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Anyone else slow these days at IMEDX/TT? - OldSchoolMT

Posted: Jan 14, 2015

If so, what shift?  It has really only been this week, and I DO realize MT is feast or famine. 

Just wondering.

No - not at all. I do not work early morning - nm

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Not me. Got a new backup this week. So far, so good. - Long reports

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mine was not bad until today, jobs in queue keep - disappearing

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I had 3 jobs, did one and when I finished it the other 2 had disappeared - this is not normal. Then I got another one almost an hour later and when I tried to do it IT disappeared. Not very happy making.

You must work on an account - other than the eScription accounts

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I don't want to say the name of the account because there are very few of us working the account, but I too have had 3 jobs in my Q only to have one or more of them disappear. The last couple of times it happened, we were suddenly out of work, so I missed out on those jobs towards my quota. I hate my supervisor.

It has been slow for me - I work

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3 - 11 on the weekends and it has been extremely slow. It should pick up in a week or two. Everyone is still in the holiday mode.

Yes, I have noticed the work is low.... - kshe

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I have been chasing reports today, all day. Keep running OOW. The lines are harder to get when there is a lot of pacing, waiting, et al, ya know? At least there is some work.

it will be slow for a few weeks and then it should pick up - anon

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Funny how - it is slow now. (sm)

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Right when everyone is going to get paid out for the forced vacation rollover payout and its based on what you make the preceding weeks.

Could be a coincidence.

It usually is slow around holiday time before and - after...

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everyone pretty much knows that if they have been in transcription for any length of time. Stop stirring the pot. With all of the companies bought out by Imedx, you cannot expect each individual company to retain the same benefits, vacations, etc. That would get too confusing and common sense should tell you that.


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If you're slow, it's not just the holiday slow down, they are sending more work offshore. They laid off people before Christmas, after Christmas and they are getting ready to lay off more. These people are completely heartless.

Are they laying off the Indians or the US MT's? - nm

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I wait for a pink slip everyday.

Lay Offs - anonMT

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Were these FT positions or PT? I am considering going PT as there is not enough to sustain FT work and I'm not up to chasing the work 7 days a week.

TY for the update - Just wondering how anyone gets this info? - SmileyChica

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I just am not in touch with anyone else who works at the company and do not have an inside source. Would love to know how to be more "in the know."

How many have been laid off so far and how many are in the line of fire? Or is it everyone stateside? It would be nice to know so we are able to plan.

Also, if another person pulls the "stirring the pot" idiocy on this site just b/c it is a different opinion or not information they like, I am pretty sure I am going to come unglued. Stop it! Let's just share information, and stating an unpopular idea or an idea that has not been stated yet is not STIRRING THE POT. It is exchanging ideas. Knock it the heck off and let's support each other.

Again, thank you for the info!

I am the "idiot". - It is stirring the pot.

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Unless the person has inside information about the layoffs and from whom why scare everyone? Based on your post, you are now worried, I am guessing more so than before. Unless her information is an actual FACT this person is stirring the pot and scaring people. In buyouts there usually are layoffs. I am a TT transcriptionist, I am well aware a layoff is possible, I do not see the need for such a post, unless this person has actual facts, and I want to know where that information came from, either directly from Imedx, management, etc. So go ahead become unglued, wouldn't you prefer the truth? I believe in being supportive in a good way rather than have more rumors start and upset people. I will not "knock it the heck off", I want the truth so I can go to my supervisor and ask direct questions as to whether it is the truth or not, and if it will reflect on TT's buyout. One more thing, I need my job, I need the money, I am not working for the fun of it, and I am concerned, and I believe in different opinions, I do not believe given our circumstances someone should come on here to scare people, especially given the buyout - give us the truth and where it came from so we can be better prepared - that is the ADULT thing to do.
Good luck with that supervisor thing - Getting a straight answer, that is.
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I don't know who your super is, but mine is perhaps the most secretive, evasive person who also likes to play mind games.

Are you the SmileyChica that gave - help with TT gift card?

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That was a positive post and many were appreciative for the information, that was a FACT. Your post was the truth and informative. You didn't come on here and say for those of you who don't know how to activate your gift cards, throw them out, they are no good, etc.

My point is to help us get the correct information so we can plan for what may lie ahead. It is not idiocracy to want to know the truth and from where it came from.

I am that - Chica.
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And, my "stirring the pot" reprimand was probably way too harsh. I should have just kept my mouth shut. I, personally, don't want to chase people away or not hear new ideas or what others have to say b/c anytime someone does it someone accuses them of "stirring the pot" and then they are too afraid to post or feel like it is a waste of time. So, I am apologizing for saying it was idiocy, for sure. I hope whoever (whomever - I always get that wrong) was offended accepts my apology. I just want us on here SUPPORTING each other (we have enough to worry about) and not knocking each other down. If it sounds like it is "stirring" and then turns out to be true, it wasn't. We can question posts, but let's not say its stirring the pot. Every time someone posts something that sounds like stirring that can be discredited, it is another form of support in a roundabout way.

Let's stick together!

Again, sorry for my choice of words and for sounding harsh. I stand corrected.

Please give us more and not just - drop a bomb and walk away

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Please elaborate. I'm not asking you to reveal so much info you might be revealing your identity, but please tell us more. I appreciate your info and your willingness to share.

Are specific accounts going to India soon? How many MTs possibly in jeopardy in the immediate future?

Please give us more info

You know this how? Where is your information - coming from?

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How do you have inside information?

Usually when a company is bought out, there are bound to be layoffs, starting with management. If transcriptionist/editors/QA are not making minimums, then they will probably be let go. In my 20 years experience, IT IS SLOW just before and after the holidays. With the TT buyout, we were downsized with management, IT and maybe some transcriptionists/editors to come, that is a given. In this date and age, no one's job is a sure thing, especially transcription.

slow at iMedX - sugar

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Incredibly slow. I do not believe it is due to the holidays, but rather not even work to go around. Several MTs suddenly lost their major account in December and were given new primary and backups. Right now, I work a new primary and a new backup. In the last 18 months 3 primary accounts have disappeared that I personally worked on. Unless you are part of the team where these accounts are disappearing, as I am, nobody is going to tell you accounts are being lost, IMHO. I am ready to file for underemployment due to lack of work on my scheduled shift, before my shift, after my shift, and on weekends.

Imedx lack of communication - Lets help each other

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Sugar is absolutely correct in the fact that if it is not an account you are on, you will never hear it has been lost. Also some supervisors share info and some don't. For example, I was never told MN, our HR person, was gone, but other MTs seemed to have supervisors that shared this info. I only found out about it on MTStars. I don't even know who I am supposed to turn to with an HR problem as I have never been given that info. I know the name of the VP of HR at Imedx, but I seriously doubt I am supposed to bother her with questions about PTO, etc.

I can't remember the last time I got an e-mail from DH about anything company wide (at least directed to the TT MTs). From my perspective, there is no unity at all with Imedx.

I would like to encourage all MTs who come to this board working at Imedx to share info as they receive it. We are all still very much in that "transition" phase with this company and I believe changes are still to come. Some of us may hear about those changes sooner than others. It would be helpful to all of us in decision making for the future.

Same here - TTmt

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I haven't heard much either from imedx folks & get most of my news here. The shift mgrs don't get much more info than we do. Now that the email loop is set up (completely?), I'm getting more emails from mgr. I never hear anything about folks leaving, so no clue who's left. As for PTO, that info is on the website with our paystubs, etc. I send any questions to my mgr. If it's not the right way to do things, she'll tell me.
My only question here in light of all the disquiet, especially with - TT MTs, is if any TT MTs have
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Have been laid off and/or lost accounts, WHY are they keeping so quiet? Aside from above post I havent seen any statements about lost accounts or layoffs. Wondering every day if i am going to have a job tomorrow or next week, i would like to be better informed. clearly TT no longer exists except in our broken hearts and imedx isnt telling us anything ever, so any heads up we get from this usually vocal group would be gratly appreciated.
TT - TTmt
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One reason I feel any "optimism" at all regarding our jobs is that I've seen nothing on here from an MT from TT saying they got laid off recently. You'd think if any of us lost our jobs, wouldn't one of the early reactions be getting on here to let us all know? Unless TT tells somebody that they cannot legally come on here & cry, if it was me losing this job, I'd be on here & let folks know that there's truth in the rumors. So far, some of the rumors haven't been proven to me. A lot of change has happened, some less than pleasant, but all of us commenting here still have jobs. I don't know what to think. I feel the ax overhead too & hate it. It would be great if they'd just say whether or not there are plans to let any of us go.

It's always slow this time of year - Even before we were sold like slaves at an auction

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I always look back at my past years' time logs to see if we were slow then too, and it was pretty darn slow the last couple of years during January. That doesn't mean that something isn't going on with iMedX, however. I try not to get sucked into rumors and hearsay, but there is apparently some things going on with lay-offs, etc. My account hasn't been affected so far, but I am having to come back in the evenings and work weekends to make my quotas right now, if that tells you anything.

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