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Anyone happy at Trascend? - MTneedtoknow

Posted: May 03, 2010

I was contacted by a recruiter from Transcend requeting an interview setup.  I really am torn because I read so much on this board about Transcend.  I applied almost 6 months ago for a Beyondtxt account and now I hear back from them through email.  It makes me wonder if people are leaving in high numbers and they are calling out the backup.  Before I call the recruiter back, I would like to hear from anybody or somebody who is happy at Transcend and can some of you make a living on the infamous Beyondtxt platform.  I really need a job at this time.  Thanks everyone for any input or criticism.

I'm happy, and I'm making a living. - CrankyBeach

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Of course, I am also frequently accused of being a liar, a plant, and a suit. :) (I am currently none of those things. I've been a suit, and it's overrated, believe me. The money was nice, but it cost me too much.)

I've also been in this racket for nearly 38 years, so I am pretty darn FAST, and the state of the industry being what it is, one HAS to be fast to be able to make a living when one is working on production.

Granted, it's not a GREAT living, but I'm getting by. I also keep reminding myself of the trade-offs, i.e. I have no commute, no work wardrobe to maintain, nobody breathing down my neck, and NO OFFICE POLITICS! The sheer lack of having to deal with idiots every single day is worth at least a few dollars per hour... plus, factoring in the lack of wear-and-tear on the car, and the ability to go for more than a month without having to go to the gas station....

Please feel free to e-mail me at crankybeach at yahoo dot com if there are any specific questions I might be able to answer for you. They might even be trying to recruit you for my team, because we are short-handed at the moment (a new account that is not yet fully staffed; nobody has left recently that I know of).

I work on beyondtxt and I took more than a 50% cut in pay - Not happy

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on that program because it is so terrible. No one cares that the editor repeats the same mistakes over and over, that all you do is change punctuation a million times in every sentence, that it does not even make sense and I have had several reports where nothing was even close. It cannot type a year correctly, for example, 2008 comes out as 2000 eight or 2000 8, medication abbreviations always have a period after mg and you have to remove it, it adds a lot of words but skips paragraphs, words or sentences for no reason. It hardly ever types and, the, a, an, or and you have to stop and add those in. It substitutes a comma for each of them. Every single doctor name comes out as a generic name that was made up by the editor. Same for names of hospitals or towns in the region.

Remember, this is the newest and greatest thing so never make a complaint because you are always skating on thin ice at Transcend. They have no problems letting you know that you mean nothing to them and they do not care if you stay or go. They are the worst company I have ever seen. They used to be great but that all changed and now their idea of greatness is to "manage everyone out" which means get rid of everyone that is making money.

Sooo True - RLee

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My first and only experience with VR was with BeyondTXT so I had nothing to compare it with, therefore, I thought the problems you mentioned were the norm for any VR program. Don't forget all the emails from the editing proficiency person stating the editing process is what you make it - some MTS can up to 400 lines an hour!!! I never did and yes my pay was cut 50% when using their VR program. Glad you posted about their VR program - which Transcend endlessly brags about how good it is. It is obvious the people who created this are not MTs trying to make a living. I did like the typing platform and B-mode of typing in BeyondTXT, but that doesn't say much for the program, as these platforms are straight typing - lol.

Happy at Transcend - MDI/transcend

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I agree with what one person said about it all depends on which accounts you get, and I think it also depends upon your supervisor and how understanding she is. Right now, my supervisor is very condescending, snippy and treats the MTs like they are children and talks down to them, and she finds fault 80% of the time with what you do. I might say that if you come on board don't complain about anything. I disagree that there is no breathing down your neck, because there are still supervisors that do this. It is truly up to you as to what you do, but this experience has been an exhausting process for me since the merger, and I have poured my heart and soul into this company, bent over backwards to extend myself in whatever what I can. Just be sure and think this over very, very carefully. You can master BeyondTXT, but it is not easy because of the many things you have to remember, and I think in general it is a much slower program than the one we used at MDI, and it makes a lot of mistakes. I wish you well though!!!

Run the other way - RLee

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From reading some recent posts it is obvious people are quitting and moving on from Transcend. The newer employers from MDI who merged with Transcend are now seeing a different side as well. Speaking from my own experience - I would not recommend my worst enemy to this company. Your assumptions are probably accurate as to them calling out the backup. Why did they wait 6 months to contact you?? Run as fast as you can - they only tell you what you want to hear. Just my opinion with first hand experience.

Happy at Transcend? - tired, tired, tired

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There are people who are happy at Transcend and those who are not. Depends on what accounts you get, what platform to work on and what manager you are under. If you need the money give it a try and you might get lucky. Am I happy there? Not particularly, but I have worked for places that are a lot worse. Can I make a living off of what I earn from Transcend? Absolutely not, but I have other work to fall back on so I get by.

Happy and Transcend in the same sentence? - Never!

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I am starting a new job this week after working at Transcend for 2 years. (Though it seems much longer) My accounts were okay. My ROM was a monster. However, at least one person is happy there. So maybe you may not be happy but having an income is of some benefit. As far as making a living - not me. But if it is a choice of a job at Transcend and no job, I would take the job. It can be an interim job. There's nothing wrong with that because believe you me, they would kick an employee to the curb fast enough so loyalty on your part would be a lot more than they would ever give you. It is better than nothing and that is how I would rank working there.

Can't seem to get any momentum going with - BeyondTx. SM

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Working on the same account that I had at MDI. I feel I am working twice as hard and my line counts are pitiful. I am so exhausted. I used to fly through the dictation, now I spend the majority of my time doing things I am not paid for.

which accounts? - longtimemls

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I have been contacted to work for transcend and keep reading these posts. Does anyone have advice on accounts, platforms, managers? What should I stay away from? I definitely do not want to get stuck with one of the "monster" ones. Any input is appreciated.

I've never worked in BeyondXT but - I love eScription

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I was just hired on an eScription account which I have worked on before, which is one of the main reasons I chose Transcend.

You want to avoid Everything Bad. She is the worst of the worst. - one who knows

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Complaining doesn't help, she is the COO's buddy.

Anyone happy at Transcend? - karen

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Advice: If u get a certain recruiter from Missouri, record the conversation. U will get a pile of promises that evaporate after you've done the pile of paperwork. I worked for them many years and advise you to run screaming from them. The ASR is awful, a couple of their ROMs are monsters, and they simply do not care about their transcriptionists. They have gone the MQ route, getting way too big, too top heavy, and the muckety-mucks too enamored of $$$$ to reward the grunts (that would be us).

Very Happy and busy! - Transcend/former MDI

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My accounts are very busy and I have the best Team Leader there is. She is on both of my accounts and she is WONDERFUL.

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