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What is up with iMedx these days? - Questions

Posted: Jun 14, 2015

Do they still have the hiring freeze? 

Do they have any work available?

Are they still losing accounts?

Haven't seen anything about them in a while and very curious about them.  I got out of the field altogether but a friend wants a PT job.  She worked for one of the buyout companies years ago.


Dunno, NO, dunno and wouldn't do it - xx

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Accounts are going offshore - myself

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I worked on the QA side and my job was eliminated a few weeks ago. All the accounts I had been working on had gone offshore. Not sure what's going on otherwise.

Are you able to get unemployment? - nm

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Yes - Myself
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I am getting unemployment. I'm not a former TT employee so I know nothing about those accounts. Just what I was working on and they all went offshore.

All I will say is.... - MT

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Tell her don't even bother to apply there even if they don't have a hiring freeze. I can't speak for all accounts, but I do know that most of the ones taken over from TT are either gone or barely have any work.

Not true...my account has work and only runs out occasionally and I have a backup for when that happ - nm

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In case you didn't see it the first time... - MT

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I can't speak for all accounts, but I do know that most of the ones taken over from TT are either gone or barely have any work.
Well, my accounts have always been TT accounts and are still here and have plenty. - nm
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TT accts - Me
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Me too, work on old TT accts okay.
Again, I said I can't speak for ALL accounts, but - MT
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there are a lot of accounts that were lost and/or have minimal work. I'm glad that you have a lot of work... for now. Enjoy it!!!

Lucky for you - Anon

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Then you are lucky because I was just let go from them for no work on my account.
Do they let people go via email?? - nm
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