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Trascend - TRCR employee

Posted: Jun 02, 2010

There are many changes going on with Transcend.  I have to agree with  the OP.  I've been with Transcend over 6 years.  My account was recently changed to a new region, and I am so disaapointed.  I cannot beleive the cherry picking going on wiith my account now.  I was one of the initial MTs on this account to train the VR system and worked really hard to make it happen.  Now. all my hard work is being cherry-picked.  It disgusts me to no end.  On my account it's not unusual to see 10 or more jobs just suddenly download with the worst dictaors.  I think the work ethic of some of their team leaders needs to be addressed.

Transcend - Liza

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Don't work for Transcend. They still owe me $700 from 3 years ago. The only way I would have been able to get it was go to the Labor Board in Alaska. Transcend doesn't keep their promises.

Don't put your faith or trust in Transcend - Ex-Transcend MT

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Today, in an 11-minute call, I lost my job with Transcend, they essentially screwed me big time. I made the mistake of going to the MT advocate on my behalf, before the merger, because I did not have any work, and this carried over to working for Transcend. I was put on an acct., which I saw deteriorate over the course of 2 months, to where they over-hired and it gradually took my work away in the evenings. I volunteered for the night shift also, when no one else wanted it. When I called this to their attention they said I did not carry out my job, and left jobs hanging, especially stat jobs, which was an absolute lie!! I kept documentation and tried to explain some things that happened on my shift to them. Well that did it. They started to micro-manage my work and watch me every second I was working, even to the point that at 1:30 in the morning I was sent an e-mail that I would lose my benefits and be placed in a part-time status if I did not "straighten up." I cried all night long. Then, they wanted me on a conference call, which ended a few minutes ago. They told me they no longer needed me, and she would not recommend me on any other acct. for Transcend. It hit me like a ton of bricks, no sympathy, no I'm sorry, nothing!!! Whatever you do, do not talk to your advocate. I have found out that hundreds of MTs have gone from Transcend, and they admittedly said to me that the MTs had been forced to go to part-time in order to keep their jobs. First, I will check a few things out with a lawyer that I talked to, and see what I can do, then I guess I will be looking for work and going to the unemployment office, and I told them today that they did me a favor,at least I will be getting some money back.

Sorry to hear this happened to you. - Also an Ex

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I was employed by them until a couple of weeks ago. Due to not being able to keep full time status, I thought it best to find employment elsewhere.

I hope others who read your story will consider what might lie ahead of them if they hire on there. With this many negative posts, do you really think your work experience there will be different?

Can you still access their system? PRINT PRINT PRINT - EVERYTHING!!!!

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I've advised other people to do this (not working for Transcend, I should stipulate), but whenever you get the skeeviest of feelings, like you're being targeted or watched, FORWARD EVERY SINGLE EMAIL THAT IS SUSPECT TO YOUR PERSONAL EMAIL ACCOUNT. ON TOP OF THAT, WHEN YOU REPLY TO ANY QUESTIONABLE EMAIL THAT SEEMS ODD, HIT "REPLY TO ALL." This type of behavior usually goes with sneaky blind CCs that the recipient usually isn't aware of; by doing "Reply to All," every blind CC will not only get a copy of your UNALTERED reply, but you'll may get to see who is in the loop, so to speak.

I am SO sorry this happened to you. PLEASE SEE AN ATTORNEY, GET YOUR UNEMPLOYMENT, and do NOT let this beat you!!!

Thank you so much, you are so sweet - former transcend MT
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I want to thank you for your e-mail because today has been really horrible for me,and even though I know it will be probably the best thing in the long run, I just wish it hadn't ended this way. In hind sight, I had thoughts of quitting before, and wish I had now, then I could have gone out on my own terms. Thanks for the advice, and I will do that. I just wish anyone who reads this takes this as a warning about this company, and I am not saying this because I am angry, it is true..there is something really wrong with this company, and the girls working for them are being sold out. They have lost accts recently, so don't think they won't be held accountable eventually. I just feel badly for the lives of the MTs they have ruined in the process. If you read everywhere on this board, the story is essentially the same, and we can't all be wrong. I would never, ever recommend this company to any MT. It is worse than what I went through at MedQuist,and that is saying a lot! They purposefully did this, and they did not even give me the courtesy of resigning. One had the audacity to tell me that this happened to her once, and how old is she, maybe 35 now. I told her she was not 64, and did not have a husband who was ill, and she said no, then I told her that she didn't know how I felt then. It will all come back some day..you just don't treat people like this. I wish I could have recorded what I said on my behalf to them, and let other MTs hear it..I think I held my own and was professional about it. Thanks again for all your nice words..it means a great deal to me right now. Hugs back:)
It's the lack of any common decency or humanitarism that upsets me so much - with the way Transcend handles things
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I'm just mortified that they blame the MTs for EVERYTHING there and they make it VERY personal when they do this to people. It's like they go above and beyond to twist the knife and inflict additional pain and suffering. I've never worked for the Evil Q, but at least when they engage in their underhanded behavior it doesn't sound like it's "personalized," if that makes sense. All the MTs seem to know what's going on and it's part of bigger plan, a larger scope, where more than a handful of MTs/CCMs, whatever, are going down.

But this with Transcend sounds like some bizarre, twisted, very PERSONAL attack wherein an MT is literally targeted like with a crossbow for annhilation, and for the life of me I cannot understand that. It's almost as if the act of terminating someone, robbing them of their livelihood, isn't enough. They have to dig deeper, find a soft spot, and go for blood. "YOU weren't good enough," "YOU didn't type fast enough," "YOU were not committed enough." I mean, for the love of all that is holy, is that type of verbal abuse and brow-beating necessary under ANY circumstance, much less when firing someone?

It's downright creepy to me. I'd change careers before I'd EVER work for them. Transcend obviously takes things way too personal, and I've helped other MTs with whom I've worked who started feeling "targeted." And you know what, my friend? At least 90% of the time, the MT was right, and replying to all on emails and forwarding every "odd" (you know those stilted, awkward emails that try to come off buddy-buddy but you can SENSE there's something off about them? THOSE emails) to your personal email IMMEDIATELY is crucial, because once you're locked out of the main system your proof is gone. So to anyone else reading this who's feeling targeted, PLEASE respond "reply to all" to any email that seems odd or gets your hinkometer up (those sneaky lil blind CCs get an unaltered reply from you and you may get the added bonus of seeing just who is in the loop to promote your removal), and IMMEDIATELY forward these odd emails to your personal email account. There's a reason they sound odd and there's a reason they're making you suspicious...they ARE suspicious and you're on somebody's radar, rest assured. BE PREPARED.

Anyway, sorry this is so long. I'm just shocked, appalled and mortified that a "company" obviously takes such a vicious means to an end, and I see hard-working MTs like YOU and many others being brow-beaten down and it sickens me. It seriously does take Transcend to an entire new level above MQ, IMO. Like I said, at least with the Q, you know they're evil, you know they're only interest is a buck...

But at least they don't personalize it.

These days it would be easy to replace the word - "Transend" with "most MTSOs" ! nm
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This company is pure evil - For sure!
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:-( I hope they self destruct with their lousy attitudes!
Transcend = Evil - end of story
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Print, Print & e-mail - 15+ exp
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How do you print when you dont have a TRCR email? I get my emails in my personal email already.
Sarcasm much? - Obviously you keep them
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Honestly, I cannot believe the way some of you have so much free time on your hands that you can sit there and just post sarcastic remarks.

Guess we know which side of the fence you're sitting on. Hope the fencepost doesnt bite you in the.....

Sarcasm - 15+ exp
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No, I'm not a suit, and the fence post is what you are sitting on most likely! 99% of emails I get from employer are password coded, and when I hit print I get "You are not authorized for this activity." As to time on my hands, I'm always on her after my shift, which is more than I can say for a lot, imho. Karma is what will get you. I work my fingers off, as do most of us here, to work to provide for our families rather than sit on our duffs on welfare. Last I heard, the constitution guaranteed us free speech, even your crappe and biting remarks. This industry has cost most of us our homes, some their marriages, and some their will to work. I've worked 10-12 hours a day in this business for the last 20 years, and will continue to do so. Sounds more like you are on the other side of the fence to me, imho.
You can't print out your own personal emails? - nm
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That seems to be happening industry-wide. Has nothing - to do with your work-quality, and - sm

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everything to do with an industry-wide push to get rid of US employees. If they can't get us to quit by doing what you describe, such as less work, less pay, crummier accounts, etc., then they pull this micromanaging bull on us.

They can *claim* all they want that you did not live up to their *standards*, but we all know better than that, don't we? They laid you off, and did it in such a way as to try to get out of paying UE. Hang onto your documentation, and if one lawyer doesn't think you have a case, forget about him and go on to the next one.

And if it's truly legal for a company to pull that stunt, (especially when we KNOW it's mostly experienced US MTs that are seeing this happen the most), then maybe it's time to start becoming activists in our own behalf, when it comes to getting this lucrative little employer loophole permanently plugged.
Too bad all MTs couldn't just --sm - Dolly
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Some managers always have to have a "target". As soon as you have been beaten sufficientl - watcher

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they will go on and find another one. Behind the scenes there are the constant complaints to their bosses to keep deflecting their own inefficiencies from being discovered because you can keep them preoccupied on the issues with their "target".

My take on all of management at Transcend at this point is that they are very, very sick people and really would be the best thing, work wise and personally, to find a good pschiatrist or counselor to help them find out why they hate themselves so much that they will never be happy even when they have made everyone else miserable.

Unfortunately, too, I have seen far too many posts that have the employee advocate right in the middle of it. It seems that rather than an advocate she is acting as an "data miner" on your personal life and problems or issues and feeding this directly to management as a tool to use against you. I would avoid contact with her.

Absolutely! Paid Informant might be more appropriate than - Employee Advocate

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I agree wholeheartedly...whoever this person is/people are, I think it very suspect their title crops up in at least half of these posts. Something smells funny there.

And I also agree wholeheartedly in that once you have been targeted as this unfortunate OP was, you will not be reprieved or spared. Once they have you in the cross-hairs, you ARE going down.

My heart goes out to everyone of these MTs and I've got a pretty icy heart.

oh, yeah.... we had the fake "employee advocate" rat us - all out once at an in house job. sm

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This particular one came under the guise of an "employee relations psychologist". Pfftt! Psychologist my @$$... she was an informant. Not long after her little "sessions" with us, instead of getting a reprieve from the harrassment, which is the ONLY thing we all wanted, instead we were singled out and targeted, one by one, until all senior (15-year-plus) MTs had either quit or been let go because of false accusations.

Lovely career, MT.

Ive had too many managers like that: True mental - cases that have to boost their own - sm

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egos and sense of self-worth by stomping on all of their unfortunately subordinates. And you're right - they do go from person to person to person. Sometimes it's totally random, but most often they go after the more senior workers, the ones who know the score and are the biggest threat to their credibility with upper management.

I sometimes wonder how these people even get management jobs in the first place, except that I think some are promoted up from within when they just don't know what else to do with them.

Many of them are not only evil underneath, but frequently you can tell the moment you're introduced to your "new manager" that something "jest ain't right" about them. And of course, when they're finally off of probabion themselves, and flying solo, then they really start to come down hard on those they supervise. That's when their true colors and their raging psychological defects really start picking up steam. It takes some of these so-called managers a few weeks to start putting the thumbscrews to their subordinates, but I had one recently who started doing it just a week after she came on-board, and was still being scrutinized by her manager. Of course, the problem there was that HER manager was as much of a sick-o as she, which is probably why she was chosen.

"Birds of a feather", you know....

Thank you to everyone!! - ex-transcend employee

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I am overwhelmed with the kindness that you have all shown me, and I must say all of your statements were so eloquent!!! Wish management could see just how intellingent MTs are, and how they underestimate that intelligence every day. I had mentioned in an earlier note that the MT advocate, starts with an "S", said that we should be "honored" that Transcend accepted us into their little "fold" and waived the 120-day waiting period, like this was some kind of "kiss the ground on walk on" speech, and we should never question anyone in authority, do as we are told, and keep our mouths shut. I am the first one to say, or admit when I am wrong, but this time I am not. These were bogus charges made against me, and they did not even follow the chain of warning letters before terminating someone. One of the girls in tech support said that when a job showed up in my queue that was already an overdue job, it was placed there on purpose to make it look like I had overlooked it and did not do it in time. I know this sounds somewhat ludicrous, but there is another part to this story, which I may tell everyone later. I was also told by one MT, admittedly, that when we were slow she was holding onto jobs. I told the ROM about this and she did not want to hear it, and I think this MT is part of the informant group, because she befriended me and asked me some very private questions, which I did not want to answer, and when I told her now she did not stop. Also the MT advocate is a part of this little conspiracy, because she comes on here and looks around to see who is talking about Transcend and represents herself as someone who wants to help the MT, that is not the case. She is being used by management to find out information on here to get the MTs in trouble, then she takes this information back to management and tells them all about it. This all started before the merger when I had no work and asked for a secondary acct. They begrudgingly gave me one, but the advocate did try to help me then, and it provoked some bad feelings between me and and another upper level manager, so she was not happy with me, and this carried on into Transcend. When my work slowed down on 1 acct, over a period of 1 month, I asked for an additional acct. They did not like this either. They told me I should then split my shift, and why should I do that because they asked me to work a 7 p.m. to 3 a.m. shift to cover evening hours. The more I persisted they tried to tell me that no one else felt they needed a second shift, and the work was plentiful. By the way, I hardly ever got a stat report and when I asked why, they did not have a good answer, and I also brought this up too. The work was being taken away from a couple of us to give the new people they hired more work. They had actually over-hired on this acct., which has happened before. This has been a well played out scenario with trumped up charges in order to force my hand. They did turn the knife pretty deeply in, and I even asked to stay on another acct., and they said that they did not trust me to work for them anymore, and I think that is when it really hurt.

I have had awards, glowing letters of recommendation before, my typing is excellent, and I always had high QA scores. This was done to be out of sheer spite and retribution for asking too many questions and requesting what I thought was my right.

Again, thanks to all of you, and I feel the same way as you do about people being treated in such a dehumanizing way..it is truly mean and degrading.

P.S. Don't worry - they DO read these posts. - and usually come back with vile replies

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This is a horrible, immature, MT-baiting company. I wouldn't refer them to my worst enemy.

I am glad that everyone has made you feel better. It is not you. This company seems to enjoy baiting and engaging in immature dialogue displayed on this board. I can only imagine how they are when no one is looking!

They really did do you a favor. Had you quit you could not collect unemployment - now you can!

Keep your chin up. You have done nothing wrong, you just chose to work for the wrong company. I hope anyone thinking about working for this company reads these boards. Pretty soon they won't have anyone working for them, then they'll have to start picking on each other. That would be fun to watch!

Good luck to you and consider yourself lucky! :-)

Please file for unemployment right this minute! sm - another MT

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Even if they come back with some bogus reason you should be denied (meaning Transcend), tell the unemployment people what you've said here and you will get your unemployment.

It's not much, but at least it's something.

Doubtful will change nope, won't , team leaders are PUSHED - .

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to get such and such numbers no matter what if they want to keep THEIR JOBS.

It is push dog-eat dog or you are out, or dumped on that is how corporate america works and should not of course

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