few friends whose retirement age was 65. It depends on what year you were born. I retired early at 63, and this year I can make $15,000-something (I forget the exact amount) BUT for every $2 I make over that amount, SS holds back $1's worth of SS benefits. I went over my allotted amount in 2013, so they withheld my February, March, and April checks this year. I'll be going over again in 2014, so I'm stashing money away to cover any missing months. I'll be 66 next year, so I'll be able to make up to (I think) $48.000. No problem there!!!
Thank you! That really helps me make a difficult decision....n/m - kiki
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Right, the amount at 62 is a little over 15,000. - L&L
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You can check this out on the social security web site.

Also, they are going to start mailing out your information again so you can see what you would make at different ages of retirement. They quit doing that a couple of years ago. You could still find the info on the website, but I much prefer the printout. It lists what you made each year and what you can expect when you retire.

I used to do QA - OCMT

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I would roll my eyes so hard it probably looked like I was having a seizure. I was gobsmacked at the absolute garbage sent through by some MTs. I don't mean just sloppy VR editing but straight typing. It was atrocious, to put it mildly.

Sloppy use of expanders inserting voluminous lines that weren't even dictated, incorrect copy and paste portions clearly from a previous patient report but stuck right into the middle of another report, incorrect terminology, incorrect medication dosages and names...It just went on and on. I learned very quickly which handful of MTs actually were turning in quality reports that required minimal, if any, cleanup. The ratio was mind-boggling low.

My physician used to tell me that I should open my own small MTSO and learn to delegate my work and thus make money.

I informed him unless I could find MTs who had the same level of work ethic as I had, this would never happen. If I have to go over every single report with a fine-toothed comb before submitting it to the client, I'd rather just transcribe it myself.

I hear the OP. Loud and clear.

deviating from thread - beulah

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Being strictly on the MT side of things, I've wondered what our general state of accuracy is, from QA's viewpoint. What you've said scares me to death, as a patient! I trust doctors (well, for the most part) to dictate a reasonably true report, but given what you've said, who knows what can end up in my final medical record? Can I trust it? (this being whether the dictation is VR edited by the doctor, or VR/typing by an MT). Not a good feeling!

Beulah - OCMT

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I would strongly encourage you to get a copy of your medical records and read over them, note any errors, and request to have the report(s) corrected.

My own personal experience was having a clinician ask me how my hepatitis and diabetes were being controlled...I have neither condition. It was either a dictation error or (more likely) a typo that had been made in a previous report, signed off on by the dictator, and were being carried over as part of my medical record.

In light of how slipshod a lot of the transcription is these days, I'd recommend everyone get a copy of their medical records and check them over for accuracy, just to be on the safe side.
Horrifying! - beulah
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Then did they actually make the corrections you requested? I do keep up on my records as much as I can, and tell friends to do the same. just think if you'd come into the hospital unconscious or something, wonder what meds you'd have gotten? But hopefully there are a lot of checks and balances (?). The only errors I've seen in our family records is that my 3-year-old had a tonsillectomy for "serous otitis media" (which she never had had). Second, I was signing the consent for my mastectomies immediately preop and they had L/R switched for the 2 types of masty being performed. Third, recently had a colonoscopy and the final report said that the gastroenterologist advised us of some things which my husband swears that he never said (I was somewhat sedated, but don't recall it either). It's so darn scary.

Pay us what we're worth and you'll get "good MTs" - nm

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What do you feel is "worth"?? - Frustrated

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AGAIN, I stated in my ad and in this thread the pay along with expectations. I believe 9 cpl is a pretty fair rate considering what I've seen others offer on here. I only get paid 1.5 cpl more than that. If I got paid more, I WOULD pay more. I must add that most of the work you can average well above $20.00 with that line rate.

Are there any good MTs out there - Meme

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I tried to e-mail you, as I may be interested in a job! The e-mail was returned to me, so I don't know how else to contact you. I have over 30 years' experience, an associate degree,and at least 1 reference who can tell you exactly how hard I work!

Good - oldandgray

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I also tried to respond to your post via email only to have it returned. How do you get on here and ask this question and not accept replies?

I didn't know - Frustrated

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I didn't know that I could not be sent replies? Not sure how that happened? However, right now I'm only THINKING about adding another MT. If I decide to do that, I will post on the job board. If you could give me a heads up on how I make it where I can accept replies, I would be more than happy to take your information for future use.

I sent you an email - I'll help you out nm - jodi

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the email bounced - jodi

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Looking and looking - Good MT

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I would love to find some steady work! I am a good MT!! I was laid off from my MT job and just can't find anything. If you want, you can email me and I can send a resume. Thanks!

as i see it - mtmt

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I give what I get for companies. If they are flexible for me when I need the flexibility, I will be flexible for them when they need it. If they are good to me, I will be equally good to them. Unfortunately, these days you're expected to give up every other aspect of your life and give all to them, and get nothing back in return.

I am a good mt but it is hard to care about producing a perfect report when the MTSO emphasis is - allonproduction

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and making the LPH, like Nuance does.

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I so look forward to these last 5 years going by fast:  Going back to college to get a  degree and walking away from MT never looking back.  If it wasnt for paying for my schooling, I'd be out of this by now.  If things get too bad I'd consider cutting lunch meat, stocking shelves at the neighborhood grocery store, whatever.  The only up side to my 10+ years of doing MT work has been able to stay home for my kids and making pocket change.&nb ...

Is This Good Pay Or Bad Pay???
Nov 11, 2009

.50 to .75 a page for legal for corporate: .40 to 1.00 per minute 0.0030 or 0.0040 per word.   I am so confused on whether this is good pay or not...help!     Thank you ...

Is This Good New Or Not?
Feb 17, 2010

http://nashville.bizjournals.com/nashville/stories/2010/02/15/daily9.html DO YOU THINK BELOW ARTICLE MAY HAVE SOMETHING TO DO WITH SOME OF US MT'S SENDING IN EMAILS TO THAT ONE POST MENTIONED A WEEK AGO TO A REPORTER?  A Massachusetts company says proposed procedures for selling the assets of bankrupt Spheris Inc. are unfair and discourage others from bidding on the Franklin-based medical transcription company. Nuance Communications Inc., a maker of speech recognition software, fi ...

Who Is MQ ASR Good For?
Jul 01, 2010

Makes no difference that I know of to the dictator.  Doesn't save him or her any money. Probably a negative for the patient, as I sincerely believe there is a bigger chance of their medical record being less than accurate. Sure is not a plus for us MT/ME's, except those extremely few who seem to have the right account, I would venture a guess of about 5% of us.  The only positive I see is to the client.  They are getting lied to, that if they go with ASR, it is such a g ...

Does Anyone Know Where I Can Get A Good
Apr 03, 2010

I have a trial version now, and I need it in 5 days.  Is it better to download from a website or get the "hard copy" and install?  I don't have a lot of money to spend. ...

Jun 23, 2011

IM   D O N E  with all this at mtstars !!!! ...

I Can't Be THAT Good!
Oct 13, 2010

Y'all are freaking me out!  All this talk about PM and being watched when uploading or downloading a job, etc. etc. etc.  I am only a lowly second-tier MT.  I have been corrected a lot and it's all valid -- or an opinion based correction.  All my corrections have fallen in the minor minor category, but the way y'all talk you'd think I'd be let go by now.  OMG people!  Our QA person just transferred to some other department, and I suspect all ...

Does Anyone Have Anything Good To Say
Mar 19, 2011

At least they bothered to get back to me.   ...

Trying To Be A Good MME
Jun 11, 2011

I have been an MT for 8 years before moving up to the MME position recently.  I told myself that I would never nitpick as I experienced in the past.  I still hold true to that.  We are to only fill in the blanks unless we note an obvious error, then its full QA, except we get paid the fill-in-the-blank line rate rather than 100% QA line rate (3 cpl rather than 4).  However, if we fill in the blank and NOT catch an error that is caught on the MTs audit, we get clobbered ( ...

So Far So Good...
Sep 22, 2011

So I'm the new employee that posted a week or so ago. So far things are going good. Still in training so we will see. I do love the software and since I'm new, ASR is really the only thing I know, so I enjoy it. By the way the comedy stop section is histerical...it's a great way to end the week:) ...

Dec 02, 2011

The obvious but the only thing that comes to mind now. ...

Something Good...
Dec 14, 2011

awhile back, i had posted about how MQ had taken over the company that i worked for and cut our pay in half...well, i am very happy to say that today, they they reinstated to almost what we were making, and are making it retroactive... ...

I'm Getting Out Of The MT Biz For Good!
Jan 20, 2012

After struggling financially and being increasingly unhappy with my job for three years (yes, only three years) I am officially DONE with MT work. I have other skills that would be more fullfilling to pursue and i'm going to do it. Honestly, i'd settle for a job at a grocery store at this point. At least i'd have a steady paycheck. I don't know if it's just me, but the monotony of this job makes me crazy. Just doing the same thing all day, every day, no socialization, QA ...

Oh Man, Not A Good Day When You Get An
Apr 13, 2012

22 letters long with more than its fair share of P's and J's who doesn't speak English dictating for 10+ minutes for your first report of the day.  ...

Anybody Else Have Good
Aug 27, 2012

ITS HORRIBLE and you are barely making your lines for that night?  This is like clockwork.  I will have a good day of dictation, speakers that actually make sense eventhough the VR still stinks and high line counts...the very next day, I am stuck with the worst speakers out there and barely get anything done and line counts to make you cry.  Is this just me by coincidence or anybody else have this issue too?? ...

All The Good Ones Are Gone Now.
Jan 08, 2013

I had been feeling so fortunate, getting mostly good dictators in recent months, but now, in the past couple of weeks, all I'm getting are dictators with thick accents with bad sound quality and static or female dicators with high-pitched, monotone voices that are like fingernails on a chalk board. I keep thinking it's a temporary phase, but there seems to be not much let up. It's so discouraging. I hope to see the day when all this overseas outsourcing comes to a halt with new ...

Anything Good Or Bad To Say About TTS
Jul 29, 2013

I am wondering if anyone has anything good or bad to say about TTS, and is their voice recognition program pretty good?  Thanks ...

Not A Good Day
Oct 02, 2013

I am not having a good day today.   Come to think of it, I have not had a good day  in a long time.   I seem to have a blank in every report lately and pretty sure my QC coach is getting on my nerves!!!   Hate to be negative, but can't help it.   I should change my alias to Debbie Downer!!! ...

How Sad It Is To Be So Good At Something
Oct 18, 2013

I could do MT in my sleep.  I fill in blanks with almost a 100% completion rate.  My QA scores are excellent.  Any specialty, name it, I know it.  And yet I'm embarrassed to tell anyone what I do because NOBODY CARES ANYMORE.  And I can't find a job doing anything else either. There just aren't any jobs that really require this skill.  It's just sad.  I wish I had learned to anything besides this. ...

Nov 19, 2013

I got notice via e-mail that I didn't provide ADT information for a report and now the report is removed from my work pool. I've done this account for 6 years. THEY WANT ME GONE!  I've never been told anything about this and to have an account removed is HUGE.  I have no choice but to quit and find some other means of income. NUANCE SUX the BIG ONE! ...

CCM Said It's Up Again, And So Far So Good.
Feb 25, 2014

x ...

Here's A Good Job
Mar 05, 2014

They want someone to do transcription AND coding     ...

Last Day! Good-bye
Sep 26, 2014

Today is my LAST day transcribing!  I start my new job on Monday!  I can't wait!  Good-bye transcription!  You were my bread and butter for about 15 years but transcription do not bring me any joy like it use to with all of the aweful changes!   Thank you to my manager for not answering my e-mails, for QA nitpicking me to death (despite on all my formal QA'd reports, I was always above 98%), thank you for not giving me a raise, thank you for treating me l ...

This Is Good..
Feb 03, 2015

I read this and found it interesting.  http://www.adoseofjenn.com/nuance/stay-away-from-nuance-medical   ...

Good Ol' Days
Oct 29, 2009

Remember the good old days, when we worked either in a transcription pool, the medical records department or at a doctor's office?  I was trying to figure out what a doctor was saying in a report and dreading leaving a QA marker for fear of "points"... I remember going to hunt down the doctors in the old days, sitting down to have conversations with them. They would help us fill in the blanks and mostly apologize for not speaking clearly (at least they did at the hospital where I ...